Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Full Member
Jul 13, 2014

If you're going to quote my posts to try and make a point, you're going to need to explain how they are relevant to the discussion we're having. Me being smug and condescending to you being wrong and silly is not the same as you being smug and condescending to someone else while you are still the one being wrong and silly.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I don’t really have a list, to be honest. But we could start with something along the lines of “anyone who volunteers for it and is medically evaluated as being of sound mind”

I still fail to see why any of this really relates to Brexit, mind.
I don't really see where the population control starts here. Population control insinuates that there is an institutionalized system that would artificially maintain a predetermined population density, it needs to be systemic otherwise you are controlling nothing. For example you could imagine a system that pays someone to end its life, the money could go to whoever they want.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008

If you're going to quote my posts to try and make a point, you're going to need to explain how they are relevant to the discussion we're having. Me being smug and condescending to you being wrong and silly is not the same as you being smug and condescending to someone else while you are still the one being wrong and silly.
I would do but I think that post is all we need to end the conversation. To me it's a good example of being smug and condescending, while also displaying your ignorance. It doesn't bother me that you can't see why, and you've shown no appetite to listen to an alternative view. Plus you asked me to use fewer words, so I thought I'd just use none of my own words. You seem to value your own much more.


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
I don't really see where the population control starts here. Population control insinuates that there is an institutionalized system that would artificially maintain a predetermined population density, it needs to be systemic otherwise you are controlling nothing. For example you could imagine a system that pays someone to end its life, the money could go to whoever they want.
I feel like this is nitpicking a bit, rather than looking at the spirit of the post/discussion. Either way, again I don’t see what this really has to do with Brexit, so I am going to stop here. The only reason I posted was to illustrate that some of the ideas being discussed are not exclusive to leave voters/supporters.


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
There's some very alarming remarks been made about euthanasia. Even if you're in favour of people having the right to opt for euthanasia, that won't make much difference to population numbers - only compulsory euthanasia would do that. Be careful what you wish for.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
I think that overpopulation is a serious problem in the UK, and to an extent the rest of Europe. I think euthanasia or other forms of population control would be a sensible idea at this stage (within reason), similarly I don’t have any issue with bringing back the death penalty.

None of the above is mutually exclusive with being pro-EU as far as I’m concerned.
Population growth is a concern for most countries. But I rather doubt either Euthanasia or the death penalty is an effective control for population growth. It is, surely, a miniscule number of people/families that would rather be euthanised? And the death penalty would hardly make a dent also, even if you kill all the inmates currently serving life sentences in the UK (<10k).

This is not to say it is not fine if you support these positions from a moral/political perspective.
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can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I feel like this is nitpicking a bit, rather than looking at the spirit of the post/discussion. Either way, again I don’t see what this really has to do with Brexit, so I am going to stop here. The only reason I posted was to illustrate that some of the ideas being discussed are not exclusive to leave voters/supporters.
That's not nitpicking that's what the other poster was talking about, population control, and you described euthanasia as a form of population control. I'm sorry If I'm sticking to the point that both of you were making about population control. And the issue with his ideas weren't that they are limited to leavers, they are absolutely daft.


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
There's some very alarming remarks been made about euthanasia. Even if you're in favour of people having the right to opt for euthanasia, that won't make much difference to population numbers - only compulsory euthanasia would do that. Be careful what you wish for.
You may be right Penna, but it’s a start. Societal views change dramatically over time, and what is currently deemed as something that very few people would do, may become more commonplace as society begins to accept and adjust.

With constantly advancing medicka techbology allowing people to live longer and longer, people can have longer and longer retirements. Pensions may run out, and quality of life may go downhill (if you are essentially being kept alive by medicine). I could easily imagine the uptake on voluntary euthanasia increasing dramatically over time.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
There's some very alarming remarks been made about euthanasia. Even if you're in favour of people having the right to opt for euthanasia, that won't make much difference to population numbers - only compulsory euthanasia would do that. Be careful what you wish for.
Scary isn't it. If they were next in line, their view may change. Where is the UK heading?


Full Member
Jul 13, 2014
I would do but I think that post is all we need to end the conversation. To me it's a good example of being smug and condescending, while also displaying your ignorance. It doesn't bother me that you can't see why, and you've shown no appetite to listen to an alternative view. Plus you asked me to use fewer words, so I thought I'd just use none of my own words. You seem to value your own much more.
Fair enough. I've no interest in continuing a conversation with someone unable or unwilling to engage in proper debate. Best of luck with your words and views.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
You may be right Penna, but it’s a start. Societal views change dramatically over time, and what is currently deemed as something that very few people would do, may become more commonplace as society begins to accept and adjust.

