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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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There are restrictions to it, outside of the fact that people only have a right to seek employment during the first three months and the criterias are entirely set by the member states.

Actually after 3 months they can claim looking for work benefits. Only after 6 months can they be removed if there's absolutely no chance of them getting work.

It's incredibly easy to demonstrate you are looking for work, when in reality you are not. Some Brits on the Mersey have been doing this for decades, for example. Though I expect most EU citizens will find work, we have entire networks of employment agencies set up just for that purpose.
The job loss stat could well be correct. We won't know unless we leave.

Some seem to think because UK is still doing ok right now it's proof it was all scaremongering but we haven't in the slightest bit left the EU yet.
No I was curious because I never really hear any valid reasons for leaving. At this stage I am genuinely looking for valid reasons for you leaving, because it's probably going to happen and it's going to feck my country up when you do it. When the reasons are simply because it makes certain aspects of your working life easier, it's not exactly great, is it? I genuinely can't see anything beyond selfish reasons whenever people try to present any.

If you didn't vote leave then fine, my mistake.

Almost nothing positive about leaving outweighs the negatives that would be created but that doesn’t mean I have to wilfully cheer the direction the EU is taking or every rule that is implemented like it’s United v Liverpool

This is how the commons has behaved for 3 years. Totally rubbishing any minor compromise and now we are in the position where we really are in the shit.
Democracy working as usual... people voted out but the politicians decided the brexit voters are all stupid.

Well to be fair there were two referendums held in Ireland in 1998 with 80-90% voting yes in favour of a peace process by way of an international agreement lodged with the UN to enshrine rights for people in Northern Ireland and to ensure an open border and close ties between the North and South of Ireland.

The 2016 referendum put forward by the Tories to settle internal party squabbles and voted for by England and Wales resulted in Brexit which threatens to undermine those referendums and that peace process especially a no deal Brexit.

Democracy eh?
Actually after 3 months they can claim looking for work benefits. Only after 6 months can they be removed if there's absolutely no chance of them getting work.

It's incredibly easy to demonstrate you are looking for work, when in reality you are not. Some Brits on the Mersey have been doing this for decades, for example. Though I expect most EU citizens will find work, we have entire networks of employment agencies set up just for that purpose.

Nope, the directive clearly states that the right applies for a period not exceeding 3 months. Beyond that the host member state does whatever he wants and use the criterias that he wants.
If Westminster struggles to have any kind of grasp on reality outside it’s own bubble, what chance do you think Brussels has? The transfer of powers is only going one way
So, you’re saying that government are incompetent but you want to transfer the power of lawmaking back to them?
Whilst I didn't vote leave, you shouldn't discount this. I have a sister I have seen twice in 23 years because I was born in the UK and she was born in Nigeria and keeps getting denied a Visa even for a visit even though she has 2 brothers and her mother who are British citizens
But in his explanation he was talking about FoM within other countries, it didn’t make sense. Maybe he wasn’t explaining it very well.

Besides what has Nigeria got to do with Brexit/EU immigration? If anything non-EU immigration has been rising.
Fairer immigration, not free movement.

Out of interest does FM of People exist anywhere outside the EU?
I’m not disagreeing with that. But my point remains why did you vote leave on THAT issue? Why not take it up as a seperate thread with your local MP etc. it’s really unrelated to the EU and the benefits that people will lose now
But in his explanation he was talking about FoM within other countries, it didn’t make sense. Maybe he wasn’t explaining it very well.

Besides what has Nigeria got to do with Brexit/EU immigration? If anything non-EU immigration has been rising.

Read other posts, one does impact the other, but fundamentally its just UK law. Look into cost of higher education for instance
Yeah, 17th September I think. Not sure what happens if they rule it's unlawful aswell. Parliament recalled perhaps?

Can see this just like the leave campaign in general. By the time the laws been broken and it's been proved, everyone has moved on to the next catastrophe and it just goes away.
Read other posts, one does impact the other, but fundamentally its just UK law. Look into cost of higher education for instance
Again not completely disagreeing but I don’t think it all conspires to stopping your relative getting a tourist visa

At the same time I don’t know the ins and outs of visa requirements for non-Eu folks so I’ll not labor this point further
So how does this work? Do Scottish courts have jurisdiction over the entire UK or limited to Scotland only in this matter?
The people (although it's mainly @WensleyMU and @Cassidy if I have been reading right) who're arguing for Leave because of "fairer settings for non-EU immigration" have either to be on a deliberate wind up or (if genuine) are just completely oblivious to everything that has happened within this process.

