Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I am certainly not obsessed with Germany although I have worked there and have a number of German friends.
Regarding your post. You do realise I hope that both UK and France DO have their own independent nuclear weapons, separate from those of NATO.

Yes of course you can defend yourself without such weapons and I am all in favour of more spending on conventional weapons but unfortunately while there is a nuclear threat we have to be able to counter that threat.
And that's where the CSDP comes into play. Currently the EU(members states combined) spend a lot more than other countries outside of the US but there is a lot of redundancy and lack of efficiency because every country does its thing on his own. NATO and your pov are the main reason behind it, it encourages a divide to conquer logic and allows a much less spendy Russia to actually match the output.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
What part of the idea of maintaining a certain population size through mandatory euthanasia, controlled birth rates and limited immigration in order to encourage economic stability doesn't sound fascist to you?

Edit: N.B. I didn't call you a fascist, I said your suggestion sounds fascist.
You might not have, but you should have. Sounds very fash, even if it hurts his feelings for it to be pointed out.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
What part of the idea of maintaining a certain population size through mandatory euthanasia, controlled birth rates and limited immigration in order to encourage economic stability doesn't sound fascist to you?

Edit: N.B. I didn't call you a fascist, I said your suggestion sounds fascist.
Fascist Smashist. Not interested in labels. I want solutions that have minimal effects on sustainability & the environment. Increasing the population isn’t one of them.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2014
It's a question of interpretation. Smug? Am I excessively proud about my own achievements? No. In this context, am I proud that I didn't vote in the referendum? No. Am I proud that I don't understand politics, economics or law at even a basic level? No. Am I proud that the basis of my decision not to vote was my lack of knowledge on the critical issue being discussed? No. I'm a deeply flawed human being and I'm neither proud nor ashamed of that. I do find it useful to be vaguely aware of my own ignorance, which is what I think you've mistaken as pride.

So that's how something seemingly incoherent - being smug about being ignorant - can be true. It's because of your own interpretation, which from my very limited perspective, is not the right interpretation. The sad thing is, if I was on "your side", you'd interpret my motivations and actions entirely differently. Hence why you haven't had an issue with the passive aggression, smugness and general condescension from so many people in this thread. It's worth considering how the posts might influence people that don't fall into that camp, and how it might generate the tone you find so difficult to read.
See that's just it. It's not worth it.

A year ago I was all about trying to see things from " the other sides" point of view and involving the less informed but it doesn't work. World events over the last few years has shown us that pussyfooting around idiots hasn't helped inform and educate - it has only served to drag the rest of us down to their level of discourse.

Idiots don't want to learn, they just want to argue and feel relevant. Engaging with their nonsense only distracts us from the actually bad feckers like Mogg who are profiting from pulling their strings.

We need to go back to calling idiots idiots and dismissing them back to the periphery when they belong.

Also, I believe that at least 50% of the posters in here who use Leaver arguments but say they voted Remain or didn't vote are lying and as such, I trust none of you.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Nobody give this guy an infinity gauntlet.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
This is what I’m saying about this forum. It’s like a remainer arguing their case on the Mail’s comments section. Yeah I’m a fascist.
I guess we should try and engineer a solution through rates of immigration, rates of births and deaths in the UK that doesn’t involve anymore population growth. That’s all I’m saying.
Yeah it's clearly the redcafe's fault that fascists get called out as fascists.

At this point I'm convinced most brexiteers simply don't understand the words they use. It's the only explanation.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
Yeah it's clearly the redcafe's fault that fascists get called out as fascists.

At this point I'm convinced most brexiteers simply don't understand the words they use. It's the only explanation.
To be fair death engineering is a great euphemism and a clever way to use words.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
So anybody got alternative solutions then to me the fascist?

Or we going to keep building housing & new workplaces on green belt in the medium term to accommodate the expanding population needed to pull ourselves out of the shit?


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
So anybody got alternative solutions then to me the fascist?

