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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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You say his/her reasons are selfish them immediately give your own selfish reasons for voting remain... What boils down to possibly having to queue for a few minutes, if at all in airports...
I didn't vote, I'm not a UK citizen. I can name selfish reasons because I didn't have to make the decision. Even if it wasn't for selfish reasons I'd have voted remain because I wouldn't want to plunge the country into recession, potentially feck up the lives of 3m people already living there, take away all the rights young people there currently have in the UK to travel across Europe etc. etc.
you really don't need to point out repeatedly that you're a remain voter, usually people in this thread who've done that are secret leavers :lol: "I voted remain but <insert reason I actually voted to leave cause I hate the EU>"

Both sides? But what lies were fed about staying in the EU by remain? They led an absolutely dreadful campaign but I don't recall them saying any lies about remaining and benefits of doing so, probably because there are only benefits to staying and zero negatives.

Lies about the impact of voting leave
The simple fact EU citizens have zero restrictions regarding freedom of movement, increased EU migration directly impacts immigration from outside the EU.

It might seem like a minor issue to you, but to myself and others, having family members 6000 miles apart because they happen to be born in the wrong region is quite a big issue.

I am also aware that the UK is a very attractive place to come and live, which is why we cannot have FM of people on a global scale. It is not practical, so checks have to be made and due to our membership of the EU, those checks have to be on people from outside the EU.

Ideally there would be a simplified and fairer system that allowed people to apply to come and live here on an equal footing, whether EU or not.

It is also one reason for voting leave, not the reason. I shall not be discussing any others mind, as the responses to people genuine issues here isn't worth it.

Why didn't you answer this question last time you gave the one reason you were happy to discuss?

Sure, I agree in principle with you, but why did you think that throwing your lot in with people who are vehemently anti-immigration would make it easier for those non-EU citizens rather than just harder for EU citizens?
Fairer immigration, not free movement.

Out of interest does FM of People exist anywhere outside the EU?

Immigration policies are set by the UK not by the EU. Leaving the EU will not change the UK's policy. Remember they wanted to go under 100,000 net immigration
At present the number of EU immigrants is about the same as British people emigrating so if both of those stopped suddenly, there would still be over 200,000 net non-EU immigrants.

Unless people are directly concerned by this, possibly your family, what difference does it make to the average Leave voter, makes no sense.
Cassidy, the classic example of closet leaver. "I voted to stay BUT LOOK AT ALL THESE REASONS I'D ACTUALLY VOTE TO LEAVE!"

Maybe I misunderstand. Here is my take, and by no means am I saying I agree with the standpoint of the UK.
Yes that is what I am saying (again not saying I agree with the UK stance) but my point originally was that the EU has asked for something already or at least drawn their line in the sand by taking the stance that the UK WILL owe a divorce bill.
Whilst I didn't vote leave, you shouldn't discount this. I have a sister I have seen twice in 23 years because I was born in the UK and she was born in Nigeria and keeps getting denied a Visa even for a visit even though she has 2 brothers and her mother who are British citizens
I know it is.

I think most people didn't on both sides is the point, I'm even saying this as a remain voter.
He pulled the figures out of his arse but the GDP drop he stated (6.2%) is actually lower than the now projected GDP drop by 2030 :lol: Not really a good example is it? Surely you can give me a better one?

820,000 jobs lost within 2 years?
Ah so you want to leave for selfish reasons, got it.

No I can't think of any, none that affect me. All I can think of with the EU is the benefits when I visit European countries, which are amazing. I'd be gutted if I couldn't travel to Europe as freely as I currently can.

Strange thing to say. Everyone has selfish reasons for voting.

I voted remain anyway and don’t want to leave, certainly not without a deal. I obviously can’t speak for every sector of work in the UK.
Cassidy, the classic example of closet leaver. "I voted to stay BUT LOOK AT ALL THESE REASONS I'D ACTUALLY VOTE TO LEAVE!"

