Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
It’s quite clearly a fecking set up on Corbyn and he’s too daft to realise it.

May is going to concede whatever she needs to concede to get her deal over the line, at the next general election, the Tories are going to blame the shit show Brexit turns out to be on Corbyn’s input.

Ekkie Thump

Full Member
Mar 9, 2013
Leeds United
There's not a lot of evidence to support fear of immigration being the main message that swayed people, never mind the only one:

It's just more palatable for you to believe it so.

And of course this is based on the premise that people make decisions because of what people on the TV tell them to do. Which is just a little bit of an exaggeration of the effect of political messaging. People actually have their own thoughts too.
You're right that it's not the only one and remainers might overestimate the extent to which concerns about immigration affected the result but consider the following: Immigration was the second or first most cited reason leavers themselves gave for wanting to leave despite the stigma that might be attached to such an admission. A June 2016 MORI poll suggested that immigration was far and away the top concern of UK voters in general and stated that this concern had increased 10 points since May. Immigration was of particular concern to Conservatives, UKIPers, the 65+ and those with a social grade of C2DE - all demographics which disproportionately voted leave. The second most cited primary concern of all these groups? - The EU. Of those that cited the EU as their primary concern Immigration was their most mentioned "other important" concern. Of those that cited Immigration as their primary concern the EU was their most mentioned "other important" concern. This is, again, true of the aforementioned leave leaning demographics.

That immigration formed the bulk of the Vote Leave campaign's messaging is heavily suggested in this Independent article. The same article also demonstrates the throughline connection between fear of immigration (the lead), the nhs, loss of sovereignty and the resulting appeal of Dominic Cummings' £350 million:

Vote leave advert said:
"The EU is expanding and plans on granting Turkey visa-free travel. This will put enormous pressure on the NHS, our border security and economy. Have we lost control? We already send £350 million to the EU every single week. Shouldn't we spend our money on our priorities instead? Is This Good News? Click No! Vote Leave."
Immigration was quite clearly Vote Leave's totem of the sovereignty they were claiming we would regain.
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Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
You're right that it's not the only one and remainers might overestimate the extent to which concerns about immigration affected the result but consider the following: Immigration was the second or first most cited reason leavers themselves gave for wanting to leave despite the stigma that might be attached to such an admission. A June 2016 MORI poll suggested that immigration was far and away the top concern of UK voters in general and stated that this concern had increased 10 points since May. Immigration was of particular concern to Conservatives, UKIPers, the 65+ and those with a social grade of C2DE - all demographics which disproportionately voted leave. The second most cited primary concern of all these groups? - The EU. Of those that cited the EU as their primary concern Immigration was their most mentioned "other important" concern. Of those that cited Immigration as their primary concern the EU was their most mentioned "other important" concern. This is, again, true of the aforementioned leave leaning demographics.

That immigration formed the bulk of the Vote Leave campaign's messaging is heavily suggested in this Independent article. The same article also demonstrates the throughline connection between fear of immigration (the lead), the nhs, loss of sovereignty and the resulting appeal of Dominic Cummings' £350 million:

Immigration was quite clearly Vote Leave's totem of the sovereignty they were claiming we would regain.
Yes immigration was a central issue of the campaign, a central reason for leaving for many people, and was tied in coherently with the NHS and sovereignty more broadly. That wasn't what was being debated. Let's look at the data:
  1. The most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 45%––was, ‘to strike a better balance between Britain's right to act independently, and the appropriate level of co-operation with other countries’. The second most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 26%––was, ‘to help us deal better with the issue of immigration’
  2. ‘The principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK’, which was ranked first by 49% of Leave voters; and ‘A feeling that voting to leave the EU offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders’, which was ranked first by 33% of Leave voters.
  3. The most frequently cited reasons for voting Leave were ‘Sovereignty/EU bureaucracy’ and ‘Immigration’ (both mentioned by around 30% of those who said they intended to vote Leave)
In each case less than half of leave voters said immigration was why they voted Leave, and immigration was a secondary reason in 3 of the 4 surveys quoted. Of course, unpacking "sovereignty" from immigration is impossible to do properly. But then that's the limitation of the surveys used - particularly in the survey that just presents people with just 4 options, as if they accurately represent the full distribution of reasons for that decision.

