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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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I wonder if the UK is cut off completely from EU intelligence who'll suffer the most. I bet Islamic fundamentalists have all the reasons to hate Swedish people more then the Brits.

There again this will act as a kick at the butt to EU bureaucrats who oppose the setting of an EU army. Its high time the EU gets organised on that and be militarily independent without any help from outsiders
I wouldnt want to get into who it hurts most, itll hurt both sides plenty. And if European spooks arent talking to each other as much it helps the baddies.
We're a global trading nation. We are outward looking. So yeah, I think in that case we would be OK because we would have loads of opportunities in India and China. No problem.
What about footballers? You know the basis of most of our football teams.
What about footballers? You know the basis of most of our football teams.
She said the Conservatives watched Westworld in a recent cabinet meeting and are looking at creating cyborgs with British citizenship to ensure the standard in the PL is maintained and to give our national team half a chance of winning something in our lifetimes.
She said the Conservatives watched Westworld in a recent cabinet meeting and are looking at creating cyborgs with British citizenship to ensure the standard in the PL is maintained and to give our national team half a chance of winning something in our lifetimes.

I think Phil Jones might be a prototype, just not quite the finished article. Better now they've installed the learning chip though.
I wouldnt want to get into who it hurts most, itll hurt both sides plenty. And if European spooks arent talking to each other as much it helps the baddies.

What Europe should do is that next time the UK/US decides to bombar erm 'liberate' a country they would unite and condemn the action and threaten with sanctions. Russia being Russia and also a neighbour of those affected areas will probably join the ranks, probably dragging China with it. The UK and the US would also enjoy a lionshare of the undivided hatred of Islamist fundamentalists.

The US and the UK must remember the reason why they won the cold war (ie they had more friends then the communists did). Now what would happen if the EU, Russia and China join ranks against the US and the UK?
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Stop defending them with our soldiers, nukes and spies, basically.

Most of the EU are part of Nato anyway, so it's a fairly empty threat.

And it's much easier for the EU to build up its intelligence capacity in a two year time period than it is for the UK to replace every single EU institution and regulatory body we currently rely on.

Exactly. We have very little leverage, apart from the threat to ruin this country by creating a low-tax zero regulation economy to undercut Europe.

What a terrible position to be in. Brexit can work, but only if we compromise heavily and look at it pragmatically rather than this consistent delusion of grandeur from everyone who voted for Brexit that we're a powerful economy that can bully the EU (as a bloc, not Germany or France alone) and get them to agree to our demands of free trade and no free movement.

But Germany won't want to lose their car sales!

I know this is sarcastic...

But those who genuinely espouse that argument massively underestimate how willing the EU will be to take a small to moderate financial hit to maintain the political project (leaving aside the fact that any trade agreement would have to be approved by all 27 countries, including places like Hungary and Bulgaria for whom the loss of FOM would be seen as a slur)
Yes but don't forget they'd be expats not immigrants
To us, they are not to the people living in those countries. They are immigrant taking their jobs. What about people who have retired abroad, have holiday homes abroad? Cost of holidays abroad? How we are treated while on holiday?
What Europe should do is that next time the UK/US decides to bombar erm 'liberate' a country they would unite and condemn the action and threaten with sanctions. Russia being Russia and also a neighbour of those areas will probably join the ranks. The UK and the US would also enjoy a lionshare of the undivided hatred of Islamist fundamentalists.
Well Russia and the US seem to be getting on a bit better these days so maybe Putin would rather come onto the Anglo Saxon side.

But in all seriousness, that does not seem to be the way things are developing at all, not to me anyway. Britain's appetite for invading / liberating countries is pretty low right now, we voted against taking action in Syria. Trump talks about how NATO is no longer useful and the US should stop interfering in other countries. Im not saying these are positive things of course, he could extend that to refusing protecting European countries from a Russian invasion.

And while yes Islamists have every reason to hate the UK and US more than the EU, it seems like France and Belgium are easy pickings for them. So yes, of course you are right the UK needs EU help with security, but its not like Britain taking its warmongering ways and leaving is going to make the EU some kind of Utopia where terrorists no longer have any ambitions.
To us, they are not to the people living in those countries. They are immigrant taking their jobs. What about people who have retired abroad, have holiday homes abroad? Cost of holidays abroad? How we are treated while on holiday?

Of course, attititude towards Brits may change for the worse after this.
Rise in sale of caravans and tents and holidays at home. That'll go down well. At least our drunks will be showing themselves up at home rather than letting us down abroad.

Part of the reason the UK economy boomed a little after Brexit. Lot of people I knew who always went abroad for their holidays stayed at home for supposed varied reasons, increase cost because of devaluation of the pound, fear of terrorism attacks.
Well Russia and the US seem to be getting on a bit better these days so maybe Putin would rather come onto the Anglo Saxon side.

But in all seriousness, that does not seem to be the way things are developing at all, not to me anyway. Britain's appetite for invading / liberating countries is pretty low right now, we voted against taking action in Syria. Trump talks about how NATO is no longer useful and the US should stop interfering in other countries. Im not saying these are positive things of course, he could extend that to refusing protecting European countries from a Russian invasion.

