likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
A pity a party that champions itself as progressive cannot be bothered to champion the immense benefit of FOM.
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A pit a party that champions itself as progressive cannot be bothered to champion the immense benefit of FOM.
A pit a party that champions itself as progressive cannot be bothered to champion the immense benefit of FOM.
So if Cooper’s bill passes tonight it will allow Remainers to vote against May’s deal again without causing a no deal. Smart.
As Corbyn and May have both ruled out a soft Brexit, there's no reason to have an extension.
This guy nails it. It's disheartening.
Corbyn claims to still be asking for a 2nd referendum in his talks with May, so we’ll see.
I'm actually not opposed to ending freedom of movement as long as we have a sensible immigration policy. It's the outcome not the mechanism thats important
I'm actually not opposed to ending freedom of movement as long as we have a sensible immigration policy. It's the outcome not the mechanism thats important
I'm actually not opposed to ending freedom of movement as long as we have a sensible immigration policy. It's the outcome not the mechanism thats important
You're not able to get rid of FOM and avoid a hard Irish border though, are you? Seems like unicorn territory again.
current deal does itYou're not able to get rid of FOM and avoid a hard Irish border though, are you?
current deal does it
I'm not saying i want rid of it I'm saying that in itself isn't an issue to me. It's a footnote compared to the actual issues.
I think there would be adequote reciprocal arrangements to deliver these rights. They're mutually beneficial
Sums up the mess quite well
one would hope not... but who knows
Gut feel is that in the national interest people should work together...
practicalities are (in both parties) that working with the "enemy" is not acceptable and as somebody else mentioned on here... both could implode
Can't wait for the Corbyn fanatics to come in here and defend him
Gordon Bennett
It's the most fundamental of all.
Sums up the mess quite well
It might be to the EU project I'm not arguing otherwise. In terms of long term impacts it might be detrimental with anti-immigrant parties rising too.
If our own government followed the likes of Germany in loosened immigration laws and dropped the high wage threshold etc then it's impact would be minimised in the short term. It requires arrangement with a lot of countries rather than the block though
The way I understand it, any deal with Europe will involve a backstop. They'll insist on it regardless. Only a no-deal crash out would avoid it, and risk a hard border instead.
The way I understand it, any deal with Europe will involve a backstop. They'll insist on it regardless. Only a no-deal crash out would avoid it, and risk a hard border instead.
Even in an no-deal there would be some sort of backstop to keep the border open, just to add to the chaos if it did happen.
Not paid attention for last few days - any significant progress?
Have a guess.
The way I understand it, any deal with Europe will involve a backstop. They'll insist on it regardless. Only a no-deal crash out would avoid it, and risk a hard border instead.