Or we going to keep building housing & new workplaces on green belt in the medium term to accommodate the expanding population needed to pull ourselves out of the shit?
Give low skilled jobs and care jobs to machines so fewer humans are required

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
So anybody got alternative solutions then to me the fascist?

Or we going to keep building housing & new workplaces on green belt in the medium term to accommodate the expanding population needed to pull ourselves out of the shit?
The last time some bloke invaded Russia for "living room".


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
So anybody got alternative solutions then to me the fascist?

Or we going to keep building housing & new workplaces on green belt in the medium term to accommodate the expanding population needed to pull ourselves out of the shit?
I don't think it's a problem to start with. Higher density leads to higher average wealth, better services, more opportunities. The solution is better infrastructure to cope with the strains. People think the services are strained because of immigration when it's obvious the current strain was designed (by the same designers who manufactured brexit, btw).
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Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
So anybody got alternative solutions then to me the fascist?

Or we going to keep building housing & new workplaces on green belt in the medium term to accommodate the expanding population needed to pull ourselves out of the shit?
Increased investment in the NHS, universities, infrastructure (railways, roads etc) and renewable power supplies in order to generate both high and low skilled jobs.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
I voted leave.

Very simple reason why.

Projected UK population growth & long term sustainability of resources.

The remain argument seems to involve the here & now and the constant need for economic growth. I’m saying no. So, anything that doesn’t encourage population growth I’m in favour of.

So, controlled immigration (EU and non-EU) it is then.

My hometown is planning another 20,000 homes over the next 20 years. 7-8,000 of which will be on the green belt. Also lots more of that green belt planned for huge warehouses & extra employment required as a result.

No thanks. I’d honestly rather take the hit on the GDP.

In addition to that main reason, some other observations:

I don’t like the fact the UK hasn’t held any referendums on EU treaties or anything passed since 1975. Other countries did.

Also, have to question the EU’s motives for expansion into the poorer countries in Eastern Europe, thus promoting movement en masse. Would point out Germany blocked access to their employment market for 7 years initially. We didn’t. And we the people didn’t get a say in that one either.

Was the expansion into Eastern Europe more about kerbing Russian influence?

Buttering up the old Eastern Bloc countries to keep them onside?
Do you think leaving will reduce immigration then?

The government has had every chance to curb non-EU immigration, but hasn't. What will change if we leave the EU?

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
Increased infrastructure? On brownfield? It’s limited. My town is building 13k houses on brownfield, rest on green belt.

What about things like Water supply? Occasional hose pipe bans now, is that going to get any better with more & more people?


Full Member
May 13, 2013
So anybody got alternative solutions then to me the fascist?

Or we going to keep building housing & new workplaces on green belt in the medium term to accommodate the expanding population needed to pull ourselves out of the shit?
I reckon we'll reach the peak global population within the next 100 years anyway. The solutions are already in place, family planning, better education etc... and the death rate will eventually surpass the birth rate.

Your proposed solution, as far as I can discern, is we leave the EU and suddenly immigration will drop? Or if that isn't it what are you proposing?


Ominously close to getting banned
Oct 30, 2010
Increased infrastructure? On brownfield? It’s limited. My town is building 13k houses on brownfield, rest on green belt.

What about things like Water supply? Occasional hose pipe bans now, is that going to get any better with more & more people?
Water companies should be held to task better for their maintenance of water pipes.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
I reckon we'll reach the peak global population within the next 100 years anyway. The solutions are already in place, family planning, better education etc... and the death rate will eventually surpass the birth rate.

Your proposed solution, as far as I can discern, is we leave the EU and suddenly immigration will drop? Or if that isn't it what are you proposing?
Needs to drop to levels that maintain not increase the population. That’s what I’m proposing. More control over quotas we let in.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
Needs to drop to levels that maintain not increase the population. That’s what I’m proposing. More control over quotas we let in.
okay fair enough, but what is it about our government that makes you think they'll do that if we leave the EU? They've had plenty of chances to curb immigration over the past decade, but haven't. What's gonna change?

