Just a couple of unrelated facts:
- 6,1% of the working age population in the UK is from other parts of the EU. 10,8% from the rest of the world; overall 3,3m EU nationals live in Britain, while 5,4 migrants from the rest of the world.
- When it comes to individual countries of migrants, Poland and India are leading by quite some distance, followed by Pakistan, Ireland, Germany, Romania and Bangladesh.
- Germany, Norway, Ireland, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland all have higher % shares of EU foreigners as part of their working-age population. (Switzerland has 18,6% from the EU and 14,8% from the rest of the world!)
- The UK and Norway are the only two countries in the EU28, where foreigners are much more likely to be employed compared to the native population.
- Spain > Ireland > France > Germany > Italy > Netherlands > Cyprus > Poland are the countries with most UK migrants