I voted leave.
Very simple reason why.
Projected UK population growth & long term sustainability of resources.
The remain argument seems to involve the here & now and the constant need for economic growth. I’m saying no. So, anything that doesn’t encourage population growth I’m in favour of.
So, controlled immigration (EU and non-EU) it is then.
My hometown is planning another 20,000 homes over the next 20 years. 7,000 of which will be on the green belt. Also lots more green belt planned for extra employment required as a result.
No thanks. I’d honestly rather take the hit on the GDP.
In addition to that, I don’t like the fact the UK hasn’t held any referendums on EU treaties or anything passed since 1975. Other countries did.
Also, have to question the EU’s motives for expansion into the poorer countries in Eastern Europe, thus promoting movement en masse. Would point out Germany blocked access to their employment market for 7 years initially. We didn’t. And we the people didn’t get a say in that one either.
Was the expansion into Eastern Europe more about kerbing Russian influence?
Buttering up the old Eastern Bloc countries to keep them onside?