With constantly advancing medicka techbology allowing people to live longer and longer, people can have longer and longer retirements. Pensions may run out, and quality of life may go downhill (if you are essentially being kept alive by medicine). I could easily imagine the uptake on voluntary euthanasia increasing dramatically over time.
I don't know if we have to intervene quite so dramatically. Apparently, expected life in the UK has tailed off recently. It may well be that population plateaus as an equilibrium is reached between what the earth can support and number of humans.

Actually, a traumatic event like Brexit might brake population growth quite a bit, albeit inadvertently.

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
I don’t really have a list, to be honest. But we could start with something along the lines of “anyone who volunteers for it and is medically evaluated as being of sound mind”

I still fail to see why any of this really relates to Brexit, mind.
I’m for euthanasia being legalised but I don’t think it would do that much to impact the aging population, nor that it should be legalised with that intent.


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
You may be right Penna, but it’s a start. Societal views change dramatically over time, and what is currently deemed as something that very few people would do, may become more commonplace as society begins to accept and adjust.

With constantly advancing medicka techbology allowing people to live longer and longer, people can have longer and longer retirements. Pensions may run out, and quality of life may go downhill (if you are essentially being kept alive by medicine). I could easily imagine the uptake on voluntary euthanasia increasing dramatically over time.
I've looked after a lot of folk with chronic and terminal illness, and the vast majority of them held on tightly to life right until the end. Dementia is awful and upsetting if it's your loved one who's affected, but no-one knows what the person with dementia is thinking. There was a very shocking case in Holland recently, where a woman with dementia was restrained so that she could be given a lethal injection.
Scary isn't it. If they were next in line, their view may change. Where is the UK heading?
I have no idea, Paul, but that particular Pandora's box should never be opened. You start off with a set of strict guidelines, and then they get frayed around the edges, and before you know it old folk with no-one to advocate for them will have their mortal coils shuffled off for them.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
This is exactly how Thatcher's Britain started.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
I've looked after a lot of folk with chronic and terminal illness, and the vast majority of them held on tightly to life right until the end. Dementia is awful and upsetting if it's your loved one who's affected, but no-one knows what the person with dementia is thinking. There was a very shocking case in Holland recently, where a woman with dementia was restrained so that she could be given a lethal injection.

I have no idea, Paul, but that particular Pandora's box should never be opened. You start off with a set of strict guidelines, and then they get frayed around the edges, and before you know it old folk with no-one to advocate for them will have their mortal coils shuffled off for them.
How is that not murder?

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
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Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
People taking about overpopulation when there's way too much waste in our systems, no mention of moving towards sustainability or building up infrastructure, no..... Let's kill people, that's what we'll do. I know, what about a Purge?
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Full Member
May 13, 2013
I think that overpopulation is a serious problem in the UK, and to an extent the rest of Europe. I think euthanasia or other forms of population control would be a sensible idea at this stage (within reason), similarly I don’t have any issue with bringing back the death penalty.

None of the above is mutually exclusive with being pro-EU as far as I’m concerned.
Surely only a minuscule percentage of the population actually want to be euthanised. How would that solve anything?


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
How is that not murder?
Well, I think it was, but then, I'm opposed to euthanasia under any circumstances - I'm aware that many people would disagree with me. If you google "Dutch woman restrained for euthanasia" you'll find more details - the doctor was reprimanded, but cleared in a criminal prosecution.

@Classical Mechanic, I read about that terrible case, I feel for that man and I can understand why he made his decision. It's very different from someone who no longer has capacity to give consent at the point of dying, though.

Anyway, I'm helping to take this thread off-topic, so I'll stop now.


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Jesus, this thread has taken a weird and dark turn. Brexit has clearly driven us all so insane that we're contemplating population control through mass killings.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
Anyone suggesting euthanasia as a means of population control is truly a worrying person to me.


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
People taking about overpopulation when there's way too much waste in our systems, no mention of moving towards sustainability or building up infrastructure, no..... Let's kill people, that's what we'll do. I know, what about a Purge?
Increased investment in the NHS, universities, infrastructure (railways, roads etc) and renewable power supplies in order to generate both high and low skilled jobs.
I tried


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
Yeah weird right. The message is consistent, it's supported by evidence, and yet that in your mind is just more proof that it's untrue. What other people tell you is pretty worthless, in reality. You know what they're thinking, even if they don't know it. Or they know it and they're just liars. That's the only possibility here.