And while yes Islamists have every reason to hate the UK and US more than the EU, it seems like France and Belgium are easy pickings for them. So yes, of course you are right the UK needs EU help with security, but its not like Britain taking its warmongering ways and leaving is going to make the EU some kind of Utopia where terrorists no longer have any ambitions.

The big military powers will always be Russia, China and the US and the big prize remains in the ME were the oil is. We've already seen how Boris was silenced when he dared speaking badly about Saudi Arabia which is pro US and pro UK.

If Russia/China can exploit this brainfart moment from the US to bring Europe closer to them then they will, especially Russia who shares borders with the same countries the US likes to cause problem in. That will in turn strengthen Iran's hand against Saudi Arabia a win win for Russia.

Don't take me wrong, I agree with most you're saying. Its time the EU gets its act together which include an EU army and a global response to terrorism. It will have to whether it likes it or not (unless it plans to be Trump's bitch). However we're heading to a cold war and in any unstable period enemies can quickly become friends and viceversa. Now the last time the US won the cold war it was because the US had more friends then Russia and China. What would happen if Trump pisses Europe enough for it to search a new bed to sleep in (China? Russia?)
Will we be able to sign EU footballers or will the work permits seriously come into play and only the best will be allowed in? A lot seem to sneak through the system. That could affect the lower teams as they would not be able to afford the top notch players and would not be as attractive. Surely that will make the big clubs more and more powerful.
Why does it bother you what she asks for that she wont get? Once negotiations with any country or union begin you should ask for the moon on a stick and that applies to anything in life.

Because when they've said clearly that some things are off the table, giving a speech saying you're going to demand them anyway (and waving threats around in the process) makes the U.K. look stupid and out of touch with reality.
Why does it bother you what she asks for that she wont get? Once negotiations with any country or union begin you should ask for the moon on a stick and that applies to anything in life.

Negotiations don't work that way. Not professional negotiations, anyway. If you lose all hint of credibility before there's even been the first round of negotiations then you're doomed from the start.
Have you picked that number out randomly ? Last time I checked all immigration total to around 9% of the population.
Yes, totally, it was merely an example to highlight a part of the problem. I think perceptions are important and eliminating the MIF helped increase the negative perceptions about immigration.
Some of the responses here are total hysteria.

In military and intelligence terms, the British PM is a more reliable quantity for Europe's Baltic states than her counterparts in other Western capitals. I fully expect us to reach an agreement for their citizens already present in the country too, which will bolster that connection into the future.

It was awful; just pandering to the brexiteers. You seriously think that the EU will agree to the cherry picking May expects.

May set out in clear terms the Government's fundamental objectives, and in light of the present EU framework stated that we will not be maintaining our membership of the single market. We will be seeking new agreements and seeking as close relationship as possible (even hinted at a modest financial contribution for common projects).

Perhaps you were listening to a different speech.
Flabbergasted by some of the comments from MPs after the speech. "The EU is 40% of our market, so let's leave it and let other markets magically appear. Because the EU has only 7% of the world's population".

We'll do trade with The Commonwealth, you know them we told to piss off when we joined the EU?
Some of the responses here are total hysteria.

In military and intelligence terms, the British PM is a more reliable quantity for Europe's Baltic states than her counterparts in other Western capitals. I fully expect us to reach an agreement for their citizens already present in the country too, which will bolster that connection into the future.

May set out in clear terms the Government's fundamental objectives, and in light of the present EU framework stated that we will not be maintaining our membership of the single market. We will be seeking new agreements and seeking as close relationship as possible (even hinted at a modest financial contribution for common projects).

Perhaps you were listening to a different speech.

I listened to and watched it live on Sky News - and like the majority in this thread have formed the same opinion of the speech - she's going to leave the single market, ECJ, Customs Union and if the EU doesn't give us what we want then we'll make a veiled threat of 'not sure exactly'.

If you lost the City and passporting rights, would you still think Brexit was a good idea?
I listened to and watched it live on Sky News - and like the majority in this thread have formed the same opinion of the speech - she's going to leave the single market, ECJ, Customs Union and if the EU doesn't give us what we want then we'll make a veiled threat of 'not sure exactly'.

If you lost the City and passporting rights, would you still think Brexit was a good idea?
It's alright we will just raid Nick's piggy bank.
Yes, totally, it was merely an example to highlight a part of the problem. I think perceptions are important and eliminating the MIF helped increase the negative perceptions about immigration.

The same would be true if there was an internal migration of the same numbers. In the face of increased demand central and local government should be providing more funds from the taxes these people pay to fund services.
Flabbergasted by some of the comments from MPs after the speech. "The EU is 40% of our market, so let's leave it and let other markets magically appear. Because the EU has only 7% of the world's population".


So trade with Europe is going to cease because we don't to be part of Brussels' flawed political experiment any longer?
I am full of questions today. We know Donald Trump is pleased we are leaving the EU, which has likely miffed the EU countries. What if he make a mess of it eventually and the next US president is pro-EU?