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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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After further digging to find a link to the story, seems someone was playing tricks. It was actually the EU, not the Tory Party and the position was Protecting European way of life.
Disingenuousness is not a talent.
The Tory's are going to create a new minister position titled "Minister for protecting the British way of life" apparently.


"Stiffen the sinews and summon up the blood....cry God for Boris, England and St. George"
- as paraphrased by Dominic Cummings -
Johnsons Address prior to the storming of the EU Palace in Brussels (or maybe Strasburg) 31st Oct 2019 by TBP mercenaries ;)
I think at this point trying to second guess what the courts may decide is impossible.

Given your difficulties understanding the basic tenets the other day, I'd suggest you're right not to attempt to second guess.

Putting aside the whole Labour don't actually want to go back in time. You could really be talking about anything right here(Please god don't tell me your not talking about the introduction of speed limits), so whatever I guess.

Corbyn , I'm talking about, no EEC/EU - nationalised industry down the pan, strikes non-stop, devaluation of the pound, begging the IMF, desperately trying the convince the EEC to let them in, oh those were the days.

Apart from you seeming to have a problem with older people but think a 70 yo is cool.
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Looks like Cameron's practising the establishment's traditional 'poignant expression of regret'. You know...the one which is usually followed by promises of learning from mistakes to ensure it never happens again.
not sure why you think it is.

Because it may become one if without proof the PM is sanctioned by the courts on the basis for what someone assumed he might be doing.

It would set a precedent for actions taken by a future PM's where, not only in terms of possible proroguing, but anywhere their actions are open to interpretation, but lack proof, on matters normally within their gift/remit.

If Johnson admits he misled HM (probably have to wait for his memoirs for that), or if, as someone else said earlier, an email from Johnson himself comes to the fore indicating his reasons were not what he stated, then the courts have a role, but otherwise they do not, as I am sure the Supreme Court will rule.
Corbyn , I'm talking about, no EEC/EU - nationalised industry down the pan, strikes non-stop, devaluation of the pound, begging the IMF, desperately trying the convince the EEC to let them in, oh those were the days.

Yes Paul these things did happen in the past. Honestly I've spent far too much time trying to tell boomer why Labour won't bring back the 1960's or 1970's. Christ at the very least social workers get paid.

Apart from you seeming to have a problem with older people but think a 70 yo is cool.
I simply said the most extreme elements of Remain and Leave are mostly old people. Although yes, old people constituently voting for racists, climate change deniers and tories is rather annoying(At least the old people of the past beat the Nazis, you guys have nothing).
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After further digging to find a link to the story, seems someone was playing tricks. It was actually the EU, not the Tory Party and the position was Protecting European way of life.

Yeah, I know.

Vote S&D, Die Linke and bollock the CDU and the Commission.
Because it may become one if without proof the PM is sanctioned by the courts on the basis for what someone assumed he might be doing.

It would set a precedent for actions taken by a future PM's where, not only in terms of possible proroguing, but anywhere their actions are open to interpretation, but lack proof, on matters normally within their gift/remit.

If Johnson admits he misled HM (probably have to wait for his memoirs for that), or if, as someone else said earlier, an email from Johnson himself comes to the fore indicating his reasons were not what he stated, then the courts have a role, but otherwise they do not, as I am sure the Supreme Court will rule.

As long as something goes in their favour now, what impact it may have later is of no concern.

By now this should be clear. Small wins trump everything, whether brexiter or remainer, Trumper or democrat, liberal or conservative.
Yes Paul these things did happen in the past. Honestly I've spent far too much time trying to tell boomer why Labour won't bring back the 1960's or 1970's. Christ at the very least social workers get paid.

I simply said the most extreme elements of Remain and Leave are mostly old people. Although yes, old people constituently voting for racists, climate change deniers and tories is rather annoying(At least the old people of the past beat the Nazis, you guys have nothing).

That's good news, so they won't be nationalising industries to turn them into inefficient white elephants like they used to be or having to pay to buy them back using your money and then making enormous losses like they used to and then subsidising them again using your money.

I know of extremist racists, climate deniers but they are from all parties and all ages. I know plenty of older people, very few of them are as you describe. Your biggest problem are the younger ones who think the same way.
So to be worth anything you have to beat the Nazis, almost no-one alive is worth anything then - you may get your chance soon though.
That's good news, so they won't be nationalising industries to turn them into inefficient white elephants like they used to be or having to pay to buy them back using your money and then making enormous losses like they used to and then subsidising them again using your money.
Do you want me to link Labours alternative model of ownership from the last election or do you just want to say Venezuela and we can stop here. Because after our last long long discussion which ended up with you going - Your not getting my money. I'd rather not go again(Because there really is only a limited number of head injuries a person can take).

