Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Why are you obsessed with Venezuela, I've never mentioned it, I'm just referring to the manifesto.
I think you've misunderstood my post.

Sorry I am guilty as charged and missed out the word "more" by mistake which would be apparent if you looked at the next posts
After you got called out on it.

But in fairness Paul it's past 7pm so I don't think there much left to discuss.

Also, are you actually from Stamford Bridge as in near York? Used to drive past it all the time on the A1079 when I was at Uni in Hull and would visit my friends at York. Always thought it was random that it was a real place and Chelsea named their ground after it.

Nah, I’m just a filthy Chelsea fan. From a shitty ex-mining village not far from Donny. :)
I think you've misunderstood my post.

After you got called out on it.

But in fairness Paul it's past 7pm so I don't think there much left to discuss.

If I corrected all the mistakes you make in your posts we would be here all night. Venezuela, there you go, I've said it.
The only thing it sums up is the imaginary situation in Corbynista heads. I’ll wait for you to explain to me how Labour contesting Lib/Con marginals is any less helping the extreme right than Libs contesting Lab/Con marginals. I didn’t get an answer from him and I very much doubt I’ll get one from you either.

Unpopular to the average voter as per all the independent polls. I’m sure you’ve seen them. As I’m sure you also know that being popular with the membership means sweet fa when it comes to a general election. And since by Corbynista logic anyone who’s not helping Labour win is helping the extreme right, then I suggest a closer look to home at what’s not helping you win.
Why would Labour agree to work with the Lib Dems when Swinson has said she will refuse to work with Labour?

You talk of imaginary situations in Corbynista heads (silly statement btw.), yet you seem to demonstrate cognitive dissonance? Or do you just not see that Swinson ruling out cooperation with Labour is detrimental to anyone who wants to remain?
Why would Labour agree to work with the Lib Dems when Swinson has said she will refuse to work with Labour?

You talk of imaginary situations in Corbynista heads (silly statement btw.), yet you seem to demonstrate cognitive dissonance? Or do you just not see that Swinson ruling out cooperation with Labour is detrimental to anyone who wants to remain?

Swinson has, equally vehemently, ruled out working with Johnson. Very likely she'll have to work with one or the other, the way things seem to be going. I doubt either Labour or Tories will get a majority with both SNP and Lib Dems poised to take many seats off them. So I find it hard to take her at her word, without really any hint of cognitive dissonance, because when push comes to shove she'll have a decision to make that contradicts her current stance.

The way she's played it so far, she's pulled MPs from both Labour and the Tories and more than a quarter of her MPs are recent arrivals. She is therefore holding together, inside her own parliamentary group, a loose alliance of people united under a Remain banner but who aren't really Liberals and aren't particularly loyal to her or the party. And some of these would loathe to work with Bojo or Corbyn respectively. So when she's being asked now if she'll work with any of them post-election, she of course says "Hell no" cause how else do you keep that group together and united for the upcoming battles in parliament?

If she manages to do well in the next election, grow the party to 40-odd MPs like in elections past, and get to play the role Kingmaker... then these Labour/Tory acquisitions will have to tow her line or they become throwaway. Some won't hold their seats anyway. But till then, and with an election looming, she's gonna forge her own way and act strong, independent and neutral. Which tends to attract voters more than appearing keen to get into bed with anyone.
Well, that's hilarious. Chances of Labour getting a massive win in the next election are on par with Lib Dems getting one. Precisely 0.

I mean, that’s obviously not true though, really, is it?

I kinda get what he’s saying, to be completely honest. Especially as someone who spent the aftermath of the US Election berating “leftists” for failing to swallow their pride and just “fecking vote Dem!” in the wider interests of global stability and anti-fascism.

And as I see it, right now, any self proclaimed “liberals” who won’t vote Labour with literal hard right fascism on our own doorstep, are akin to the same kind of US leftists who didn’t turn out for Hillary with the spectre of Trump looming... there is no difference IMO. It’s wilfully and knowingly taking votes away from the only party with enough of a platform to realistically stop the increasing march of the hard right - and whom most of you at least performatively claim to share a majority of policy aims with - because of some bullshit ideological purity issues.

Ironically the very kind of “cultish” behaviour the left are so readily (and often justly) accused of. It’s bonkers how many people think they can completely absolve themselves of it but just going... “yeah but... Corbyn!!?...Brexit!!” As if that means anything in a zero sum election.