For the record, I didn't vote Leave. I didn't vote. I'm one of those young folks that so many people on here sneer at. Lazy bugger, couldn't even get himself to the voting booth. Actually I stood right outside a voting station as my girlfriend went in and voted. I encouraged her to as well. It's incomprehensible to many people that I didn't vote in that scenario, in the same way it's incomprehensible to you that some people voted for Leave for reasons other than immigration. Yet both things are a matter of fact.

I'm not even sure I'd vote in a second referendum, but I lean towards the Remain side. I'm one of those weirdos that isn't firmly in one camp. I find myself in the middle on many things. fecked up, right? Like the majority of the population, I don't really understand what the EU is, what it does, how it influences my life, or why I should care. Unlike the majority of the population, I don't think it's useful to vote for something in ignorance, based on instinct. If I don't have a worthy opinion on a subject, I choose not to offer an unworthy one.

All I can tell you is there are lots of things you don't understand. Just like me, and everyone else in the country. It's not just those stupid Leave voters, or those lazy-non voters. I understand why from that position of ignorance, you rationalise people making these decisions you don't understand as people being deceitful, stupid, lazy and any other number of things. It doesn't change the fact that unfortunately you are wrong, and becoming entrenched in that position makes it more difficult to achieve your declared political goal.
Hold up, aren't you Danish anyway? So I'm not sure you could have voted, even if you wanted to? Happy to be proven wrong if that isn't the case...


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
Do any of you condescending, self righteous remainers understand why people with other opinions to your own, despise you to the core?
This seems like the equivalent of ASTD (attention seeking twat disorder) for posts. Why don't you just respond to a specific post, instead of trying to wind up most of the posters?


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Do any of you condescending, self righteous remainers understand why people with other opinions to your own, despise you to the core?
I think we understand perfectly. People don't like a light being shone on their idiocy and small mindedness.

Farage and Trump both get terribly upset when it's done to them too.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
I see people are homing in on the mention of euthanasia. Was a suggestion but people want to make it a bigger issue. Fine, I was just putting it out there as a little something we should be looking at given we have an aging population. Every little helps and all that.

Obviously my views on that are influenced by my own experience of end stage dementia and seeing a room full of similar patients. Maybe you should look the symptoms and signs of end stage dementia up, then you may see where I’m coming from, before judging.

I’m not saying, “65 year old Doris has fell over and broke her hip, quick get the death needle out!”

Just so we are all clear on that.

Anyway. Net migration of around circa 200k per year I don’t think is sustainable. So I want controlled EU and non EU immigration.

Hence me voting to leave the EU.

I’m clearly not saying NO immigration, just enough to keep our population pretty much as it is for environmental and sustainability reasons.

That’s it basically. I’m outta here ;)


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Anyway. Net migration of around circa 200k per year I don’t think is sustainable. So I want controlled EU and non EU immigration.

Hence me voting to leave the EU.

I’m clearly not saying NO immigration, just enough to keep our population pretty much as it is for environmental and sustainability reasons.

That’s it basically. I’m outta here ;)
Didn't need to vote leave, and subsequently leave the EU, to fix that...


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I see people are homing in on the mention of euthanasia. Was a suggestion but people want to make it a bigger issue. Fine, I was just putting it out there as a little something we should be looking at given we have an aging population. Every little helps and all that.

Obviously my views on that are influenced by my own experience of end stage dementia and seeing a room full of similar patients. Maybe you should look the symptoms and signs of end stage dementia up, then you may see where I’m coming from, before judging.

I’m not saying, “65 year old Doris has fell over and broke her hip, quick get the death needle out!”

Just so we are all clear on that.

Anyway. Net migration of around circa 200k per year I don’t think is sustainable. So I want controlled EU and non EU immigration.

Hence me voting to leave the EU.

I’m clearly not saying NO immigration, just enough to keep our population pretty much as it is for environmental and sustainability reasons.

That’s it basically. I’m outta here ;)
Cool, how do you reduce EU migration without violating the GFA though?

Stanley Road

Renaissance Man
Feb 19, 2001
Wrong Unstable Leadership
This seems like the equivalent of ASTD (attention seeking twat disorder) for posts. Why don't you just respond to a specific post, instead of trying to wind up most of the posters?
I dont want to wind anyone up but too late i guess. So you understand other peoples opinions that differ to yours? Simple question.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
It's noticeable how for a good while now pro-Brexit arguments have basically been predicated on complaints against the other side as opposed to any coherent or logical argument in favour of Brexit.