You're right - I thought it was weird as well, and is why I posted it.
If the most common answer had been 'Ability to live in another country' or ' EU membership is good for UK Trade ' then I could perhaps understand.
By the way - I said those who replied with those stupid answers may be intellectually lacking - not lacking intelligence. Always thought the difference between intelligence and intellect is that our current cat is far more intelligent than our previous cat, but cat's don't have intellect. At least, not as far as I'm aware.
As for the Healthcare funding - who knows ? When the UK's contributions end, there'll be another €12 billion or so available for public spending, some of which may go to the NHS, some of which most probably won't. Too early to tell. But whichever Govenment is in power in 2019, they'll have another €12 bllion plus ( heaven forbid ) possible import tarrifs to spend as they want / need. It really is unrealistic to expect the Government to start spending that €12 billion immediately when they haven't actually got those savings yet. So yes, those you speak of may ultimately be proven to have been wrong, post-2019, but not yet.