I mean, I would vote for the party that will do the most for social justice and inequality and align largely with all the policy aims I claim to care about, against the literal hard right fascists, honest!.. it’s just... their leader is so uncool!... and he’s trying to please everyone, rather than feck off half the country like I want him to! So I obviously have to vote for the party full of breakaway Tories and slimy career politicos, whose former leader literally claimed Gay people were hellbound sinners... because they have said they’ll stop Brexit, which I agree with!”.... even though there’s literally no way that could ever pass as actual policy, even if they did win a mandate (which they obviously won’t) without a second referendum, which Labour are offering anyway!

It’s the UK centre-liberal version of voting for Jill Stein. “Sure, the world will burn and people will die, but hey, I get to feel good about myself, and can still claim to be a progressive at dinner parties!”

And I’m sure my ranting won’t convince anyone in the slightest. Because it rarely ever does. But if Trump and Brexit are proof of anything, it’s how the appetite for neo-liberal centrist Lib Dem politics is at an all time low, and it really worries/annoys me how much time and energy said same “liberal centre” spends ignoring that, and instead playing political chicken with the left... and then blaming them for not blinking!

No ones gonna absolve you for voting Lib Dem this time.
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I mean, that’s obviously not true though, really, is it?

I kinda get what he’s saying, to be completely honest. Especially as someone who spent the aftermath of the US Election berating “leftists” for failing to swallow their pride and just “fecking vote Dem!” in the wider interests of global stability and anti-fascism.

And as I see it, right now, any self proclaimed “liberals” who won’t vote Labour with literal hard right fascism on our own doorstep, are akin to the same kind of US leftists who didn’t turn out for Hillary with the spectre of Trump looming... there is no difference IMO. It’s wilfully and knowingly taking votes away from the only party with enough of a platform to realistically stop the increasing march of the hard right - and whom most of you at least performatively claim to share a majority of policy aims with - because of some bullshit ideological purity issues.

Ironically the very kind of “cultish” behaviour the left are so readily (and often justly) accused of. It’s bonkers how many people think they can completely absolve themselves of it but just going... “yeah but... Corbyn!!?...Brexit!!” As if that means anything in a zero sum election.

I mean, I would vote for the party that will do the most for social justice and inequality and align largely with all the policy aims I claim to care about, against the literal hard right fascists, honest!.. it’s just... their leader is so uncool!... and he’s trying to please everyone, rather than feck off half the country like I want him to! So I obviously have to vote for the party full of breakaway Tories and slimy career politicos, whose former leader literally claimed Gay people were hellbound sinners... because they have said they’ll stop Brexit, which I agree with!”.... even though there’s literally no way that could ever pass as actual policy, even if they did win a mandate (which they obviously won’t) without a second referendum, which Labour are offering anyway!

It’s the UK centre-liberal version of voting for Jill Stein. “Sure, the world will burn and people will die, but hey, I get to feel good about myself, and can still claim to be a progressive at dinner parties!”

And I’m sure my ranting won’t convince anyone in the slightest. Because it rarely ever does. But if Trump and Brexit are proof of anything, it’s how the appetite for neo-liberal centrist Lib Dem politics is at an all time low, and it really worries/annoys me how much time and energy said same “liberal centre” spends ignoring that, and instead playing political chicken with the left... and then blaming them for not blinking!

No ones gonna absolve you for voting Lib Dem this time.

Spot on. Labor majority, new referendum and we will end up staying. Job done.
I mean, that’s obviously not true though, really, is it?

I mean, the last time Labour won a massive majority was in 2000 under Tony Blair. Essentially as a centrist party. I'm sorry, but I quite honestly assign 0 chance on this Labour party repeating that feat under the current leadership and in the current political climate. Feel free to disagree with me though.

And as I see it, right now, any self proclaimed “liberals” who won’t vote Labour with literal hard right fascism on our own doorstep, are akin to the same kind of US leftists who didn’t turn out for Hillary with the spectre of Trump looming... there is no difference IMO. It’s wilfully and knowingly taking votes away from the only party with enough of a platform to realistically stop the increasing march of the hard right - and whom most of you at least performatively claim to share a majority of policy aims with - because of some bullshit ideological purity issues!

Come on now... you can't be serious about that? Outrageous analogy. US is essentially a two party system, UK is quite clearly not. The Liberals and Socialists in the US, two groups with entirely different ideologies quite frankly, share a home in the Democratic party for lack of alternatives and because of what the Republicans are. That hasn't been the case in the UK.

