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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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During the immigration crisis we invoked the rule of a sovereign nation controlling it's own borders due to national security. We still practice that and will continue to do it.

Because, guess what, we are a sovereign nation and reserve the right to control our own policies and borders. Like every sovereign nation should have the right to without the Stasi guys in Brussel breathing down their neck.

Not with eu immigrants.

I wonder why you want to trade with the Stasi group in the first place

Speaking of Stasi Norway will probably block the U.K. If it consider becoming a member of the eea.
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Not with eu immigrants.

I wonder why you want to trade with the Stasi group in the first place

Because Europe is our biggest market. And this is very much a case of the EU wanting to trade with us as well, considering that we deliver 31% of all natural gas used in Europe and 11% of the oil. Electrical power is also near 10% now due to our waterfall energy being exported to the EU.

Point is, it should be a possibillity to trade openly with each other without the EU necessarily taking control over your parliament and national budget, immigration policy, subsidization policy and a bunch of other things that is best left alone to the sovereign nation to control.

The EU was a great initiative and idea in the start. Sad that they let it develop into the supranational dictatorial organisation it is today and takes aim to become though.
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We have denied EU law when it comes to:

- Fishery
- Oil and gas
- Subsidizing of industry
- Subsidizing of agriculture
- Taxation of foreign produce and products
- The rights to benefits for EU citizens who has emigrated from Norway
- Border control
- A shitload of other things

Being outside the EU has been a true blessing for Norway. We had two votes regarding the EU, they both ended with a measly 2-5% victory for the "NO" side. If you had a vote today it would be like 90% "NO". Still our largely pro-EU politicians plus the EU and their lobbyists tried to paint a picture of Norway going right down the shitter for voting no to the EU. Today you will struggle to find a single politician in Norway that will openly admit being pro EU.

You could have done all that inside of the EU as well, while not getting shafted mone wise :D But everyone to his own.

Nah, I know. Just a way of expressing my fascination over people actually believing that the EU would attempt to halt and exclude the second largest economy and second largest country in Europe from it's markets.

If minnows like Norway, Switzerland and Iceland can get trade deals, the UK sure as feck can.

Be calm, Ingurlishmen. By 2025 when EU has taken over national budgets of it's membership countries, plus control over all national banks then you will be thankfull for leaving.

Of course the UK will get a deal. It will include access to the single market and and freedom of movement. So basically, everything will stay as it is. Just without us having to worry about what the British PM will try next to please his voters :)
Everyone knows it, even the brexit politicians. That's why they are hesistant to trigger 50.

From the comments being made by the various factions about when they want article 50 triggered, I don't think it is clear at all.

I don't think the UK govt can accept free movement in the negotiation even if they wanted to the referendum pretty much ruled that out.

If the UK gives up on tariff free access to the single market, what tariffs would the EU like to place on UK goods and services given reciprocal measures will apply?

I would imagine the tariffs enforced would be the same as for any other country we don't have a trade deal with. Easy.

Seriously, I'm having a laugh now at this mess :D
It shows what mass hysteria, propaganda, uneducation and a broken political system can do.
Trump on the other hand is scary.
Because Europe is our biggest market. And this is very much a case of the EU wanting to trade with us as well, considering that we deliver 31% of all natural gas to Europe and 11% of the oil. Electrical power is also near 10% now due to our waterfall energy being exported to the EU.

if the U.K. Want a similar arrangement then they will probably get it assuming it abides to the 4 principles.

The biggest obstacle for them will be Norway. I doubt you want them in the eea. I cant blame you for that. I wouldn't want to attend a wedding organized by Walder Frey either
You could have done all that inside of the EU as well, while not getting shafted mone wise :D But everyone to his own.

Of course the UK will get a deal. It will include access to the single market and and freedom of movement. So basically, everything will stay as it is. Just without us having to worry about what the British PM will try next to please his voters :)
Everyone knows it, even the brexit politicians. That's why they are hesistant to trigger 50.

I would imagine the tariffs enforced would be the same as for any other country we don't have a trade deal with. Easy.

Seriously, I'm having a laugh now at this mess :D
It shows what mass hysteria, propaganda, uneducation and a broken political system can do.
Trump on the other hand is scary.

Xenophobia is a beast that once unleashed cant be controlled. I think hard Brexit will occur. The UK will leave the EU, it will 'get control' and it will lose unrestricted access from the single market with all the consequences attached to it. If I was British I would be praying that Donald Trump would win next elections. At least they will have a neighbour who sympathise with their views
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I dont claim to know every nuance of the development of the EU as it is today but it is too easy to do a comparison between the EU today and the initial project and say it has gone off course.

