Today's edition of let's laugh at Brexiteers...
Found this speech and the analysis very on point.
Theresa May's deal was a treaty that kept us too closely aligned to the EU, which meant it would be a brexit in name only. Boris's treaty removes some of that alignment but with some compromising.This is brilliant. She is on point on this one.![]()
May would have been much better than Johnson. She's a hard worker and detail-orientated.
May would have been much better than Johnson. She's a hard worker and detail-orientated.
I disagree there. She was terrible. No one ever really knew what her intentions were.
Her Lancaster house speech in January 2017 was a tough message to the EU about the government's intentions in the upcoming brexit negotiations, but a month later she soften her approach considerably with her mansion house speech. No one really knew what was going on. She found she couldn't appease brexiteers with so many opposition remainers in parliament, so she sought to strengthen her hand by winning a larger majority to get her bills through. It backfired disastrously because her campaign was pitiful. She changed her mind so often, no one knew what form brexit would take. Because of this, it allowed Corbyn to sneak in and a claim he would get brexit done, and he gave all kinds of future faking promises as well.
With a weakened government she ebbed to and fro making concession after concession, and watching her cabinet members walk away one after the other. In the end she came up with a deal with the EU that was a treaty keeping us completely tied to the EU without the benefits of being a member. Pointless from a leave perspective, and a remain perspective.
Boris's deal is much much better, but not perfect with regards to services, Northern Ireland, and fishing. Obviously many aspects of the arrangement will be tweaked over time.
I think you'll see a year or more of grace period to phase in full border checks. For example, the FT reported yesterday on one of the side deals: UK and EU attempt to ease Brexit paperwork burdenI thought May was a terrible PM but compared to Johnson she actually looks good. Johnson is hopeless - he's given away NI, got no deal on services, got British people needing a permit to go into Kent , has nothing prepared for Brexit, he has actually negotiated nothing for the UK , even the fish which he made into a major issue he has gained virtually nothing.
You can tell by what he says he doesn't even understand Brexit himself, he is clueless and the fact he went to Eton wasn't because he was clever, it was because his parents paid for him,
At present the Covid crisis has saved him from immediate censor as the borders are virtually closed.
If he's still PM in a year's time I'd be surprised.
Companies exporting goods between the UK and the EU will be given a year to produce the supporting paperwork proving their goods are eligible for zero-tariff access to the EU, offering industries temporary relief from some of the new red tape they face after Brexit.
I think you'll see a year or more of grace period to phase in border checks. For example, the FT reported yesterday on one of the side deals: UK and EU attempt to ease Brexit paperwork burden
I'm actually not that worried about the border flow, primarily because Ireland is so reliant on it too. It's in both the UK and EU's interest to keep freight flowing relatively smoothly. I'm sure there will be flare ups and disputes every so often, but in the main I expect the trusted-trader schemes in the deal and lenient application of checks will help keep it from all going completely off the rails, unless the UK starts dramatically changing its product regulations.
This is what my hauliers are telling me... though they also say that they thought there would have been more issues on day one... probably it won't be as bad as the worst projections but there will be some issues... and probably both sides just point at the other and say you were wrongWe won't see the full effects until the borders go back to normal, ie. normal passenger and freight traffic.
This is what my hauliers are telling me... though they also say that they thought there would have been more issues on day one... probably it won't be as bad as the worst projections but there will be some issues... and probably both sides just point at the other and say you were wrong
To my mind little things like vat deferral bonds are probably going to be a bigger problem moving forwards as I just don't think the banks are set up for it properly
Theresa May's deal was a treaty that kept us too closely aligned to the EU, which meant it would be a brexit in name only. Boris's treaty removes some of that alignment but with some compromising.
Boris did actually vote for Theresa May's deal with other hardline brexiteers like Rees Mogg, when it looked as though things were heading in the direction of having to either accept this deal, remain, or hold a second referendum.
Boris's landslide election victory gave him more weight to negotiate harder with the EU.
May a good leader?
Of course, Labour thought Mrs. May was a marvellous Tory leader, she almost gave Corbyn the keys to No10.
Well that "harder" negotiation sure seems to have worked out.Theresa May's deal was a treaty that kept us too closely aligned to the EU, which meant it would be a brexit in name only. Boris's treaty removes some of that alignment but with some compromising.