SNP and Lib Dems have in recent elections held 10% of the HoC seats and 2 of the last 3 governments were coalitions. The votes to minority parties here are not throw away votes and it's in no way akin to staying at home and not voting. Nor is in any way voting Lib Dem helping the Tories win. 82/100 Lib Dem target seats are Tory seats and 13 of those are in the 20 hottest, so-called marginals. Only 4 Labour seats by comparison. If there's any party that stands to lose out by a strong Lib Dem voting presence, it's the Tories not Labour. I get the impression that general Corbynista keenness to label Liberals as fascist enablers is used to detract from the failings of their own party to win over voters.

And generally from the post I feel that you don't quite understand what Liberalism stands for. I'll refrain from indulging in a write up of the ideology for the sake of brevity and for fear of coming across as patronising, but it certainly doesn't feel very aligned or small in its differences with Corbyn's Labour at all.
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Sometimes I like to skip a few pages in this thread just to see if I can make sense of the insults being thrown about. On this occasion I'm completely out of my depth. Venezuela*

*Is this some sort of new signing off catchphrase we're now using, similar to "yippee kay yay" or "I'm a massive wanker"?

Is that a Jim’ll paint it piece?
@MadMike Go for it mate, be patronising! You’ve already used the term “Corbynist” twice, even though I’ve spent multiple posts in this thread arguing against that very mindset, have demonstrably never claimed to be an acolyte of his, nor defended him from anything that wasn’t obvious media defamatory (or sensible centrists like Paul outright lying about his history) and have a long standing (and long winded!) DM thread with @Sweet Square and @berbatrick where I persistently push back against, and debate my problems with their type of Bernie/Corbyn style leftism (as I’m sure they’ll testify)....

but yeah, sure, accusing me of cultishy Corbynism because I agree with 80% of Labour policies, and don’t think voting for a politically empty party of slimy self serving politicos, whose entire MO rests on persuading similarly empty swing voters that they’re somewhat progressive because “Corbyn bad!” is a worthwhile progressive action. Maybe I’m biased? Possibly because I happen live in the (now former) constituency of Chuka Umuna, the biggest faux-liberal fraud of all time, and am naturally predisposed to think that anyone conned by his style of politics is probably a disingenuous cnut!? Mea culpa if so!

And nothing convinces sensible liberals of the evils of Corbynism, than the bizarrely timed establishment insistence that the best moment to undermine him is during his most popular and successful sustained attack on the current quasi-fascist Conservative Government!

But by all means, bring up as many obfuscating nonsense factoids as you like to convince yourself you’re not felicitating a Right Wing victory by voting for a bunch of status quo yellow Tories and against the biggest opposition party... Cool beans bruv, you do you!....but as I said, history won’t absolve you this time.

As long as you’re cool with that.
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@MadMike Go for it mate, be patronising! You’ve already used the term “Corbynist” twice, even though I’ve spent multiple posts in this thread arguing against that very mindset, have demonstrably never claimed to be an acolyte of his, nor defended him from anything that wasn’t obvious media defamatory (or sensible centrists like Paul outright lying about his history) and have a long standing (and long winded!) DM thread with @Sweet Square and @berbatrick where I persistently push back against, and debate my problems with, their type of Bernie/Corbyn style leftism (as I’m sure they’ll testify)....

but yeah, sure, accusing me of cultishy Corbynism because I agree with 80% of Labour policies, and don’t think voting for a politically empty party of slimy self serving politicos, whose entire MO rests on persuading similarly empty swing voters that they’re somewhat progressive because “Corbyn bad!” is a worthwhile progressive action. Maybe I’m biased? Possibly because I happen live in the (now former) constituency of Chuka Umuna, the biggest faux-liberal fraud of all time, and am naturally predisposed to think that anyone conned by his style of politics is probably a disingenuous cnut!? Mea culpa if so!

But by all means, bring up as many obfuscating nonsense factoids as you like to convince yourself you’re not felicitating a Right Wing victory by voting for a bunch of status quo liberals and breakaway Tories and against the biggest left wing opposition party... Cool beans bruv, you do you!....but as I said, history won’t absolve you this time.

As long as you’re cool with that.

