Sassy Colin
Death or the gladioli!
Yeah just came back from Belgium and not a freddo in sight. They haven't got a clue about chocolate. Or beer for that matter.
What the actual feck are you on about
Or chocolate.
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Yeah just came back from Belgium and not a freddo in sight. They haven't got a clue about chocolate. Or beer for that matter.
It's important to remember that there are solutions to the irish border. They simply don't match with british politicians will.
Double whoooosh.What the actual feck are you on aboutYou know nothing whatsoever about beer, mate.
It's important to remember that there are solutions to the irish border. They simply don't match with british politicians will.
What happens if we can't find a workable solution in time?
Yes, staying in Europe & stopping this shit.
If the red lines don't change from May and the UK leaves then the backstop is the only possibility other than No deal. even with No deal the Uk are still responsible to respect international law.
There are solutions but none are wanted by the UK.
Anyone hoping we're going to get a reasonable Brexit is dreaming. My reasons why;
1. It's in the EU's best interests to undermine Brexit. If it is a horrible shitshow, other nations won't want to try it. We're either going to get Mays non-Brexit or we're going to get No-deal Brexit.
2. JC is to weak a leader to take advantage and steer us away from Brexit - it's risky and he won't do it. He'd rather watch the car crash and then try to pounce afterwards hoping people are desperate enough to vote for him to deal with the aftermath.
3. I bet there are scores of multimillionaires who have brexit proofed their businesses and are waiting for a big no-deal brexit crash to happen, so they can pick up companies and property on the cheap. These people all probably fund the Tory party, or are Tory MP's.
I have a problem with the first point because after two years the EU hasn't undermined brexit and we still read that nonsense, it was daft then and it's even dafter now.
It's what i would do. I can't prove the EU is doing it - and they certainly wouldn't be overt about it if they were, but if i was in charge, i'd make it as difficult as possible.
See answers above, bit busy, so they are short I'm afraid.
As highlighted, not an easy situation to solve.
Grateful for your thoughts on a solution that;
A) Fulfills the referendum of exiting the EU
B) Supports GFA
C) Ensures that the soverignty of the UK and NI is not undermind, such as the enactment of a trade border between parts of the UK
Trying to boil the issue down to its most basic terms, is this a fair summary?
Here are three statements from the British wish list:
a) no hard border in Northern Ireland
b) no border in the Irish Sea
c) an independent British trade policy
You can have any two of these, but not all three.
a+b = UK-wide Customs Union (basically the backstop)
a+c = NI remains in EU customs union. The rest of the UK is free to strike trade deals.
b+c = Hard Brexit (leave with no deal)
See answers above, bit busy, so they are short I'm afraid.
As highlighted, not an easy situation to solve.
Grateful for your thoughts on a solution that;
A) Fulfills the referendum of exiting the EU
B) Supports GFA
C) Ensures that the soverignty of the UK and NI is not undermind, such as the enactment of a trade border between parts of the UK
That is not what sovereignty means.
It’s also completely stupid. Northern Ireland is a unique situation, so a bespoke agreement where they stayed in the Customs Union would be both hugely advantageous to NI and a big concession by the EU. Turning it down because of the DUP was ridiculous.
No need. With Ireland there is and need is the mother of invention. So something will be found. The question is when and what to do in the interim.That's one of them, the other is to have NI in the CU/SM. Now of course the risk is that Scotland will want the same deal but is that really an issue? After all brexiteers are big on self determination.
Also, you have to wonder why Norway and Switzerland two pretty rich countries haven't found that mythical technology that replaces custom checks, they have had decades.
The feck?Tusk is not holding back.
"People all over the continent, and in Ireland, hoped that the UK would change its mind about Brexit.
But the facts are unmistakeable. At the moment the pro-Brexit stance of the UK prime minister, and the leader of the opposition, rules out this question.
Today there is no political force, and no effective leadership, for remain.