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
I guess we should try and engineer a solution through rates of immigration, rates of births and deaths in the UK that doesn’t involve anymore population growth. That’s all I’m saying.
But see what you're saying doesn't really make sense. Essentially your main reason for leaving the EU, as stated above, is to reduce immigration and control it (which you already do) to stop the population growing, but trends are already showing that leaving the EU isn't going to stop it, or even in any way reduce it. So what's the point of leaving the EU if it's not going to give you what you want and just cause, as you said yourself, the economy to get hammered?

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
But see what you're saying doesn't really make sense. Essentially your main reason for leaving the EU, as stated above, is to reduce immigration and control it (which you already do) to stop the population growing, but trends are already showing that leaving the EU isn't going to stop it, or even in any way reduce it. So what's the point of leaving the EU if it's not going to give you what you want and just cause, as you said yourself, the economy to get hammered?
We don’t have full control of (EU) immigration because of freedom of movement. A caveat (of sorts) was pointed out earlier, but even that hasn’t been exercised, so I have no faith in the UK government suddenly changing policy if remaining.

Got to go now, sorry. Not bailing out of the debate, honest! ;)


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
See that's just it. It's not worth it.

A year ago I was all about trying to see things from " the other sides" point of view and involving the less informed but it doesn't work. World events over the last few years has shown us that pussyfooting around idiots hasn't helped inform and educate - it has only served to drag the rest of us down to their level of discourse.

Idiots don't want to learn, they just want to argue and feel relevant. Engaging with their nonsense only distracts us from the actually bad feckers like Mogg who are profiting from pulling their strings.

We need to go back to calling idiots idiots and dismissing them back to the periphery when they belong.

Also, I believe that at least 50% of the posters in here who use Leaver arguments but say they voted Remain or didn't vote are lying and as such, I trust none of you.
The thing is, from my perspective I know that your last paragraph is factually incorrect, which is such a clear illustration of why your entire attitude to resolving this political situation leads to incorrect conclusions and thus is unlikely to lead to incorrect solutions.

When you're educating these lying idiots on their ignorance, there's no reason they'll believe you have a clearer understanding of things, when you're displaying your own ignorance by telling them that they voted (or didn't) for reasons other than they say.

You can't know why I didn't vote, or whether I voted for Leave. You can only trust your own judgment. On the other hand I do know that I didn't vote, and why. So I can see conclusively that your grasp of the nuance of these issues is not correct. Your approach to this discussion puts you at a disadvantage by default, as it's based on assumptions you can't verify without the other person's help, which you refuse on principle.

I don't think my grasp of the nuance of these issues is correct either, for what it's worth. This isn't me saying I'm right and you're wrong. It's just me saying that you're wrong, because it's a factual question I have direct knowledge of.

It's up to you what to do with that. I don't think you're an idiot for not believing me, and I don't think your viewpoint is illegitimate for making that error. If I was to call you an idiot for that misjudgement, it might be worth considering how that would influence you.

But it is the truth: on this one thing, you are entirely wrong. If you are similarly wrong about the other things that underpin your overall mindset, then I guarantee you it does not benefit you or your cause to shout about it to people you perceive to be idiots, liars, racists and all the rest. It's your choice on whether to listen to the truth, or to believe your own superior judgment of the world. I'd be very surprised if refusing to listen to people with a different opinion to yours, deligitimising their view and demonising them would be a successful strategy to achieve your stated goal.

Also, I think it's worth reviewing what led to you the conclusion I made a Leaver argument. It's certainly not how I would interpret things. The very fact I'm not pro Remain in a conclusive way makes you think I'm pro Leave. As soon as you detect I'm not on your side, I must be on the other side. I'm sorry but the world is not that simple.
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Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
You could be more specific. Which bits do you agree with?
I think that overpopulation is a serious problem in the UK, and to an extent the rest of Europe. I think euthanasia or other forms of population control would be a sensible idea at this stage (within reason), similarly I don’t have any issue with bringing back the death penalty.

None of the above is mutually exclusive with being pro-EU as far as I’m concerned.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2014
The thing is, from my perspective I know that your last paragraph is factually incorrect, which is such a clear illustration of why your entire attitude to resolving this political situation leads to incorrect conclusions and thus is unlikely to lead to incorrect solutions.