The project has developed over time. Each EU soverign state agreeing at each point that change was needed in order to face some changing global economic situation at the time. To try to unravel the changes that were made in the last 30 or 40 years would mean chronologically logging all of the reasons for each change, but each change was agreed upon by every nation involved. So when Britain looks at the EU as it exists today and says "its a long way from where it was supposed to be" Britain is as much to blame for what the EU has become as anyone else. To just turn your back on it when it doesnt suit you and then say "hey we want the best of both worlds" will never work. In fact the rest of Europe wont allow it to.

We're all waiting for Britain to trigger article 50 too, when will that happen?

Britian will be ok outside Europe and Europe will continue without Britian. Of course there will be changes and economic shifts while the dust settles but it will work itself out. But when will it actually happen?

Its becoming like a divorce where the husband and wife admit to not wanting to be with one another but continue to live in the same house as if nothing has happend... awkward! Just fecking move out already
I dont claim to know every nuance of the development of the EU as it is today but it is too easy to do a comparison between the EU today and the initial project and say it has gone off course.

The project has developed over time. Each EU soverign state agreeing at each point that change was needed in order to face some changing global economic situation at the time. To try to unravel the changes that were made in the last 30 or 40 years would mean chronologically logging all of the reasons for each change, but each change was agreed upon by every nation involved. So when Britain looks at the EU as it exists today and says "its a long way from where it was supposed to be" Britain is as much to blame for what the EU has become as anyone else. To just turn your back on it when it doesnt suit you and then say "hey we want the best of both worlds" will never work. In fact the rest of Europe wont allow it to.

We're all waiting for Britain to trigger article 50 too, when will that happen?

Britian will be ok outside Europe and Europe will continue without Britian. Of course there will be changes and economic shifts while the dust settles but it will work itself out. But when will it actually happen?

Its becoming like a divorce where the husband and wife admit to not wanting to be with one another but continue to live in the same house as if nothing has happend... awkward! Just fecking move out already

I think the UK was never really comfortable in Europe in the first place. Its prosperity relied on pitting one European country against another which would keep the European powers busy allowing the UK to expand their empire even further. I cant really blame them either. A unified Europe was always bad news for the UK being the Romans, the Spanish empire, Napoleon etc.

Maybe De Gaulle was right all along. The UK shouldn't have been allowed in the union in the first place
We have denied EU law when it comes to:

- Fishery
- Oil and gas
- Subsidizing of industry
- Subsidizing of agriculture
- Taxation of foreign produce and products
- The rights to benefits for EU citizens who has emigrated from Norway
- Border control
- A shitload of other things

Being outside the EU has been a true blessing for Norway. We had two votes regarding the EU, they both ended with a measly 2-5% victory for the "NO" side. If you had a vote today it would be like 90% "NO". Still our largely pro-EU politicians plus the EU and their lobbyists tried to paint a picture of Norway going right down the shitter for voting no to the EU. Today you will struggle to find a single politician in Norway that will openly admit being pro EU.
Norway does not have border control does it? Been there a couple of times and dont remember any stamping on my passport.

Out of the above things, the UK already has border control. If we can get the right to stop benefits for EU migrants, I think this would be a very very good deal for the UK.
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Norway does not have border control does it? Been there a couple of times and dont remember any stamping on my passport.

Out of the above things, the UK already has border control. If UK gets the right to stop benefits for EU migrants, I think this would be a very very good deal for the UK.
Actually we already have the right to stop benefits
For example in Spain you have to have made the equivalent of ni contributions for a defined period to be eligible for unemployment benefits... we could easily implement the same (provided it also applied to uk citizens)
Actually we already have the right to stop benefits
For example in Spain you have to have made the equivalent of ni contributions for a defined period to be eligible for unemployment benefits... we could easily implement the same (provided it also applied to uk citizens)
Thats the problem. Cutting migrant benefits without cutting them for UK citizens. Which is the case in Norway, might well be achievable in these negotiations.
Thats the problem. Cutting migrant benefits without cutting them for UK citizens. Which is the case in Norway, might well be achievable in these negotiations.

Imagine the tragedy of forcing those poor people who live at the pub to work. Ukip would probably take it personal

I think realistically this had to happen. First of all none of the EU rules are particularly ridiculous despite what the Telegraph will say. But more importantly it keeps things in a state of relative order whilst they deal with things that actually matter and then in 10 years if people are still bleating about their kettles then it can be amended as and when.
You can do that under EU law as well, by the way.
No it isnt. All Cameron got was a 4 year break on some benefits (that too with the polish leaders moaning about it). What we need is to put all migrants (EU and non-EU) on a parity till they decide to take up British nationality.

