Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Can we get this couple the world's smallest violin?

Of all the people to have made this stupid decision, the ones who live in mainland Europe, especially those who are retired like this, have to be the most ridiculous.

The article if anyone wants to read it. Shaun still couldn't resist a typically nice bit of British exceptionalism there though. :D
Does that also imply that in theory any spanish / other europeans who have not registered over in the UK can also be deported in 4 days?

I expect Priti patel is busy getting her hugo boss suit ready for a bit of Hans Landa role play if thats the case?

edit... 1st of july before she can round them up... to make this,with EU free movement laws.
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Me too, apparently they were laughable. 5,000 euros a year income and health coverage and minor paperwork.

Could be possible that if you are resident in Spain you need to file taxes over your retiree funds in UK, as they would not be retiree funds in Spain but income as they don't care about the source?

But I don't think many people will be legally kicked out from Spain, the agreement reached between countries covered all the current residence in both countries (and the other countries) to not disrupt their lives

Criminal record maybe?
I still fail to understand how any business owner/manager that trades goods could buy the dud. It only takes very basic understanding of international trades, custom rules and how time and distances work.
I mean there's no way of knowing how many of them voted for Brexit, but clearly a decent percentage did from the past videos of the fishermen and so on. It is remarkable that the ideology of Brexit overrode even their business sense and now some will go bust. God only knows how someone who sells auto parts to Europe thought Brexit would be a plus for their business.
I mean there's no way of knowing how many of them voted for Brexit, but clearly a decent percentage did from the past videos of the fishermen and so on. It is remarkable that the ideology of Brexit overrode even their business sense and now some will go bust. God only knows how someone who sells auto parts to Europe thought Brexit would be a plus for their business.
There's enough evidence to say that a sizable portion of business owners were swayed by the "open to more worldwide markets" myth.
It just showed a basic lack of understanding and business owners wanting to be fed a lie. A lot of these people wanted Brexit and were willing to take any excuse to vote for what they wanted.
One of the biggest factors in international trade is geography. Too many decided to ignore it. The idea our exports to the EU can be replaced by exports elsewhere is not even reasonable enough to discuss.
There's enough evidence to say that a sizable portion of business owners were swayed by the "open to more worldwide markets" myth.
It just showed a basic lack of understanding and business owners wanting to be fed a lie. A lot of these people wanted Brexit and were willing to take any excuse to vote for what they wanted.
One of the biggest factors in international trade is geography. Too many decided to ignore it. The idea our exports to the EU can be replaced by exports elsewhere is not even reasonable enough to discuss.
Still not sure what's more remarkable- that they believed that or that they had the acumen to either build a business or be put in charge of one in the first place.

Surely additional markets would be precisely that rather than just replacing the existing ones:wenger:
Still not sure what's more remarkable- that they believed that or that they had the acumen to either build a business or be put in charge of one in the first place.

Surely additional markets would be precisely that rather than just replacing the existing ones:wenger:

An hour's research on the internet of how to trade with a country outside of your Custom's Union should have put them off.

If they wanted to trade with countries outside the EU there was nothing stopping them so they didn't have to leave to do so.

Thirdly, until the UK government stop continuing to tell lies about it being teething troubles and it'll get better, people will still think this is only a temporary glitch. Even if companies get a little more used to the documentary requirements the trading rules are not going to go away. This is what they voted for.
Criminal record maybe?

Actually you might be right, to get permanent residency in canada they asked me for them among many other things but this process should be simplier. But Who knows
That has never happened in the history of the tory party. The man eats fish, oven chips and the EU for dinner.
Well they can choose to believe what they want of course, and I’m sure all the contracts thrown round have kept their mates happy but for small business Britain they’ve been ducked by a man a
who lies for a living
Well they can choose to believe what they want of course, and I’m sure all the contracts thrown round have kept their mates happy but for small business Britain they’ve been ducked by a man a
who lies for a living

I am taking the piss, BJ is a complete and total gowl. Brexit was an awful idea from the outset and now they're reaping what they sowed.
Is it 8 days of clashes now? How can this government still be polling well. The only answer I think is that the media are complicit and the population are lazy, when it comes to understand politics.

Northern Ireland: Broken Brexit promises threaten to turn back the clock on fragile peace

Brexit promises are meaningless though.
There were only three options, the UK stayed in the EU CU, they put a border in the Irish Sea or they put a border on the island of Ireland.

The consequences were quite clear, anyone who voted for Brexit was a moron, full stop. Anyone who still thinks Brexit was a good idea is a double moron.

Slowly but surely, project fear is unfolding almost exactly as predicted. Meanwhile bone idle Johnson buries his head in the sand and thinks the problem will go away on its own. It is a very dangerous moment for NI.
Brexit promises are meaningless though.
There were only three options, the UK stayed in the EU CU, they put a border in the Irish Sea or they put a border on the island of Ireland.

The consequences were quite clear, anyone who voted for Brexit was a moron, full stop. Anyone who still thinks Brexit was a good idea is a double moron.

Well I certainly agree with your last sentence.
As you correctly point out, the issue of Northern Ireland was always going to less than ideal.
And once it was decided to have the boarder in Ireland, there was always going to be a growing problem; cause and effect.
And as usual, Boris and the vast majority of his party are trying to pretend that everything is ok.
Well it isn't and never will be.
I can definitely see a gradual ramping up of the problems.
Loyalists v Republicans. And we know how that is likely to play out.
This is just the beginning of an escalation of problems and no matter how much he tries, Boris has no way out.
You reap what you sow...
Well I certainly agree with your last sentence.
As you correctly point out, the issue of Northern Ireland was always going to less than ideal.
And once it was decided to have the boarder in Ireland, there was always going to be a growing problem; cause and effect.
And as usual, Boris and the vast majority of his party are trying to pretend that everything is ok.
Well it isn't and never will be.
I can definitely see a gradual ramping up of the problems.
Loyalists v Republicans. And we know how that is likely to play out.
This is just the beginning of an escalation of problems and no matter how much he tries, Boris has no way out.
You reap what you sow...