I know of extremist racists, climate deniers but they are from all parties and all ages. I know plenty of older people, very few of them are as you describe. Your biggest problem are the younger ones who think the same way.
Oh cheers, I didn't know your personal experience is just as good as polling statistics and voting patterns.
Corbynista idiocy hitting new lows, this is indeed hilarious :lol:

Why does the MP being pro Remain matter if the leadership and party line isn't? And are Labour planning to not contest marginal metropolitan seats where Lib Dem candidates are fighting against Tories in return? Or should Swinson just do Labour, a party with a different Brexit and economic policies, unreciprocated favours just because?
Swinson is effectively helping the extreme right Tories with her stance of ruling out cooperation with Labour.

Once again the Lib Dems working towards helping the Tories.
Are you ok MadMike ?

The Lib Dems are a 3rd party, not as you seem to be suggesting a political party that can win a majority in a election. So with that in mind, the only way the UK can remain in the EU is for the The Labour Party to do well in the coming election and then putting forward another referendum(For the millionth time there is no stop brexit button) . The Lib Dems splitting the vote and causing Labour Remain MP to lose isn't helpful. Also if the Lib Dems were smart they would see stepping down as a way keep as many Remain(Most likely liberal) MPs in the Party if Labour/Corbyn do poorly in the next election.

Christ they can't even see what is in their own best interest.

So the people vote marches were a completely waste of time for you then ? Oh god we are going to lose another referendum aren't we.
Swinson is effectively helping the extreme right Tories with her stance of ruling out cooperation with Labour.

Once again the Lib Dems working towards helping the Tories.

Did Labour offer to reciprocate the cooperation by not contesting Lib/Con marginals? No? They are also helping the extreme right then.

Maybe get a coherent Brexit strategy in place and elect a leader that isn’t the most unpopular in history, if you don’t want to be effectively helping the extreme right pal. Right now you’re practically cheering them to victory.
Did Labour offer to reciprocate the cooperation by not contesting Lib/Con marginals? No? They are also helping the extreme right then.

Maybe get a coherent Brexit strategy in place and elect a leader that isn’t the most unpopular in history, if you don’t want to be effectively helping the extreme right pal. Right now you’re practically cheering them to victory.
I think the post by sweet square sums up the current situation perfectly.

A) Unpopular to who? The right wing press? Corbyn has grown the a labour membership to record levels.

B)Even if you want rid of him, in the time frames we have to resolve brexit you need to be more pragmatic.

Its blinkered of you to back the Lib Dems approach.
Do you want me to link Labours alternative model of ownership from the last election or do you just want to say Venezuela and we can stop here. Because after our last long long discussion which ended up with you going - Your not getting my money. I'd rather not go again(Because there really is only a limited number of head injuries a person can take).

Oh cheers, I didn't know your personal experience is just as good as polling statistics and voting patterns.

I have never mentioned Venezuela. Are you referring to the one where Corbyn steals 5% or is it 10% , can't remember , of a companies shares and gives it to the employees so the employees become shareholders and capitalists or is the one where the french government own 100% of the shares in the SNCF but do so within the EU.

Just think if a group of people added their personal experiences together would be a good idea.
Polling statistics list 4 main criteria, one of them is poor education which imo is the greatest factor in all this but that is just a personal opinion, I don't tend to hang around with dimwits which is probably the reason.
I think the post by sweet square sums up the current situation perfectly.

A) Unpopular to who? The right wing press? Corbyn has grown the a labour membership to record levels.

B)Even if you want rid of him, in the time frames we have to resolve brexit you need to be more pragmatic.

Its blinkered of you to back the Lib Dems approach.

The only thing it sums up is the imaginary situation in Corbynista heads. I’ll wait for you to explain to me how Labour contesting Lib/Con marginals is any less helping the extreme right than Libs contesting Lab/Con marginals. I didn’t get an answer from him and I very much doubt I’ll get one from you either.

Unpopular to the average voter as per all the independent polls. I’m sure you’ve seen them. As I’m sure you also know that being popular with the membership means sweet fa when it comes to a general election. And since by Corbynista logic anyone who’s not helping Labour win is helping the extreme right, then I suggest a closer look to home at what’s not helping you win.
The only thing it sums up is the imaginary situation in Corbynista heads. I’ll wait for you to explain to me how Labour contesting Lib/Con marginals is any less helping the extreme right than Libs contesting Lab/Con marginals. I didn’t get an answer from him and I very much doubt I’ll get one from you either.