Almost certainly achievable.... but worth the price (no access to the market for example then economically it's ridiculous)
No. I meant UK being a part of EEA and EU citizens having access to the UK labour market, just with limited benefits.
Imagine the tragedy of forcing those poor people who live at the pub to work. Ukip would probably take it personal
That is indeed a problem. Once the scarecrow of eu migrant workers is removed, the real problem (bloated welfare state) will come back in focus.
No. I meant UK being a part of EEA and EU citizens having access to the UK labour market, just with limited benefits.
What are we doing then? Paying more money for access to the eea?
Because negotiations tend to involve compromise from both parties (though especially the weaker one)
We would certainly have to sweeten the deal in some way to firstly get all eu members on board... but then all eea members who probably wouldn't see why we should get any different deal to what they have
I think realistically this had to happen. First of all none of the EU rules are particularly ridiculous despite what the Telegraph will say. But more importantly it keeps things in a state of relative order whilst they deal with things that actually matter and then in 10 years if people are still bleating about their kettles then it can be amended as and when.

Well it just shows how ill thought through the whole thing is. Simply throwing all of the EU legislation through parliament at once may be the best solution we have, but it's clearly ridiculous.
What are we doing then? Paying more money for access to the eea?
Because negotiations tend to involve compromise from both parties (though especially the weaker one)
We would certainly have to sweeten the deal in some way to firstly get all eu members on board... but then all eea members who probably wouldn't see why we should get any different deal to what they have
I think the EU leaders will see this as a win. Getting the money as usual and rid of the whiney brits at the same time.
The problem will be on the domestic front with selling this scenario to the ukip lot up north.
That is indeed a problem. Once the scarecrow of eu migrant workers is removed, the real problem (bloated welfare state) will come back in focus.

I wont be surprised if that's the idea all along. The EU might prove a valuable excuse for one last time, ie to justify why the UK cant afford the bloated welfare state anymore. However, Im sure that these people would love having a Maggie Thatcher V2, taking control over the British economy.
Well it just shows how ill thought through the whole thing is. Simply throwing all of the EU legislation through parliament at once may be the best solution we have, but it's clearly ridiculous.

Yeah but the other option is sifting through 40 years of EU law in two years (imagine the man hours) and then finding out we've accidentally legalised murder because we didn't pass some EU statute that had invalidated a UK law in 1977 or something.

Either way, its a good time to be involved in constitutional law.
I wont be surprised if that's the idea all along. The EU might prove a valuable excuse for one last time, ie to justify why the UK cant afford the bloated welfare state anymore. However, Im sure that these people would love having a Maggie Thatcher V2, taking control over the British economy.
Do you really think politicians especially ours, are that smart? :lol:
Do you really think politicians especially ours, are that smart? :lol:

Deregulation, increase in productivity and the idolisation of Maggie thatcher are the buzz phrases in this new era. Meanwhile the NHS is going to the dogs.

You might end up becoming the new US here. You wouldn't have been able to do that with the eu around.

I'm sure that the average scouser will love that
I think realistically this had to happen. First of all none of the EU rules are particularly ridiculous despite what the Telegraph will say. But more importantly it keeps things in a state of relative order whilst they deal with things that actually matter and then in 10 years if people are still bleating about their kettles then it can be amended as and when.

Wonky cucumbers or something.
May chooses the Andrew Marr show to announce that article 50 will definitely be triggered before April.

Interesting choice.
May's announcement.

So fecking bleak.

I find it quite extraordinary that she can make such a huge announcement with such indifference at such an inappropriate time and place.

Just another sign of just how out of touch with reality she is.
I doubt it will take the EU lot of time to tell Westminster good riddance and the best of luck wouldn't they?
At least we now know, couldn't care less if she'd announced it via text message.

So the forecasted famine and plague can begin next spring, ace

That's being forecast already and has been for quite some time to be fair.

Either way it's another step in entirely the worst possible direction.
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Theoretically leave 2019
So the 2020 election will become a defecto referendum on if people are happy with the settlement terms
I personally think the sensible move on her part would have been a snap election outlining negotiation stance to give her a mandate for it
Theoretically leave 2019
So the 2020 election will become a defecto referendum on if people are happy with the settlement terms
I personally think the sensible move on her part would have been a snap election outlining negotiation stance to give her a mandate for it

Logic has no place with these people.