Boris did actually vote for Theresa May's deal with other hardline brexiteers like Rees Mogg, when it looked as though things were heading in the direction of having to either accept this deal, remain, or hold a second referendum.
Boris's landslide election victory gave him more weight to negotiate harder with the EU.
May a good leader?
I thought May was a terrible PM but compared to Johnson she actually looks good. Johnson is hopeless - he's given away NI, got no deal on services, got British people needing a permit to go into Kent , has nothing prepared for Brexit, he has actually negotiated nothing for the UK , even the fish which he made into a major issue he has gained virtually nothing.
You can tell by what he says he doesn't even understand Brexit himself, he is clueless and the fact he went to Eton wasn't because he was clever, it was because his parents paid for him,
At present the Covid crisis has saved him from immediate censor as the borders are virtually closed.
If he's still PM in a year's time I'd be surprised.
Well that "harder" negotiation sure seems to have worked out.
To be fair Johnson got into Eton on a scholarship then went to Oxford so he must've have been clever. But it's cleverness in a very narrow out of date British way - good at Classics, good with language (up to a point), good at debating, an opportunistic cleverness. Not clever in the sense of technical mastery, or 'high resolution' thinking or mathematical reasoning, or managerial competence- which is what we actually need these days (look at Merkel, who really is clever).
Maybe. hahaha.And I think he's confusing the Withdrawal Agreement (remember May saying no British PM would ever allow a border in the Irish Sea - Johnson did) with the recent trade deal.
You have very little evidence to support that statement, based on Gordon Brown and Ed Millibands performances in the 2 elections prior.And had it been almost any other Labour leader, that could well have been the case.
From the Irish side we’ve turned stuff back due to paperwork
You have very little evidence to support that statement, based on Gordon Brown and Ed Millibands performances in the 2 elections prior.
for larger items of import it gets even more fun - you can defer the VAT - but only if you have a VAT deferment account - which is actually pretty easy to set up - but them you typically need a Bank bond (in my case for about 5 million quid) and you have to pay the bank for that service
I'm not sure what this 'HMRC service' is they want to charge a fee for. Sounds like they are forcing import vat on the seller rather than the importer and providing a simplified way (maybe) for them to pay and then claim back the vat? Otherwise registering a foreign vat number is far from simple. Either way a real pain in the arse for small/med businesses.
I'm not sure what this 'HMRC service' is they want to charge a fee for. Sounds like they are forcing import vat on the seller rather than the importer and providing a simplified way (maybe) for them to pay and then claim back the vat? Otherwise registering a foreign vat number is far from simple. Either way a real pain in the arse for small/med businesses.
for larger items of import it gets even more fun - you can defer the VAT - but only if you have a VAT deferment account - which is actually pretty easy to set up - but them you typically need a Bank bond (in my case for about 5 million quid) and you have to pay the bank for that service
Essentially guaranteeing you will pay your VAT when you import - yet running a limited company we always pay our VAT and don't have to guarantee any of our other HMRC payments - its a not insignificant admin burden and a cost that we (and I suspect all other companies) will be ultimately passing on up the chain and ultimately the end user will be paying it through higher prices
Yeh Its a pain in the arse for sure, but its doable if management says its worth it. We're stopping direct shipments to Eire as we don't want to set up a place of business/vat reg/deferment/etc, but do have another option of going via NI.
We have a few big customers in France & Germany who have fortunately agreed that they will handle the import vat.
Getting in his excuses early. I am sure he voted leave.Small fry compared to everything else going on/ everything that will likely come to pass. But I can't help but take at least a little bit of pleasure from any fervent Brexiteer coming to realise a negative they perhaps hadn't realised may come about.
Getting in his excuses early. I am sure he voted leave.
Getting in his excuses early. I am sure he voted leave.
Brexit was supposed to be about giving jobs to out of work Brits. Why doesn't he sign a couple of out of work lads from the Midlands?
The hidden victims of Brexit.
"I voted Brexit because I saw a whole world of exporting available..."
Nigel and Boris told him he couldn't export before the UK left the EU?
Unicorn island is a really weird place, no-one seems to have a clue what they voted for or how to deal with the fallout.