In any case, your data illustrates my point quite well. Immigration was not the reason people voted Leave. It was an important reason for a lot of people, but not the primary reason for most, never mind the singular reason for all.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
So bitter :lol:
How is that bitter? I don't think you understand the meaning of the word.

Bitterness is professing a lack of transparency about the EU - when it isn't the case - because you have a pre-existing dislike for it as an institution. Talking about that irrationality is a point of fact.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
Sorry if you felt I was attacking. Genuinely what you described is essentially xenophobia.


My grandma is from the Caribbean but has lived here for 30 years and her grandmother was a slave who was raped and forced to conceive a child to work on the fields. Her father was murdered for attempting to buy the former property of his father's slaver.

If you were to ask her what she identities as and her opinion of the British empire. She would tell you she was British and that the empire was a time of great joy and a time to look back fondly where life was.better.
Just to add my two cents here mate, I’m from Trinidad and still live here, and there is absolutely no one in this country who sympathizes with the British or consider themselves even vaguely British as a result of being a commonwealth nation. I truly have no idea where you’ve plucked that from, but it’s complete nonsense. There is no romancism or entitlement here.

It’s quite the opposite in fact, a lot of people dislike a lot of what England stands for as a result of their past with us, which lends to a lot of people really hating National sports teams from England, for example, and enjoying when they’re beaten.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Just to add my two cents here mate, I’m from Trinidad and still live here, and there is absolutely no one in this country who sympathizes with the British or consider themselves even vaguely British as a result of being a commonwealth nation. I truly have no idea where you’ve plucked that from, but it’s complete nonsense. There is no romancism or entitlement here.

It’s quite the opposite in fact, a lot of people dislike a lot of what England stands for as a result of their past with us, which lends to a lot of people really hating National sports teams from England, for example, and enjoying when they’re beaten.
I won't lie I had a double take on that post too. I'm English with Jamaican heritage though so I wasn't going to assume I know what it's like for him/her. My experience is more like yours....


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
I won't lie I had a double take on that post too. I'm English with Jamaican heritage though so I wasn't going to assume I know what it's like for him/her. My experience is more like yours....
Yeah I mean far be it from me to say anything about his personal experience, but I know a lot of people, and not many people feel anything positive towards England, and absolutely no one towards their old empire or the commonwealth. It was such a strange post I just had to say something about it, as I really don’t want people who may not know better thinking the islands are full of people pining for the good old days where we were part of the empire :lol:

I’m one of the rare exceptions as I’m quite fond of England :D

Ekkie Thump

Full Member
Mar 9, 2013
Leeds United
Yes immigration was a central issue of the campaign, a central reason for leaving for many people, and was tied in coherently with the NHS and sovereignty more broadly. That wasn't what was being debated. Let's look at the data:
  1. The most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 45%––was, ‘to strike a better balance between Britain's right to act independently, and the appropriate level of co-operation with other countries’. The second most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 26%––was, ‘to help us deal better with the issue of immigration’
  2. ‘The principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK’, which was ranked first by 49% of Leave voters; and ‘A feeling that voting to leave the EU offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders’, which was ranked first by 33% of Leave voters.
  3. The most frequently cited reasons for voting Leave were ‘Sovereignty/EU bureaucracy’ and ‘Immigration’ (both mentioned by around 30% of those who said they intended to vote Leave)
In each case less than half of leave voters said immigration was why they voted Leave, and immigration was a secondary reason in 3 of the 4 surveys quoted. Of course, unpacking "sovereignty" from immigration is impossible to do properly. But then that's the limitation of the surveys used - particularly in the survey that just presents people with just 4 options, as if they accurately represent the full distribution of reasons for that decision.