Unpopular to the average voter as per all the independent polls. I’m sure you’ve seen them. As I’m sure you also know that being popular with the membership means sweet fa when it comes to a general election. And since by Corbynista logic anyone who’s not helping Labour win is helping the extreme right, then I suggest a closer look to home at what’s not helping you win.

Extreme right?
I think the post by sweet square sums up the current situation perfectly.

A) Unpopular to who? The right wing press? Corbyn has grown the a labour membership to record levels.

B)Even if you want rid of him, in the time frames we have to resolve brexit you need to be more pragmatic.

Its blinkered of you to back the Lib Dems approach.
Mad Mike is sadly living up to his name.

The only thing it sums up is the imaginary situation in Corbynista heads. I’ll wait for you to explain to me how Labour contesting Lib/Con marginals is any less helping the extreme right than Libs contesting Lab/Con marginals.
I gave you a answer(Well actually a couple) - because they are a 3rd party and will never form a majority in parliament. But also we'll never know Labour plan on Lib/con marginals because the lib dems have ruled out working with any future Labour government. So the Labour Party can't just lets seats go uncontested between two parties who will be hostile to a Labour government.

If all the Lib Dems care about is Remaining in the EU then they should be doing everything in their power to get a Labour majority government(Because of the second referendum and revoke will never happen)but they clearly don't just care about Britain being in the EU.
I have never mentioned Venezuela. Are you referring to the one where Corbyn steals 5% or is it 10% , can't remember , of a companies shares and gives it to the employees so the employees become shareholders and capitalists or is the one where the french government own 100% of the shares in the SNCF but do so within the EU.

Just think if a group of people added their personal experiences together would be a good idea.
Polling statistics list 4 main criteria, one of them is poor education which imo is the greatest factor in all this but that is just a personal opinion, I don't tend to hang around with dimwits which is probably the reason.

And bingo!
I have never mentioned Venezuela. Are you referring to the one where Corbyn steals 5% or is it 10% , can't remember , of a companies shares and gives it to the employees so the employees become shareholders and capitalists or is the one where the french government own 100% of the shares in the SNCF but do so within the EU.

Just think if a group of people added their personal experiences together would be a good idea.
Polling statistics list 4 main criteria, one of them is poor education which imo is the greatest factor in all this but that is just a personal opinion, I don't tend to hang around with dimwits which is probably the reason.

You were shown to be at best, terribly uninformed, at worst outright lying about Corbyn yesterday. Why should anybody take what you say of him seriously going forward?

And bingo!

:lol: My wife's telling me to stop laughing so loud.
Sorry you must mean the bit where he steals the whole company - if the company is up for sale the employees can buy the company - of course they can if they outbid the competition. No problem there or is that not what he means.

Keep working through and you'll come to the really funny bit where is starts talking about unicorns.

Wonder what manifesto will come out of the conference.
You were shown to be at best, terribly uninformed, at worst outright lying about Corbyn yesterday. Why should anybody take what you say of him seriously going forward?

And what was that?

Edit: presume you mean this when a Corbyn supporter backed up what I was saying, great achievement coming in at no.7 as leader of the opposition :

Position Name | Number of appearances | Percentage of items in which they appeared
1 David Cameron (Conservative IN) 499 24.9%
2 Boris Johnson (Conservative OUT) 379 18.9%
3 George Osborne (Conservative IN) 230 11.5%
4 Nigel Farage (UKIP OUT) 182 9.1%
5 Michael Gove (Conservative OUT) 161 8.0%
6 Ian Duncan Smith (Conservative OUT) 124 6.2%
7 Jeremy Corbyn (Labour IN) 123 6.1%
8 Priti Patel (Conservative OUT) 65 3.2%
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I gave you a answer(Well actually a couple) - because they are a 3rd party and will never form a majority in parliament. But also we'll never know Labour plan on Lib/con marginals because the lib dems have ruled out working with any future Labour government. So the Labour Party can't just lets seats go uncontested between two parties who will be hostile to a Labour government.

I'm sure even you are smart to understand that regardless of whether the Lib Dems can win a majority or not, any seat they take from the Tories is a win for you and you need them to lose as many sets as possible if you are to win. Labour haven't made any offer of GE cooperation yet, apart from some Corbynistas on twitter randomly expecting Lib Dems to unilaterally not contest seats. In the absence of any cooperation, Lib Dems can't let seats go uncontested to parties that are Brexit-supporting. That'd be betraying their voters.

If all the Lib Dems care about is Remaining in the EU then they should be doing everything in their power to get a Labour majority government(Because of the second referendum and revoke will never happen)but they clearly don't just care about Britain being in the EU.

