Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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That link now says 17% rather than 70%...something fishy going on!
:eek:They've actually corrected it! Hopefully that idiot has been told to stop spreading that bullshit.
I'm genuinely shocked they've changed it and in the fecking Express of all Brexit rags.
:eek:They've actually corrected it! Hopefully that idiot has been told to stop spreading that bullshit.
I'm genuinely shocked they've changed it and in the fecking Express of all Brexit rags.
Problem is it's not 17% either. The maximum by any EU country is under 11 % which is Ireland, probably closer to 1.7%
Not exactly great for our farmers here in Ireland but isn't this really bad for the UK? As far as I'm aware the UK is not food sufficient and can't support its 66m population without importing.

10% of all UK imports is food . Remember the kerfuffle when DHL cocked up the KFC order and they ran out of chicken a few years ago. That only lasted around 9 days. This is for a generation.
blue passports

bastard europeans forcing us to have blue passports
the League of nations imposed blue passports on the UK in the 1920's
we should go back to the black ones, or no passports at all and just sailing round the world nicking other peoples countries
To think that so much effort went into making a deal that's worse than the status quo for every involved party is mind blowing. Imagine the millions of hours of work, negotiating, etc. which were invested in order to make a deal which essentially is a backwards development. Has to be the biggest waste of time in history.
29million spent on a 'Festival of Brexit in 2022 but couldn't feed the fecking kids.

Covid gives the government and Brexiteers an excuse to hide behind which is the exact sort of thing these tossers resort to.
Problem is it's not 17% either. The maximum by any EU country is under 11 % which is Ireland, probably closer to 1.7%
I had 14% in my head as the EU's figure. Either way, the fact people like Bridgen are in government underlines the idiocracy we've slid into.
The average Brit who voted leave will see absolutely no positive changes from Jan 1st. Some will even lose their jobs. Some groceries will cost more and it'll be more difficult to have a fortnight's holiday in Spain or France in the summer. Many of the European professionals who've been propping up British public services (particularly healthcare) will have left for good.

What are the positive benefits for Mr & Mrs Average? I can't see any at all.

I totally agree. Even any theoretical positive change is, at least imo, only theoretical and likely to come far down the line.

Literally everything for me in the short to medium term is a negative. And I'm not even going to be as affected by things as many others in the UK.

I can't decide whether I feel sorry for these people in Sunderland or still a bit angry that they and others voted for it in the first place.
I can't decide whether I feel sorry for these people in Sunderland or still a bit angry that they and others voted for it in the first place.

A bit of both but Cameron allowed this shitshow to happen for a stupid political quid pro quo that backfired. That would be a good place to start blaming and then follow the breadcrumbs.
A bit of both but Cameron allowed this shitshow to happen for a stupid political quid pro quo that backfired. That would be a good place to start blaming and then follow the breadcrumbs.
Breadcrumbs then lead us onto the most ironic of Tory soundbites in 2017, especially when in a Brexit context, "strong and stable".
I had 14% in my head as the EU's figure. Either way, the fact people like Bridgen are in government underlines the idiocracy we've slid into.

Yes for goods only it is around that figure. It's weird that around 75% of UK's business is with the EU, USA and China with whom the UK have no agreements lined up but this doesn't register and are celebrating these tiny agreements. I also saw Labour's Emily Thornberry telling the government to hurry up with other agreements with Mexico,Singapore and Ghana etc - I mean Ghana is 0.1% - which universe do these politicians live in?
Yes for goods only it is around that figure. It's weird that around 75% of UK's business is with the EU, USA and China with whom the UK have no agreements lined up but this doesn't register and are celebrating these tiny agreements. I also saw Labour's Emily Thornberry telling the government to hurry up with other agreements with Mexico,Singapore and Ghana etc - I mean Ghana is 0.1% - which universe do these politicians live in?
Our relations with both the US and China seem pretty much at their lowest ebb for years, so expectations are low there.

Can only assume the government is trying to pick off the small fry to generate some much needed positive headlines. But yep, Labour need to be all over them on this, asking what deals are being negotiated. I don't remember hearing anything about the potential for a deal with China tbh.

Glimpse of the future

Trial of Brexit border checks causes five-mile lorry queues in Kent
Smugglers to get a free pass for a few weeks at our side...

the UK government has said it will phase these checks on the British side over six weeks to reduce the chances of gridlock in Dover and on Kent roads
Genuine question.