In any case, your data illustrates my point quite well. Immigration was not the reason people voted Leave. It was an important reason for a lot of people, but not the primary reason for most, never mind the singular reason for all.
But I'm not particularly disagreeing with you there or seeking to impugn the motives of all, or even the majority of leave voters. I'm adding the nuance, lacking from your original post, that immigration was indeed the central thread that tied together the leave message and that the extent of its overall importance in swaying voters is arguable. Bolded is the rub - hence why I described how the two were linked by the leave campaign and provided supporting data from the Mori poll. That poll at the very least points to immigration as being the principal concern of leave leaning demographics and shows a heavy correlation between immigration and the EU as issues. Another interesting tidbit from that poll was that concern for immigration jumped 10 points from its previous incarnation while the EU and NHS scored a more modest 4% jump. This suggests Leave's anti immigration message was very effective in swaying people and that its concern for the nhs, while important, remained secondary.


Copy & Paste Merchant
Jan 20, 2012
I won't lie I had a double take on that post too. I'm English with Jamaican heritage though so I wasn't going to assume I know what it's like for him/her. My experience is more like yours....
Are there generational differences and are they quite pronounced?


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Are there generational differences and are they quite pronounced?
I can only speak on a few (relatively speaking) anecdotal interactions, and even then, all its shown me is that different people see things differently.

So I won't make any generalisations. I don't recall anyone having any affinity (in the way that earlier poster mentioned) to the commonwealth, Queen, Britain, empire, etc however...


Full Member
Sep 24, 2013
Not Moskva
Yes immigration was a central issue of the campaign, a central reason for leaving for many people, and was tied in coherently with the NHS and sovereignty more broadly. That wasn't what was being debated. Let's look at the data:
  1. The most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 45%––was, ‘to strike a better balance between Britain's right to act independently, and the appropriate level of co-operation with other countries’. The second most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 26%––was, ‘to help us deal better with the issue of immigration’
  2. ‘The principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK’, which was ranked first by 49% of Leave voters; and ‘A feeling that voting to leave the EU offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders’, which was ranked first by 33% of Leave voters.
  3. The most frequently cited reasons for voting Leave were ‘Sovereignty/EU bureaucracy’ and ‘Immigration’ (both mentioned by around 30% of those who said they intended to vote Leave)
In each case less than half of leave voters said immigration was why they voted Leave, and immigration was a secondary reason in 3 of the 4 surveys quoted. Of course, unpacking "sovereignty" from immigration is impossible to do properly. But then that's the limitation of the surveys used - particularly in the survey that just presents people with just 4 options, as if they accurately represent the full distribution of reasons for that decision.

In any case, your data illustrates my point quite well. Immigration was not the reason people voted Leave. It was an important reason for a lot of people, but not the primary reason for most, never mind the singular reason for all.
Reasons 1 and 2 above could be interpreted as concerns about immigration (essentially the right for the UK to set its own immigration quotas). It also sounds a bit better than confessing directly that you want to kick out foreigners. I very much doubt the average Brexit voter was thinking in Liam Fox terms of the right of the UK to strike its own trade deals, and 95% of them wouldn’t know what ECJ stands for.

The sensitivity around staying in the single market also emphasises just how central our politicians perceive the immigration issue to be for Leavers. It is unbelievably stupid to give up access to the giant market on our doorstep unless you believe the freedom of movement pillar to be politically toxic.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2011
I can only speak on a few (relatively speaking) anecdotal interactions, and even then, all its shown me is that different people see things differently.

So I won't make any generalisations. I don't recall anyone having any affinity (in the way that earlier poster mentioned) to the commonwealth, Queen, Britain, empire, etc however...
I can only speak for Jamaica. Generally we don't give a feck about the British. Maybe the really older folk that were born before independence, but even then We all identify proudly as Jamaicans and as a poster said previously enjoy beating the colonist at any chance we can. I particularly enjoy beating them in cricket


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
Just to add my two cents here mate, I’m from Trinidad and still live here, and there is absolutely no one in this country who sympathizes with the British or consider themselves even vaguely British as a result of being a commonwealth nation. I truly have no idea where you’ve plucked that from, but it’s complete nonsense. There is no romancism or entitlement here.