I did not lie about his history, I missed one word out of the sentence which happens occasionally when correcting text on a french keyboard programmed to auto-correct to the french language - don't know what the excuse is for the mistakes made on an english keyboard but like @Sweet Square often says "I image" that if the subsequent posts were read it was obvious that I didn't say he didn't campaign at all.
I did not lie about his history, I missed one word out of the sentence which happens occasionally when correcting text on a french keyboard programmed to auto-correct to the french language - don't know what the excuse is for the mistakes made on an english keyboard but like @Sweet Square often says "I image" that if the subsequent posts were read it was obvious that I didn't say he didn't campaign at all.
:lol: sure dude...

So, let me get this straight... The paragraph you wrote deliberately criticising Corbyn, that stated this..

Pity he didn't campaign before Brexit to stop it instead of having his own followers voting for their own downfall and falling into Tory hands.

Was simply a mispronunciation? And what you actually intended to say was...

“He did campaign against Brexit, and what's more, he did so more than any other Labour, and indeed Remain voting MP!... but I imagined he didn’t, so whatever I said was bollocks, and you probably misheard it... even though this is a forum, and it’s all typed out and shit!?

Yeah? That right?

Its a shame we’re all cultish Corbynists with agendas and stuff... I wish I was a rational centrist!
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:lol: sure dude...

So, let me get this straight... The paragraph you wrote deliberately criticising Corbyn, that stated this..

Was simply a mispronunciation? And what you actually intended to say was...

“He did campaign for Brexit, and what's more, he do more than any other Labour, or Remain voting MP!... but I imagined he didn’t, so whatever I said was bollocks, and you probably misheard it... even though this is a forum, and it’s all typed out and shit!?

Yeah? That right?

And some continue to wonder why people just don’t trust the rational sensible centrist of the Lid Dem voting middle! ALL HAIL THE CENTRISTS!!!

Why are you all so touchy. For the third or fourth time I missed out the word "more", oh shame, oh what I am going to do - it's ridiculous.

Now you're ecstatic that he came seventh and ahead of all the other Labour politicians - well done. Must be really proud.

That's the second time you've associated me the LibDems - even more of a joke .

Edit: You've now brought my attention to the fact that Corbyn was the only Labour MP in the top 20. OK carry on...
Other than Stuart who was pro-leave
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Why are you all so touchy. For the third or fourth time I missed out the word "more", oh shame, oh what I am going to do - it's ridiculous.

Now you're ecstatic that he came seventh and ahead of all the other Labour politicians - well done. Must be really proud.

That's the second time you've associated me the LibDems - even more of a joke .

I apologise for making you feel a little bit awkward about how incredibly weird you are.
Why should I feel awkward - in what way am I weird - sorry for not belonging to the "thou must not criticise Corbyn cult".

Mate, you’re more than welcome in that cult! (The more the merrier!) You’ve just got to remember that if you’re gonna try and slander the left, you need to at least pretend you didn’t deliberately lie to do so. Cos, you know, that somewhat undermines our agenda a bit, yeah?

Basically, just pretend you’re foreign and innocently misinterpreted something. That’s a good one. Doesn’t matter if it’s proveable or anything, just keep insisting... it’ll work! The English are fecking idiots.
Mate, you’re more than welcome in that cult! (The more the merrier!) You’ve just got to remember that if you’re gonna try and slander the left, you need to at least pretend you didn’t deliberately lie to do so! Cos, you know, that somewhat undermines our agenda a bit, yeah?

Basically, just pretend you’re foreign and innocently misinterpreted something? That’s a good one!?

For the last time The words should have been Pity he didn't campaign more before Brexit to stop it instead of having his own followers voting for their own downfall and falling into Tory hands.

I live in France, I was born British, moved here 12 years ago, never voted LibDems, haven't voted in the UK for donkeys years, will never vote again in the UK, will never live in the UK again, so have no agenda - have a french computer and a french phone -I didn't misunderstand anything, I didn't notice I had missed out the word more like I didn't notice the word is instead of it in a previous post like you probably didn't notice that you typed "he do more" - well do he
For the last time The words should have been Pity he didn't campaign more before Brexit to stop it instead of having his own followers voting for their own downfall and falling into Tory hands.

Okay... More than who then, exactly? Considering @Shamwow showed on the very same page that he was by far the the biggest and most prominent Labour campaigner?

