likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Didn't the FBI say he was truthful and there was nothing to see?
He flushes down the environment while we speak but language-wise he's a great recycler. The best, believe me.I have noticed his speechs are basically based on very few phrases like: "It's ok", "We can reach a good deal", "It's good" and so on.
Didn't the FBI say he was truthful and there was nothing to see?
Didn't the FBI say he was truthful and there was nothing to see?
I guess that journos of the ilk of Tapper are pretty exhausted, and at the same time frustrated that 45 has a higher credibility than the media - at least for Drumpf voters.Some new bombshell story/rumour like we got with the Steele dossier. These journos had access to the dossier for a long time, but could not report it, due to not able to corroborate the allegations.
Probably just me jumping to conclusions though. The guy like the rest of us watched that bizarre press conference, but he had to come on air feeling even less hope than when the day started.
On a more positive note, Putin probably has no clue how to deal with Trump (as opposed to Obama, who Putin assessed didn't want to go to war and so he just did what he wanted in Ukraine and Syria).
do you have some examples?I guess that journos of the ilk of Tapper are pretty exhausted, and at the same time frustrated that 45 has a higher credibility than the media - at least for Drumpf voters.
During the last couple of days, I watched a number of journos from different countries who went to different regions of the US which voted overwhelmingly for Drumpf and challenged them in the friendliest, nicest, politest way possible. People responded nicely but were so embarrassingly clueless and responded as dumb and contradictory as their idol. It physically hurts to listen to these people.
Other than that, it's amazing how someone so obviously mentally challenged could be elected. He sounds like someone from high school asked about his first sex most of the time.
For example that Flynn didn't do anything wrong but that poor 45 was forced to sack him. No response why 45 was forced if Flynn didn't do anything you have some examples?
Oh my god he's the president of the USA ffs![]()
Donald Trump is trying to convince his preferred candidate to succeed Michael Flynn as national security adviser to change his mind after the retired admiral tapped for the role told the US president that he could not accept the White House position, according to two people familiar with the situation.
Mr Trump asked Robert Harward, a retired navy special forces officer to succeed Mr Flynn, who was fired as national security adviser on Monday. At a press conference on Thursday, he said his decision to replace Mr Flynn had been made easier because he had an “outstanding” candidate to serve as a replacement.
But Mr Harward is said to have turned Mr Trump down. “Harward is conflicted between the call of duty and the obvious dysfunctionality,” said one person with first hand knowledge of the discussions between Mr Trump and Mr Harward. The second person said Mr Trump had asked Mr Harward to return to the White House for another meeting to try to change his mind.
Appointing Mr Harward, a well-liked navy veteran who is close to James Mattis, US defence secretary, would help Mr Trump start to reduce some of the turmoil that has rocked his administration in recent weeks. The White House did not respond to a request for comment about the decision by Mr Harward.
On Thursday, Mr Trump lashed out at suggestions that his administration was mired in “chaos”, saying it was “running like a fine-tuned machine”.
One of the people familiar with Mr Harward’s decision said he was concerned about whether the top advisers around Mr Trump would allow him to install his own staff on the NSC — particularly after suggestions that KT McFarland, Mr Flynn’s deputy, had been asked to remain. When he was offered the position, Mr Harward had told Mr Trump that he wanted some time to think over the idea.
Mr Harward, a senior executive at Lockheed Martin, served on the NSC during the administration of George W Bush. He rose to become deputy commander at Central Command, which overseas military operations in the Middle East and north Africa, where his immediate boss was Mr Mattis.
Widely respected in military circles, Mr Harward is viewed as much less volatile and more balanced than Mr Flynn, who was a controversial choice even before it emerged that he may have held illegal conversations with the Russian ambassador.
One of the other contenders for the job was David Petraeus, a retired general who was widely respected, but fell from grace during his time as head of the Central Intelligence Agency for passing secret information to his mistress. The final candidate was Keith Kellogg, a retired army general who had served as chief of staff to Mr Flynn on the NSC and who is serving as the interim head of the inter-agency body.
Flynn initially told investigators sanctions were not discussed. But FBI agents challenged him, asking if he was certain that was his answer. He said he didn't remember.
The FBI interviewers believed Flynn was cooperative and provided truthful answers. Although Flynn didn't remember all of what he talked about, they don't believe he was intentionally misleading them, the officials say.
Trump then promised to change that: “We're going to win so much. You're going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America great again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We're gonna keep winning.’"
So the house GOP leaders are insisting on an investigation into the leaks and not what they potentially reveal - you know, the small issue of possible treason and clandestine communications with the Russians![]()
I kinda want to print it out and frame it like a de-motivational posterI saw this quote on Reddit that was uttered by the man himself about a year ago. I didn't see it at the time.
It had me crying with laughter, so I think it deserves to be shared for anybody else who might have missed it.
Me as well. I guess they'd of gone after the guy who broke Watergate and the guy who leaked the Pentagon Papers tooShit pisses me off as a citizen and service member. If a Democrat had done this they'd be in session all weekend drumming up impeachment talks.
Not really a big deal...I'm sure ppl 'fail' these all the time for any number of reasons.
How were they already on staff?
So FT sources were solid...CBS reporting too. Shame, really. Having good people in key positions would have been a win-win for all concerned.
And a possibly demoralized (word probably too strong, as 'Mad Dog' himself says "I don't worry about stress, I create it") Mattis is left to take care of the whole portfolio. I guess Pompeo is there too, but might be busy looking for the low-life leakers.
See, a reasonable administration would look at the leaks from the intelligence community as an opportunity to stand back and reevaluate. Sort out the mess and get everyone pointed in the same direction.
But, Trump said...this is happening because my people aren't in place and we're looking for the leakers...and we'll get 'em.
A witch hunt does no one any good and most importantly has everyone occupied with the wrong priorities.
After all, he said...he inherited a mess domestically & internationally...not to mention hordes of terrorists coming in with visas!
It boggles the mind that he and his followers believe that... Especially compared to what Obama took over.After all, he said...he inherited a mess domestically & internationally...not to mention hordes of terrorists coming in with visas!