I mean, one has to be completely blind to the toxic environment of the Brexit/Ukip/BF/Tory-Mob that has set its course to think "Ah well, if we end FoM, this will help the UK implementing policies that will ease and increase Non-EU immigration". Even ignoring the fact that the UK had power to make rules for Non-EU immigration all along, do you honestly think the "Control our borders" narrative will result in a better environment for immigrants in the UK? You just have to look at how even Labor are constantly dodging Immigration and FoM questions (which is quite pathetic from a leftist perspective to be frank) because they're afraid of losing even more voters to the "They're stealing our jobs" crowd. Nevermind the freaking tories, who most likely will be in power for a couple of years once the UK has left the EU; you would be even dumber to put any hopes into them implementing immigrant-friendly policies.

Hate crimes on the rise, Murdoch papers obsessed with muslims/Africans/Asians and Tory/Brexiter (and in the past many labour) politicians falling over each other on how tough they will be on immigration but I'm sure that once FoM ends, they'll all turn around and try to make it easier for people from Thailand or Nigeria to come over, yes totally.
Expecting the Supreme Court to overrule it, but this is still wild. A UK court determining that the government lied to the queen and acted illegally. Wow..
As Corbyn said, Johnson has been rumbled.
The Scottish Nats will eat up this kind of rhetoric, the union is toast under Johnson.

The people (although it's mainly @WensleyMU and @Cassidy if I have been reading right) who're arguing for Leave because of "fairer settings for non-EU immigration" have either to be on a deliberate wind up or (if genuine) are just completely oblivious to everything that has happened within this process.

I mean, one has to be completely blind to the toxic environment of the Brexit/Ukip/BF/Tory-Mob that has set its course to think "Ah well, if we end FoM, this will help the UK implementing policies that will ease and increase Non-EU immigration". Even ignoring the fact that the UK had power to make rules for Non-EU immigration all along, do you honestly think the "Control our borders" narrative will result in a better environment for immigrants in the UK? You just have to look at how even Labor are constantly dodging Immigration and FoM questions (which is quite pathetic from a leftist perspective to be frank) because they're afraid of losing even more voters to the "They're stealing our jobs" crowd. Nevermind the freaking tories, who most likely will be in power for a couple of years once the UK has left the EU; you would be even dumber to put any hopes into them implementing immigrant-friendly policies.

Hate crimes on the rise, Murdoch papers obsessed with muslims/Africans/Asians and Tory/Brexiter (and in the past many labour) politicians falling over each other on how tough they will be on immigration but I'm sure that once FoM ends, they'll all turn around and try to make it easier for people from Thailand or Nigeria to come over, yes totally.

You obviously didn't read right as I did no such thing
Good. I am sure Wales and Scotland are tired of us imposing right wing governments on them.

Wales voted to leave and voted in two Brexit party MEPS this year out of four.

If they don't want to be dragged down into the mire with England they should stop voting for English feckwits.
And then there's this today too.....

yeah but look at the difference between Prods and Catholics. People keep bringing unification up but when around half the country would be insanely opposed to it seeing as they believe they're British, not Irish, then exactly why would it make any sense to happen?

Not to mention that the South won't go for it either.
yeah but look at the difference between Prods and Catholics. People keep bringing unification up but when around half the country would be insanely opposed to it seeing as they believe they're British, not Irish, then exactly why would it make any sense to happen?

Not to mention that the South won't go for it either.

Are you suggesting Nationalists in the north should just forget about the principle of consent enshrined in the GFA? It's one thing unionism imposing their will on a nationalist minority from the creation of the state it's quite another to think nationalists should/would accept it from an eventual unionist minority too.
Are you suggesting Nationalists in the north should just forget about the principle of consent enshrined in the GFA? It's one thing unionism imposing their will on a nationalist minority from the creation of the state it's quite another to think nationalists should/would accept it from an eventual unionist minority too.
No I'm not suggesting that at all. How can you possibly divulge that from what I said.

The only sensible solution here is to ensure that NI doesn't get pulled out of the GFA. There should simply not be a future scenario where in order for that to happen, they have to switch countries, it's madness.

There is no better arrangement for anyone than the current one and that's why all this stuff happening that could potentially break that is so fecking stupid.
The Scottish Nats will eat up this kind of rhetoric, the union is toast under Johnson.

There was a Labour politician on 5Live a few minutes ago that basically called one million Scots morons who are to blame for letting the SNP delay Brexit, and by association 1.6 million who voted to Remain in the EU. Incredibly short sighted and defensive language from someone who was rattled during a debate and, maybe I'm reading it wrong, just stinks of someone who sees the Scots as a pest. Well, frankly, feck them.