Or is just a person who in politics like to look at both sides of the coin, rather than shoot down things without actually understanding issues

However this is the main reason why politics is a shit show, what you are displaying right now

Fact is the referendum question was a stupid one in the first place
Strange thing to say. Everyone has selfish reasons for voting.

I voted remain anyway and don’t want to leave, certainly not without a deal. I obviously can’t speak for every sector of work in the UK.
I didn't vote, I also named plenty of non-selfish reasons I'd vote remain in my next post.

You voted remain? You must be joking.
Ah so you want to leave for selfish reasons, got it.

No I can't think of any, none that affect me. All I can think of with the EU is the benefits when I visit European countries, which are amazing. I'd be gutted if I couldn't travel to Europe as freely as I currently can.
Absolutely all of them do.
Immigration policies are set by the UK not by the EU. Leaving the EU will not change the UK's policy. Remember they wanted to go under 100,000 net immigration
At present the number of EU immigrants is about the same as British people emigrating so if both of those stopped suddenly, there would still be over 200,000 net non-EU immigrants.

Unless people are directly concerned by this, possibly your family, what difference does it make to the average Leave voter, makes no sense.

Add to that, UK immigrants generally tend to be older people retiring to sunnier climates thus putting less stress on the NHS than the generally younger people coming to UK looking for work who contribute tax while try do.
I try to, but Paul understands it better than I do so reference his post above if you want instead.

No need as his post doesn't address the point I made, no where have I suggested leaving the EU resolves the issue.
However understanding the reasons why people vote and looking for ways to address them is what politicians should be doing.
Add to that, UK immigrants generally tend to be older people retiring to sunnier climates thus putting less stress on the NHS than the generally younger people coming to UK looking for work who contribute tax while try do.

Yes, there is another factor that there will be a lot of them returning to the UK because the UK leave.
No need as his post doesn't address the point I made, no where have I suggested leaving the EU resolves the issue.
However understanding the reasons why people vote and looking for ways to address them is what politicians should be doing.
Whilst I didn't vote leave, you shouldn't discount this. I have a sister I have seen twice in 23 years because I was born in the UK and she was born in Nigeria and keeps getting denied a Visa even for a visit even though she has 2 brothers and her mother who are British citizens
I'm struggling here because in your original post it sounds like that's what you're doing. otherwise why say that bolded part, if you shouldn't discount this as a valid reason to leave then what's the point in discussing it like you are?
Hate to break this to you, but you haven't left yet, Cassidy.

No shit, the point Im making is no one has a clue how many jobs would be lost. So again "facts" on both sides of the argument where in reality no one knows. This statement was made without knowing anything about the possible rules of a withdrawal agreement etc

Both sides spouted a lot of crap
I'm struggling here because in your original post it sounds like that's what you're doing. otherwise why say that bolded part, if you shouldn't discount this as a valid reason to leave then what's the point in discussing it like you are?

You shouldn't discount people saying thats a reason for them voting leave, it is not hard to understand.
No shit, the point Im making is no one has a clue how many jobs would be lost. So again "facts" on both sides of the argument where in reality no one knows. This statement was made without knowing anything about the possible rules of a withdrawal agreement etc

Both sides spouted a lot of crap
I think the key difference is that Leave painted a picture of things being better after you leave and remain painted an (albeit potentially skewed) picture of things being worse, and quite clearly, things WILL be worse for the UK when you leave. Remain clearly didn't "lie" like Leave did.
The simple fact EU citizens have zero restrictions regarding freedom of movement, increased EU migration directly impacts immigration from outside the EU.

It might seem like a minor issue to you, but to myself and others, having family members 6000 miles apart because they happen to be born in the wrong region is quite a big issue.

I am also aware that the UK is a very attractive place to come and live, which is why we cannot have FM of people on a global scale. It is not practical, so checks have to be made and due to our membership of the EU, those checks have to be on people from outside the EU.

Ideally there would be a simplified and fairer system that allowed people to apply to come and live here on an equal footing, whether EU or not.