If all the Labour care about is social welfare, then they should be doing everything in their power to bring the Tories down instead of contesting seats they can't win. But clearly they don't just care enough about the poor people and are happy to stand by and watch BoJo turn the UK into Singapore-on-Thames while selling off the NHS to American interests.
:lol: My wife's telling me to stop laughing so loud.
Sorry you must mean the bit where he steals the whole company - if the company is up for sale the employees can buy the company - of course they can if they outbid the competition. No problem there or is that not what he means.

Keep working through and you'll come to the really funny bit where is starts talking about unicorns.

Wonder what manifesto will come out of the conference.
Sorry how is this any different than just saying Venezuela ? Other than being time consuming and somehow more embarrassing.

I'm sure even you are smart to understand that regardless of whether the Lib Dems can win a majority or not, any seat they take from the Tories is a win for you and you need them to lose as many sets as possible if you are to win. Labour haven't made any offer of GE cooperation yet, apart from some Corbynistas on twitter randomly expecting Lib Dems to unilaterally not contest seats. In the absence of any cooperation, Lib Dems can't let seats go uncontested to parties that are Brexit-supporting. That'd be betraying their voters..
But it's not when the Lib Dem leadership has said it won't work with a future labour government ? And there possible won't be any future cooperation with the Lib Dems because they have shate the bed early and again have said they won't work with a future labour government.

If all the Labour care about is social welfare, then they should be doing everything in their power to bring the Tories down instead of contesting seats they can't win. But clearly they don't just care enough about the poor people and are happy to stand by and watch BoJo turn the UK into Singapore-on-Thames while selling off the NHS to American interests.
Labour don't just care about social welfare but instead transforming the UK economy which why the need to basically need a massive win in any upcoming election.
They'll be wiped out.
Labour are finished.

Edit: presume you mean this when a Corbyn supporter backed up what I was saying, great achievement coming in at no.7 as leader of the opposition :

Position Name | Number of appearances | Percentage of items in which they appeared
1 David Cameron (Conservative IN) 499 24.9%
2 Boris Johnson (Conservative OUT) 379 18.9%
3 George Osborne (Conservative IN) 230 11.5%
4 Nigel Farage (UKIP OUT) 182 9.1%
5 Michael Gove (Conservative OUT) 161 8.0%
6 Ian Duncan Smith (Conservative OUT) 124 6.2%
7 Jeremy Corbyn (Labour IN) 123 6.1%
8 Priti Patel (Conservative OUT) 65 3.2%

Pity he didn't campaign before Brexit to stop it
And what was that?

Edit: presume you mean this when a Corbyn supporter backed up what I was saying, great achievement coming in at no.7 as leader of the opposition :

Position Name | Number of appearances | Percentage of items in which they appeared
1 David Cameron (Conservative IN) 499 24.9%
2 Boris Johnson (Conservative OUT) 379 18.9%
3 George Osborne (Conservative IN) 230 11.5%
4 Nigel Farage (UKIP OUT) 182 9.1%
5 Michael Gove (Conservative OUT) 161 8.0%
6 Ian Duncan Smith (Conservative OUT) 124 6.2%
7 Jeremy Corbyn (Labour IN) 123 6.1%
8 Priti Patel (Conservative OUT) 65 3.2%

It's clear to me that you can't be honest or objective about Corbyn.
Sorry how is this any different than just saying Venezuela ? Other than being time consuming and somehow more embarrassing.

Why are you obsessed with Venezuela, I've never mentioned it, I'm just referring to the manifesto.



It's clear to me that you can't be honest or objective about Corbyn.

Sorry I am guilty as charged and missed out the word "more" by mistake which would be apparent if you looked at the next posts
But it's not when the Lib Dem leadership has said it won't work with a future labour government ? And there possible won't be any future cooperation with the Lib Dems because they have shate the bed early and again have said they won't work with a future labour government.

I thought Lib Dems can't be trusted to not go back on their word for a share of power. That's what I've been told for the last 8 years wrt to the tuition fees saga. Maybe do what you can in an election and if you get enough seats to even make a coalition mathematically possible, we'll see what gets put on the table and what happens or not. Expecting unilateral non-competition just isn't gonna happen.

Labour don't just care about social welfare but instead transforming the UK economy which why the need to basically need a massive win in any upcoming election.

Well, that's hilarious. Chances of Labour getting a massive win in the next election are on par with Lib Dems getting one. Precisely 0. They couldn't even defeat the Tories when May was in charge and was avoiding to campaign or debate. They should aim for more humble targets perhaps, like incremental changes and keeping the UK in the EU.