When you're educating these lying idiots on their ignorance, there's no reason they'll believe you have a clearer understanding of things, when you're displaying your own ignorance by telling them that they voted (or didn't) for reasons other than they say.

You can't know why I didn't vote, or whether I voted for Leave. You can only trust your own judgment. On the other hand I do know that I didn't vote, and why. So I can see conclusively that your grasp of the nuance of these issues is not correct. Your approach to this discussion puts you at a disadvantage by default, as it's based on assumptions you can't verify without the other person's help, which you refuse on principle.

I don't think my grasp of the nuance of these issues is correct either, for what it's worth. This isn't me saying I'm right and you're wrong. It's just me saying that you're wrong, because it's a factual question I have direct knowledge of.

It's up to you what to do with that. I don't think you're an idiot for not believing me, and I don't think your viewpoint is illegitimate for making that error. If I was to call you an idiot for that misjudgement, it might be worth considering how that would influence you.

But it is the truth: on this one thing, you are entirely wrong. If you are similarly wrong about the other things that underpin your overall mindset, then I guarantee you it does not benefit you or your cause to shout about it to people you perceive to be idiots, liars, racists and all the rest. It's your choice on whether to listen to the truth, or to believe your own superior judgment of the world. I'd be very surprised if refusing to listen to people with a different opinion to yours, deligitimising their view and demonising them would be a successful strategy to achieve your stated goal.

Also, I think it's worth reviewing what led to you the conclusion I made a Leaver argument. It's certainly not how I would interpret things. The very fact I'm not pro Remain in a conclusive way makes you think I'm pro Leave. As soon as you detect I'm not on your side, I must be on the other side. I'm sorry but the world is not that simple.
Factually incorrect? I said that I thought at least 50% of people with similar opinions to yourself were lying about how they voted - you could easily be among the other 50% so I'm not sure how that "fact" backs up the other 280,000 words you have written on the subject.

You should write shorter posts - there will be less to backtrack on when you've grasped the wrong end of the stick.


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008

Euthanasia for who exactly?
I don’t really have a list, to be honest. But we could start with something along the lines of “anyone who volunteers for it and is medically evaluated as being of sound mind”

I still fail to see why any of this really relates to Brexit, mind.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
Factually incorrect? I said that I thought at least 50% of people with similar opinions to yourself were lying about how they voted - you could easily be among the other 50% so I'm not sure how that "fact" backs up the other 280,000 words you have written on the subject.

You should write shorter posts - there will be less to backtrack on when you've grasped the wrong end of the stick.
How anyone can come across so smug and condescending while discussing their own ignorance and irresponsibility is beyond me


Full Member
Jul 13, 2014
On the euthanasia debate - there is a vast difference between "forced euthanasia" of the elderly and infirm and for example, the Dutch understanding as assisted suicide and termination of life upon request.

A sick person having the right to choose to end their own life is a very difference discussion to forcibly killing off old and sick people to solve over-population. Anyone advocating for the second option needs to go and have a sit down for themselves.


Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
I think that overpopulation is a serious problem in the UK, and to an extent the rest of Europe. I think euthanasia or other forms of population control would be a sensible idea at this stage (within reason), similarly I don’t have any issue with bringing back the death penalty.

None of the above is mutually exclusive with being pro-EU as far as I’m concerned.
Over populations is a problem everywhere.
The funny thing is that in the UK you see teenage mums with a bunch of kids in buggies, more so than other EU countries imho. Sex education is the key


Oppressed White Male
Aug 25, 2008
Over populations is a problem everywhere.
The funny thing is that in the UK you see teenage mums with a bunch of kids in buggies, more so than other EU countries imho. Sex education is the key
I entirely agree. I’ve gotten to the age now where not only have most of my friends got married and had kids, but that several of them are now having/trying for their second! (I’m early 30s).

Sex education, and also I would be trying to make some serious changes to the child welfare system to try not to incentivise people to have more than one child.