I say this without satisfaction, but you can’t argue with the facts."
That stance resolutely resisted facts all the way so this is unlikely to change anything.That's a stupid tweet from Tusk. All he's doing there is giving Brexiteer's fuel for their "blame the big bad EU" stance.
He's a patronising twat.The feck?Tusk is not holding back.
This, coupled with what the Lithuanian PM said in Davos, sounds like the EU version of "gerronwithit". The 27 seem to be tired of the UK at this point.Not letting Corbyn off the hook either by the sounds of it.
No need. With Ireland there is and need is the mother of invention. So something will be found. The question is when and what to do in the interim.
Failing to adequately prepare for and prevent a financial crisis is quite different to actively pushing for something without, y'know, knowing what that thing entails.He's a patronising twat.
Like everything he and his crowd have done has been pre-planned to the last crossed 't' and dotted 'i'.
Greece was a juggernaut careering down the road towards them.
But they were caught with their fingers up their arses and brains in neutral.
This doesn't help.
Maybe not. But such is the way of things. The GFA went to the wire - even overran by a day.There is always a need to make things easier and cheaper, so I'm not buying the need argument, particularly when you could apply it everywhere.
Maybe not. But such is the way of things. The GFA went to the wire - even overran by a day.
And it will be invented. And probably constitute a blueprint for customs all over the world. My point is that pressure generally moves things along.That's irrelevant, we are talking about inventing a technology not drafting an agreement.
Any plan would have been better than "we'll get everything that we demand before we leave, trust us, the EU will blink first"He's a patronising twat.
Like everything he and his crowd have done has been pre-planned to the last crossed 't' and dotted 'i'.
Greece was a juggernaut careering down the road towards them.
But they were caught with their fingers up their arses and brains in neutral.
This doesn't help.
And it will be invented. And probably constitute a blueprint for customs all over the world. My point is that pressure generally moves things along.
This entire thing is just a total shitshow. I'm out, just let us in the North of Ireland have our reunification referendum and we'll be on our way.
I don't like this any more than you but there is an awful lot of standing on the sidelines and hand-wringing on this thread. All this 'pointing out' to us thick Brits by you, Paul and others is not helping.And that's irrelevant to this conversation, this isn't about whether it will be invented in an unknown timeframe. We are talking about it being a thing in the next months and actually working in order to be used at a large scale.
This, coupled with what the Lithuanian PM said in Davos, sounds like the EU version of "gerronwithit". The 27 seem to be tired of the UK at this point.
I don't like this any more than you but there is an awful lot of standing on the sidelines and hand-wringing on this thread. All this 'pointing out' to us thick Brits by you, Paul and others is not helping.
We have a parliamentary system in this country that is one of the oldest on the planet and has been the blueprint for countless other democracies.
We had a democratic referendum. Now you can argue until you are blue in the face about whether it should have taken place or what the question should have been of what leave meant.
But by making comments like that Tusk is not just insulting the Brexiters he's laughing at 17.4 million British people. This will be meat and drink to the hard-liners.
Look, this thing will be sorted one way or another. What the fallout will be, nobody knows. I fear the worst. But it will be sorted and the world will move on.
Perhaps you can have another one in a few years when Italy goes too.It's party time in mainland Europe on 30th March.
I don't like this any more than you but there is an awful lot of standing on the sidelines and hand-wringing on this thread. All this 'pointing out' to us thick Brits by you, Paul and others is not helping.
We have a parliamentary system in this country that is one of the oldest on the planet and has been the blueprint for countless other democracies.
We had a democratic referendum. Now you can argue until you are blue in the face about whether it should have taken place or what the question should have been of what leave meant.
But by making comments like that Tusk is not just insulting the Brexiters he's laughing at 17.4 million British people. This will be meat and drink to the hard-liners.
Look, this thing will be sorted one way or another. What the fallout will be, nobody knows. I fear the worst. But it will be sorted and the world will move on.