It’s quite the opposite in fact, a lot of people dislike a lot of what England stands for as a result of their past with us, which lends to a lot of people really hating National sports teams from England, for example, and enjoying when they’re beaten.
Really? I'm from Barbados and Nigeria. My family grew up there I'm first generation born here. I've spent extensive time in both places including spending alot of time with immigrants from both places here. Both have an infinity for British which is extremely high. For example any British person going to these places is essentially thought to be a higher level or someone to be celebrated. Now it has changed a bit for my generation but for the Windrush generation it's very much the case.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
But I'm not particularly disagreeing with you there or seeking to impugn the motives of all, or even the majority of leave voters. I'm adding the nuance, lacking from your original post, that immigration was indeed the central thread that tied together the leave message and that the extent of its overall importance in swaying voters is arguable. Bolded is the rub - hence why I described how the two were linked by the leave campaign and provided supporting data from the Mori poll. That poll at the very least points to immigration as being the principal concern of leave leaning demographics and shows a heavy correlation between immigration and the EU as issues. Another interesting tidbit from that poll was that concern for immigration jumped 10 points from its previous incarnation while the EU and NHS scored a more modest 4% jump. This suggests Leave's anti immigration message was very effective in swaying people and that its concern for the nhs, while important, remained secondary.
I think you're missing the nuance, unfortunately.

Reasons 1 and 2 above could be interpreted as concerns about immigration (essentially the right for the UK to set its own immigration quotas). It also sounds a bit better than confessing directly that you want to kick out foreigners. I very much doubt the average Brexit voter was thinking in Liam Fox terms of the right of the UK to strike its own trade deals, and 95% of them wouldn’t know what ECJ stands for.

The sensitivity around staying in the single market also emphasises just how central our politicians perceive the immigration issue to be for Leavers. It is unbelievably stupid to give up access to the giant market on our doorstep unless you believe the freedom of movement pillar to be politically toxic.
They could be, but it would be unreasonable to assume they are for most people. We know for a fact there are people that don't give a shit about the economy, immigration or any of the major political issues, but they just don't like the idea of the EU - this unseen, unknown "leviathan" - having control of their country. They don't really care what they have control over, or what decisions they make, it's just a point of principle. Some people will have voted on that reason alone. And that's most easily summarised as wanting to take back control.

No-one doubts that immigration has been a big political issue for a long time and was one of the driving forces of the Leave vote. The point is, it wasn't the driving force, never mind the sole explanation. That's what Ekkie's data illustrates. Anyone who believes that is the single reason that this vote happened is just over simplifying it to help rationalise it, and in doing so is not just misunderstanding a significant portion of the population but demonising them for reasons that have no merit. Which we know for a fact does strengthen divisions and make political problems more difficult.

That's all I was saying. I wasn't saying the majority of Leave voters took an active interest in trade negotiations or the ECJ.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Yes immigration was a central issue of the campaign, a central reason for leaving for many people, and was tied in coherently with the NHS and sovereignty more broadly. That wasn't what was being debated. Let's look at the data:
  1. The most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 45%––was, ‘to strike a better balance between Britain's right to act independently, and the appropriate level of co-operation with other countries’. The second most frequently selected reason among Leave voters––ticked by 26%––was, ‘to help us deal better with the issue of immigration’
  2. ‘The principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK’, which was ranked first by 49% of Leave voters; and ‘A feeling that voting to leave the EU offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders’, which was ranked first by 33% of Leave voters.
  3. The most frequently cited reasons for voting Leave were ‘Sovereignty/EU bureaucracy’ and ‘Immigration’ (both mentioned by around 30% of those who said they intended to vote Leave)
In each case less than half of leave voters said immigration was why they voted Leave, and immigration was a secondary reason in 3 of the 4 surveys quoted. Of course, unpacking "sovereignty" from immigration is impossible to do properly. But then that's the limitation of the surveys used - particularly in the survey that just presents people with just 4 options, as if they accurately represent the full distribution of reasons for that decision.