It is also one reason for voting leave, not the reason. I shall not be discussing any others mind, as the responses to people genuine issues here isn't worth it.

There are restrictions to it, outside of the fact that people only have a right to seek employment during the first three months and the criterias are entirely set by the member states.
I think the key difference is that Leave painted a picture of things being better after you leave and remain painted an (albeit potentially skewed) picture of things being worse, and quite clearly, things WILL be worse for the UK when you leave. Remain clearly didn't "lie" like Leave did.

I don't disagree
My point was both sides were talking shite
You shouldn't discount people saying thats a reason for them voting leave, it is not hard to understand.
But you should because you even said yourself above that leaving the EU doesn't resolve the issue, so as I already said, it's a moot point made by people who don't understand what they voted for.
No shit, the point Im making is no one has a clue how many jobs would be lost. So again "facts" on both sides of the argument where in reality no one knows. This statement was made without knowing anything about the possible rules of a withdrawal agreement etc

Both sides spouted a lot of crap

He was quoting a Treasury Analysis based on a severe shock scenario with a clear set of assumptions. Forecasts are kind of their job but :dam dem expertz"
But you should because you even said yourself above that leaving the EU doesn't resolve the issue, so as I already said, it's a moot point made by people who don't understand what they voted for.

It isn't a moot point. Since the EU free movement had an impact non EU migration in terms of cost etc, for example the cost of higher education.
It is a complex issue which you obviously have not bothered to look in to. Leaving doesn't resolve the issue, but there is an issue that needs to be looked in to.

Anyway like I already said, boiling down complex issues around politics into yes/no and simple binary decisions is everything that is wrong with politics
Immigration policies are set by the UK not by the EU. Leaving the EU will not change the UK's policy. Remember they wanted to go under 100,000 net immigration
At present the number of EU immigrants is about the same as British people emigrating so if both of those stopped suddenly, there would still be over 200,000 net non-EU immigrants.

Unless people are directly concerned by this, possibly your family, what difference does it make to the average Leave voter, makes no sense.

EU migration increased the population by about 60k last year, which was the lowest increase for quite some time.
I didn't vote, I also named plenty of non-selfish reasons I'd vote remain in my next post.

You voted remain? You must be joking.

Look. You asked a simple question about what laws could effect people. You probably thought I would say something about passports or bananas but I didn’t and you proceeded to call me selfish and assumed I am a rabid leaver.

You also assumed I would personally benefit from altering these EU directives but I wouldn’t, the average British person would. Come on pal, stop your tribalistic shit. It’s far too late in the game for that
It isn't a moot point. Since the EU free movement had an impact non EU migration in terms of cost etc, for example the cost of higher education.
It is a complex issue which you obviously have not bothered to look in to. Leaving doesn't resolve the issue, but there is an issue that needs to be looked in to.

Anyway like I already said, boiling down complex issues around politics into yes/no and simple binary decisions is everything that is wrong with politics
What are you talking about? If leaving doesn't resolve the issue, then what exactly does it have to do with wanting to leave the EU?

This is getting tiresome and going in circles so probably best to leave it.
What are you talking about? If leaving doesn't resolve the issue, then what exactly does it have to do with wanting to leave the EU?

This is getting tiresome and going in circles so probably best to leave it.[/QUOTE]
It is.
Look. You asked a simple question about what laws could effect people. You probably thought I would say something about passports or bananas but I didn’t and you proceeded to call me selfish and assumed I am a rabid leaver.

You also assumed I would personally benefit from altering these EU directives but I wouldn’t, the average British person would. Come on pal, stop your tribalistic shit. It’s far too late in the game for that
No I was curious because I never really hear any valid reasons for leaving. At this stage I am genuinely looking for valid reasons for you leaving, because it's probably going to happen and it's going to feck my country up when you do it. When the reasons are simply because it makes certain aspects of your working life easier, it's not exactly great, is it? I genuinely can't see anything beyond selfish reasons whenever people try to present any.

If you didn't vote leave then fine, my mistake.