There's a study on media appearances
Position Name | Number of appearances | Percentage of items in which they appeared
1 David Cameron (Conservative IN) 499 24.9%
2 Boris Johnson (Conservative OUT) 379 18.9%
3 George Osborne (Conservative IN) 230 11.5%
4 Nigel Farage (UKIP OUT) 182 9.1%
5 Michael Gove (Conservative OUT) 161 8.0%
6 Ian Duncan Smith (Conservative OUT) 124 6.2%
7 Jeremy Corbyn (Labour IN) 123 6.1%
8 Priti Patel (Conservative OUT) 65 3.2%
9 Gordon Brown (Labour IN) 52 2.6%
10 John Major (Conservative IN) 47 2.3%
11 Jacob Rees-Mogg (Conservative OUT) 35 1.7%
12= Chris Grayling (Conservative OUT) 33 1.6%
12= Gisela Stuart (Labour OUT) 33 1.6%
14= Theresa May (Conservative IN) 29 1.4%
14= Donald Tusk (President European Council IN) 29 1.4%
16 Nicola Sturgeon (SNP IN) 28 1.4%
17= Bernard Jenkin (Conservative OUT) 24 1.2%
17= Sadiq Khan (Labour IN) 24 1.2%
19 Liam Fox (Conservative OUT) 23 1.1%
20 Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the EC IN) 21 1.0%
21 Alistair Darling (Labour IN) 20 1.0%
22 Alan Johnson (Labour IN) 19 .9%
23= Amber Rudd (Conservative IN) 18 .9%
23= Ed Balls (Labour IN) 18 .9%
25= Norman Lamont (Conservative OUT) 17 .8%
25= Harriet Harman (Labour IN) 17 .8%
26= Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany IN) 16 .8%
26= Sarah Wollaston (Conservative OUT then IN) 16 .8%
26= John McDonnell (Labour IN) 16 .8%
30 Angela Eagle (Labour IN) 15 .7%

So surely you can see why I don’t believe you’re arguing in good faith? And why I consider people with such bad faith arguments, consequently accusing me of “Corbynism” for simply not agreeing with their bullshit, to be something worth contesting.... no?
Okay... More than who then, exactly? Considering @Shamwow showed on the very same page that he was by far the the biggest and most prominent Labour campaigner?

So surely you can see why I don’t believe you’re arguing in good faith? And why I consider people with such bad faith arguments, consequently accusing me of “Corbynism” for simply not agreeing with their bullshit, to be something worth contesting.... no?

Can't you see the problem - he 's the leader of the opposition and he has 5 Tories in front of him and no other Labour MP in the top 20 other than Stuart and she's a Brexiter. Cameron has four times as many and Osborne twice as many - and where were all the other Labour remainers - Corbyn's the leader surely he would say to his other MPs get the message out there.
Can't you see the problem - he 's the leader of the opposition and he has 5 Tories in front of him and no other Labour MP in the top 20 other than Stuart and she's a Brexiter. Cameron has four times as many and Osborne twice as many - and where were all the other Labour remainers - Corbyn's the leader surely he would say to his other MPs get the message out there.

Yes, it’s weird that the Brexit referendum called by a Tory Prime Minister, for no other reason than to arrogantly and needlessly solve an internal divide within the Tory party, should be largely contested most visibly in the mostly Tory media by the most prominent competing factions of the Tory party!

Why, if only there was a suitable, widely popular, universally adored Labour politician that could unite the obvious liberal consensus against Brexit and destroy the evil Tory grip on power!... If such a leader existed, they would surely have been more prominent on the Remain Campaign trail than the utterly USELESS Jeremy Corbyn!!.....Right!?

There's a study on media appearances
Position Name | Number of appearances | Percentage of items in which they appeared
1 David Cameron (Conservative IN) 499 24.9%
2 Boris Johnson (Conservative OUT) 379 18.9%
3 George Osborne (Conservative IN) 230 11.5%
4 Nigel Farage (UKIP OUT) 182 9.1%
5 Michael Gove (Conservative OUT) 161 8.0%
6 Ian Duncan Smith (Conservative OUT) 124 6.2%
7 Jeremy Corbyn (Labour IN) 123 6.1%
8 Priti Patel (Conservative OUT) 65 3.2%
9 Gordon Brown (Labour IN) 52 2.6%
10 John Major (Conservative IN) 47 2.3%
11 Jacob Rees-Mogg (Conservative OUT) 35 1.7%
12= Chris Grayling (Conservative OUT) 33 1.6%
12= Gisela Stuart (Labour OUT) 33 1.6%
14= Theresa May (Conservative IN) 29 1.4%
14= Donald Tusk (President European Council IN) 29 1.4%
16 Nicola Sturgeon (SNP IN) 28 1.4%
17= Bernard Jenkin (Conservative OUT) 24 1.2%
17= Sadiq Khan (Labour IN) 24 1.2%
19 Liam Fox (Conservative OUT) 23 1.1%
20 Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the EC IN) 21 1.0%
21 Alistair Darling (Labour IN) 20 1.0%
22 Alan Johnson (Labour IN) 19 .9%
23= Amber Rudd (Conservative IN) 18 .9%
23= Ed Balls (Labour IN) 18 .9%
25= Norman Lamont (Conservative OUT) 17 .8%
25= Harriet Harman (Labour IN) 17 .8%
26= Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany IN) 16 .8%
26= Sarah Wollaston (Conservative OUT then IN) 16 .8%
26= John McDonnell (Labour IN) 16 .8%
30 Angela Eagle (Labour IN) 15 .7%