In any case, your data illustrates my point quite well. Immigration was not the reason people voted Leave. It was an important reason for a lot of people, but not the primary reason for most, never mind the singular reason for all.
Leave voters in saying it wasn't immigtation shocker. Never seen that before

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
One-year flexible extension (where Britain can leave any time Parliament ratifies a deal) is reportedly being mooted by the EU.
The big-bad EU being nice to the UK in negotiations? But.. but.. it's all their fault the UK is having such a hard time leaving!

But yeah, it's a good idea, though I honestly feel a year probably still isn't enough and we'll be back in this exact position again this time next year.


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
The big-bad EU being nice to the UK in negotiations? But.. but.. it's all their fault the UK is having such a hard time leaving!

But yeah, it's a good idea, though I honestly feel a year probably still isn't enough and we'll be back in this exact position again this time next year.
It's a good idea but I don't think Macron is on board and maybe a few others too.

Also may has requested June 30 as the leave date. The EU will no doubt reject it.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Adam Boulton of Sky News has lost all neutrality in his reporting lately, just talks from his own opinion on Brexit its great. Only one i see hold anyone to task


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
It's a good idea, in my view. It takes the pressure off - things have become ridiculous over the last month or so.

Not too sure many companies and businesses who deal with the EU would agree... its becoming the 'Hotel California' situation writ large. Sounds like it just means more 'navel gazing' inertia to many.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
They're not being nice. They're being pragmatic because Brexit is a major problem for them as well.
They are being very accommodating as well. If, as ERG/Brexiteers suggest, the EU was looking to punish us for leaving, to demonstrate what a bad idea it was, they could just let us drop out this month.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
They are being very accommodating as well. If, as ERG/Brexiteers suggest, the EU was looking to punish us for leaving, to demonstrate what a bad idea it was, they could just let us drop out this month.
They're not being 'accommodating', its a balance of interests. It isn't about baddies and goodies.

If they can get the UK into a permanent customs union then they are able to stop it becoming an independent trading nation and exert a level of control over it still. The flow of political sentiment in the UK currently will please a lot of politicians on the continent.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
I'm sure the UK will be resilient but why put itself in this position. And for sure the people who are going to suffer the most are the people who voted for it (other than Mogg and co). I think there's a terrible shock to a lot of people coming.
Yes. Cannot disagree with any of that.
The whole thing is stupid and completely unnecessary.
You will have understood that while I voted to remain I am not a huge fan of the EU. But I still believe that we are better off in this massive trading block than on our own.
Time will tell as always.


Go on Didier
Aug 28, 2018
Bristol Rovers
Who needs information and transparency when you alreafy have your opinion based on Tory/News Corp propoganda?
Bingo. That is a perfect summary of how our media has fed gullible people with utter rubbish. And the real stupidity is that they actually bought into it.


Full Member
Jun 12, 2009
I don't want the EU commission to be democratic, what I want is for people democratically elected to nominate people that are competent in specific domains which is the case for the commission. You and I don't elect the environment minister and there is a reason for that.
The EU commission is the only source of legislation. I have enough problems with the House of Lords as it stands, imagine if the House of Lords was the only body that could propose and originate new legislation. That is a better analogy for the problem with the commission.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
Really? I'm from Barbados and Nigeria. My family grew up there I'm first generation born here. I've spent extensive time in both places including spending alot of time with immigrants from both places here. Both have an infinity for British which is extremely high. For example any British person going to these places is essentially thought to be a higher level or someone to be celebrated. Now it has changed a bit for my generation but for the Windrush generation it's very much the case.
It’s not British people, it’s white people on the whole. It’s something seen mostly in businessplaces, restaurants etc., not really in other places, or an average person on the street. White people are usually giving extra care and politeness, because there’s the assumption that they’re rich and will spend more money.