Stanley Road
Renaissance Man
No but it might affect the rest of the eu. we have elections next year and wilders is top of the pops at the moment.
Thankfully doubt she has much chance of succeeding. Ignoring her racist views, she would be hopeless at running the country, has no idea.
However, I don't rate the other candidates too highly either.
As I said we'll have another 5 years of the same, whoever gets in. If Le Pen did get in it wouldn't really affect me anyway personally.
It would make you look like I right idiot pontificating about Britain and brexit though, wouldn't it?
Why??? France aren't leaving the EU anytime soon, they're not that stupid
Wow you must be really worried that France might actually make her President. She proposes Frexit and all the shite you posted about UKIP and then if France even lets FN into the last round never mind actually voting her into power, we would solve global warming by using your red cheeks as an alternative energy source.
As I said before she has very little chance of becoming President.
I remember you calling me xenophobic before because I live in France which happens to be the same country as Le Pen lives in; still can't stop chuckling about that one.
So you are a Leaver pretending to have voted Remain so if it all goes wrong no-one can blame you, I get the thread of your narrative. What shite did I post, it was all true as has been shown and will be shown if the UK does eventually leave
If by some vague chance France does vote in Le Pen and even more remotely the French people decide to vote Leave as well, then you can't wait to have a laugh at me because I support the EU, some weird thinking here, especially for someone who voted Remain!!(who keeps championing Brexit) like a couple of other supposed Remain voters on here
Firstly, I think you said no chance and now you are watering it down.
Second, I called you on how superior you were being pontificating on how racist the UK was while living in France given the support there for FN.
Thirdly, Why wouldn't I pretend to be on the same side of the vote as you unless I was , lets face it there is no gain by association there?
Lastly, I'd be laughing at a man who living in France which then voted in any major way for the UK equivalent of the BNP castigated said former country as racist.
All valid, reasonable points however uncomfortable for you.
I guess if you're a bit of a minger, these guys will probably bang her anyway.why would you go there to get banged by loads blokes?
Plenty of business there for prostitutes I'd say, Not saying that she is one but wouldn't put it past the traffickers to get some over there.why would you go there to get banged by loads blokes?
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has said the UK will support Turkey's bid to join the European Union despite voting to leave the bloc.
Mr Johnson also praised Turkey for making his "beautiful" and "very well-functioning" washing machine, in comments aimed at repairing relations between the two nations after he accused the Turkish president of having sex with a goat.
In May, Mr Johnson won a £1,000 prize for a limerick about President Recep Tayyip Erdogan amid a free speech debate:
The limerick read: "There was a young fellow from Ankara.
Who was a terrific wankerer.
Till he sowed his wild oats.
With the help of a goat.
But he didn't even stop to thankera."
Their latest referendum results say otherwise.How can such beautiful and highly intellectual country end up in the hands of the likes of boris, may and big Sam?
Their latest referendum results say otherwise.
I thought this was a pretty good debate about some of the reasons why Brexit happened.Its a highly intellectual country. The country of a prestigious history, the most beautiful of languages, great culture, absolute superb universities everyone envy (Oxford, Cambridge, University of London etc) and a great economy. Which shocks all those who love this country why such brainfarts are allowed
From the Telegraph and the BBC, for balance in the debate.
Brexit had no effect cause the uk hasn't left the eu just yet
That's not what the article is about plus we were all lied to that the immediate effect of an exit vote would be plague, locusts and certain death
Many predicted that Boris would become Prime Minister and he would immediately activate article 50 as he promised (and TBF to him as he wants even now). A hard Brexit would quickly followed and the forecasts were based on that. No one could have predicted the funfare that followed after the referendum.
The forecasts were wrong because nothing happened just yet. The UK is still in the EU
You can't really blame the experts for believing the Brexiters can't you? Even Gove thought that leaving the single market was crazy, while one of the first things Farage did (After resigning) was to quickly pop in the Germany embassy. Time and time again it showed that the UK was totally unprepared for an eventual Brexit win and the forecasts reflected that.
Read the article again, it says in the first paragraph or so that the expected tsunami from a brexit vote, a vote, an actual event that has happened
When did Vote Leave or one of its leading figures state that Article 50 would be activated immediately?
Cameron was pushing the idea, true, yet given his government's total lack of preparedness we can but conclude it to have been a complete fib/tactic.
It was pretty obvious. The leavers portrayed the EU as some sort of oppressive regime that they couldn't wait to leave. Arguments about the imminent arrival of hordes of Turkish people to the EU and the 350m a week to a financially starved NHS were made which suggested that they couldn't wait to activate article 50 and get on with it.
Even now leavers like Farage, Boris and Davis are growing impatient about May's reluctance to activate article 50
So you though, from the campaign that it would be triggered immediately rather than anyone having said that.It was pretty obvious. The leavers portrayed the EU as some sort of oppressive regime that they couldn't wait to leave. Arguments about the imminent arrival of hordes of Turkish people to the EU, the settin up of an evil eu stormtrooper army and the promise of 350m a week to a financially starved NHS suggested that they couldn't wait to activate article 50 and get on with it.
Even now leavers like Farage, Boris and Davis are growing impatient about May's reluctance to activate article 50. However no one dares pushing the remainer for action cause brexit means brexit whatever that means
Or if summed up in far fewer was not not actually the stance of Leave to activate Article 50 immediately. You are arguing a point solely on the projection of your own views and interpretation.
good old boris