Oh... what?... ah... wait.... yeah, but no.... thing is... basically... Hmmmm...
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Yes, it’s weird that the Brexit referendum called by a Tory Prime Minister, for no other reason than to arrogantly solve a divide within the Tory party, should be largely contested most visibly in the media by the most prominent competing Tory factions!

Why, if only there was a suitable, widely popular, universally adored Labour politician that could unite the obvious liberal consensus against Brexit and destroy the evil Tory grip on power!... If such a leader existed, they would surely have been more prominent on the Remain Campaign than the USELESS Jeremy Corbyn!!!.....

Oh... what?... ah... wait.... yeah, but no.... thing is... basically... No....

We all know what the reasons were - what's that got to do with Corbyn campaigning for Remain - Labour supporters keep insisting Corbyn is powerless - maybe you should get someone with a bit more oomph or not bother with a leader at all if you can't find someone else, would make no difference.
Oh snap, you’ve got it! Let’s look for a completely new, hitherto undiscovered and universally beloved leader for the Labour Party - to assuage an ever dwindling section of pro-status quo liberals, less than a month before an election is called! That’s bound to be the answer! Well done Paul, you’ve saved Western Democracy!
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No one who isn’t an outright sociopath wants to vote Tory... but voting Lib Dem allows you to basically vote Tory, without feeling really awfully quite bad about it. In a bumblingly charming Hugh Grant kind of a way.
No one who isn’t an outright sociopath wants to vote Tory... but voting Lib Dem allows you to basically vote Tory, without feeling really awfully quite bad about it. In a bumblingly charming Hugh Grant kind of a way.
I think you were right with your comparisons to the US election. There's a manipulation of voters to gear them towards voting against their best interests. Just replace "crooked Hillary" with "chicken Corbyn" or whatever they're trending. The right make it about personality over policy and unfortunately it works.

We need to educate people more to think for themselves and think critically. Even then, Brexit was a lot guesswork for everyone involved but the balance of risk was clear.
Sometimes I like to skip a few pages in this thread just to see if I can make sense of the insults being thrown about. On this occasion I'm completely out of my depth. Venezuela*

*Is this some sort of new signing off catchphrase we're now using, similar to "yippee kay yay" or "I'm a massive wanker"?

The trick is just to add GERRONWiVIT to the end of any post. Then it'll make total sense.

Unchanged Lineup.
No one who isn’t an outright sociopath wants to vote Tory... but voting Lib Dem allows you to basically vote Tory, without feeling really awfully quite bad about it. In a bumblingly charming Hugh Grant kind of a way.
Many great points made. But I fear these people are too entrenched in their position to hear.

You've been on form these last couple of pages. Great reading. :lol:
That research from Loughborough Uni is interesting thanks @Mockney .

My personal opinion at the time was that Corbyn didn't do a great deal of campaigning for remain but he obviously was out there. Maybe he just didn't get the same coverage that the tories and brexit did as this always felt like a tory issue(or civil war even).

This seems to suggest as much and that a more nuanced coverage, from the BBC especially, might have seen a different result.
you like to convince yourself you’re not felicitating a Right Wing victory by voting for a bunch of status quo yellow Tories and against the biggest opposition party... Cool beans bruv, you do you!....but as I said, history won’t absolve you this time.

As long as you’re cool with that.

Is this correct though, wouldn't a left of centre vote for the Libs be more likely to result in a hung parliament and necessitate some sort of progressive alliance between Labour, the Libs, SNP, Greens etc? The current polls seem to suggest this.

It would temper Corbyn and further erode the two party system. It would probably be the best outcome in my opinion.