Is there anything that could possibly be done now to have a positive outcome?
Genuine question.

Is there anything that could possibly be done now to have a positive outcome?
Depends on what you mean by positive.

Can anything happen that will mean this is as beneficial to the UK as staying in the EU? No.

But a good deal will minimize the damage a lot more than no deal. Sadly the chances of that aren't very high.
Depends on what you mean by positive.

Can anything happen that will mean this is as beneficial to the UK as staying in the EU? No.

But a good deal will minimize the damage a lot more than no deal. Sadly the chances of that aren't very high.

Are this is almost certainly a daft Q. Is there anything that can be done i.e. by the public, to prevent either a no-deal brexit or brexit in general?

I still can't believe the public were allowed to vote on such an important decision which very few facts presented.
Are this is almost certainly a daft Q. Is there anything that can be done i.e. by the public, to prevent either a no-deal brexit or brexit in general?

I still can't believe the public were allowed to vote on such an important decision which very few facts presented.
The public rendered themselves powerless when they voted the Tories to an 80 seat majority.
Are this is almost certainly a daft Q. Is there anything that can be done i.e. by the public, to prevent either a no-deal brexit or brexit in general?

I still can't believe the public were allowed to vote on such an important decision which very few facts presented.
The same public who voted for it and then voted the tories into a majority? Wouldn't count on it mate.
Are this is almost certainly a daft Q. Is there anything that can be done i.e. by the public, to prevent either a no-deal brexit or brexit in general?

I still can't believe the public were allowed to vote on such an important decision which very few facts presented.

Brexit has already happened on 31st January 2020 so that is not reversable. The UK will leave the transition period on 31st December 2020 before which date the government should have been preparing for what happens on 1st January.
Unfortunately for the UK the government have done almost nothing because they have no idea what to do. It was all a fantasy which will become harsh reality very soon. The UK public have to make those politicians pay for selling the country down the river which will become apparent next year.
At this point, I think it will be an agreement on the negotiations. Boris and Co are not boasting nonsense about pulling from the table for a month
In case anyone somehow thinks Rishi Sunak is 'a good guy for a Tory'.

Brexit has already happened on 31st January 2020 so that is not reversable. The UK will leave the transition period on 31st December 2020 before which date the government should have been preparing for what happens on 1st January.
Unfortunately for the UK the government have done almost nothing because they have no idea what to do. It was all a fantasy which will become harsh reality very soon. The UK public have to make those politicians pay for selling the country down the river which will become apparent next year.
They will lie, squirm and ultimately, blame covid for the inevitable economic crash.
They will lie, squirm and ultimately, blame covid for the inevitable economic crash.
You have to feel bad for the Tories. A decade in power and all the amazing things they've done to make the UK the bestest country in the world have been destroyed by the last Labour government, workshy scroungers on disability benefits, fat people with fags and big TVs, foreigners, the EU, petrol shortages, KFC chicken shortages, the last Labour government, the Leveson Inquiry, Labour councils, Doctors and nurses striking, Corbyn, Corbyn again, swan shortages and, worst of all, that bloody last Labour government.

It's a good thing we went through almost a decade of austerity so we were prepared when the next thing big unforeseen thing came about. But, unfortunately, that unforeseen thing was Covid which, due to being a virus, infects computers and stole every penny of that £350 million a week for the NHS that the big red bus promised us.
You have to feel bad for the Tories. A decade in power and all the amazing things they've done to make the UK the bestest country in the world have been destroyed by the last Labour government, workshy scroungers on disability benefits, fat people with fags and big TVs, foreigners, the EU, petrol shortages, KFC chicken shortages, the last Labour government, the Leveson Inquiry, Labour councils, Doctors and nurses striking, Corbyn, Corbyn again, swan shortages and, worst of all, that bloody last Labour government.

It's a good thing we went through almost a decade of austerity so we were prepared when the next thing big unforeseen thing came about. But, unfortunately, that unforeseen thing was Covid which, due to being a virus, infects computers and stole every penny of that £350 million a week for the NHS that the big red bus promised us.
When you say swan shortages, you may not know that Swan Vestas were actually banned by the EU in 2018. :lol:
When you say swan shortages, you may not know that Swan Vestas were actually banned by the EU in 2018. :lol:
Bloody Eyoo not letting me strike my matches on my nail like the good old days.