Quite right, and there is no way out.
Boris has no solution, Brexiters never thought further than brainwashing the masses and were not expecting to 'win'.
Not just for Ireland but the thousands of other self-inflicted problems which will gradually reveal themselves over the course of the next months and years.
Quite right, and there is no way out.
Boris has no solution, Brexiters never thought further than brainwashing the masses and were not expecting to 'win'.
Not just for Ireland but the thousands of other self-inflicted problems which will gradually reveal themselves over the course of the next months and years.

The 'solution' will be to blame the EU for everything. Unfortunately that's the reflex many state governments have and that's one of the reasons of EU sceptisism which Brexit is the prime example of.
The 'solution' will be to blame the EU for everything. Unfortunately that's the reflex many state governments have and that's one of the reasons of EU sceptisism which Brexit is the prime example of.

That has been the case ever since the UK joined the EEC/EU, it was always the EU's fault. A large proportion of the public are so gullible that they believe anything because it's what they want to hear.

Ironically the UK, having now left the EU, supposedly have taken back control so in theory they can't blame anyone, so the government's response now is that if the public question them it is clear the public are not waving that Union Jack hard enough.
That has been the case ever since the UK joined the EEC/EU, it was always the EU's fault. A large proportion of the public are so gullible that they believe anything because it's what they want to hear.

Ironically the UK, having now left the EU, supposedly have taken back control so in theory they can't blame anyone, so the government's response now is that if the public question them it is clear the public are not waving that Union Jack hard enough.

It’s also the case in the Netherlands. Even parties who vote in favor of more integration in the EU itself blame the EU for all kind of stuff back home. It seems this has shifted somewhat lately with parties posing pro EU policies in their manifesto. Maybe because they are rightfully scared to death for Nexit.
Well I certainly agree with your last sentence.
As you correctly point out, the issue of Northern Ireland was always going to less than ideal.
And once it was decided to have the boarder in Ireland, there was always going to be a growing problem; cause and effect.
And as usual, Boris and the vast majority of his party are trying to pretend that everything is ok.
Well it isn't and never will be.
I can definitely see a gradual ramping up of the problems.
Loyalists v Republicans. And we know how that is likely to play out.
This is just the beginning of an escalation of problems and no matter how much he tries, Boris has no way out.
You reap what you sow...
Boris will go down as the PM who brought the ‘troubles’ back to NI after good men before him worked out a way of making it stop.
it’s on the NI politicians now to make it stop because Boris isn’t going to do diddly. This is a man that hid in a refrigerator unit for gods sake
Let's be frank, the people in England don't give a feck about Northern Ireland.
Let's be frank, the people in England don't give a feck about Northern Ireland.

Yes, and our English Nationalist Party government (still called Conservative and Unionist despite being neither) are fully aware of that. There’s no votes to be had in England for making efforts on behalf of Northern Ireland.

I have to say that Major and Blair (notwithstanding Iraq) now look like figures from a very distant era.
Yes, and our English Nationalist Party government (still called Conservative and Unionist despite being neither) are fully aware of that. There’s no votes to be had in England for making efforts on behalf of Northern Ireland.

I have to say that Major and Blair (notwithstanding Iraq) now look like figures from a very distant era.
We had a perfect Prime Minister for a very short period and the nation messed up because he had a funny eye and a problem with bigotry, and also because people don't understand how world economics work so they thought he had marched into the big room where we store all our gold and madly cackled "Sell it! Sell it all! Mwahahaha!"

Ok, not perfect. But in hindsight he understood how to do the job. Unlike the bacon roll eating/flat cap High Sparrow/plastic houseplant montage from Labour versus the Tory duo of Teresa "Wins by default" May and Boris "This fridge would be a great place to bang my mistress" Johnson.
Yes, and our English Nationalist Party government (still called Conservative and Unionist despite being neither) are fully aware of that. There’s no votes to be had in England for making efforts on behalf of Northern Ireland.

I have to say that Major and Blair (notwithstanding Iraq) now look like figures from a very distant era.

....from the past! A 'foreign country' indeed!
Genuine question, have any actual benefits appeared or expected to appear as a result of Brexit?
A ton of Tory donors are poised to make loads of cash?

Oh of course I'm sure that happens as a result of everything the Tory party does.

But I meant any tangible benefits emerging for the Hoi polloi that voted for Brexit.
Oh of course I'm sure that happens as a result of everything the Tory party does.

But I meant any tangible benefits emerging for the Hoi polloi that voted for Brexit.
It's bizarre isn't it? Sometimes folk oversell a service ("this is the greatest vacuum cleaner ever!" but at the very least it still sort of works (crumbs are gone). With Brexit nothing has been delivered that is remotely close to what was promised.
It's bizarre isn't it? Sometimes folk oversell a service ("this is the greatest vacuum cleaner ever!" but at the very least it still sort of works (crumbs are gone). With Brexit nothing has been delivered that is remotely close to what was promised.

It does seem that way, I was wondering if I'd missed something.

I'm from Northern Ireland and it seems to be going just about how I feared it would over here.