The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So this happened


Many great parts, but this was indeed the best. He's the TV and "I heard" President.
I've not seen any of it.... is he having a break down?
Wonder how this plays with his 40% supporters and also with Democrats? Was only about his relationship with media and had nothing to do with policy or strategic agenda.

I dont think this was planned, instead his ego could not allow the moment to go unchecked.
You just have to pity the state of our species.
:lol: A GOP senator just texted CNN's John King and said "He should do this with a therapist, not on live TV".
A Republican as said that Trump should do this sort of thing at a therapist not in a press conference
All right, time to switch to BT sports now. Hope it's half as entertaining as this was.
I find that astounding. Not that he's lying, but that he seems genuinely puzzled when reporters push back on it. As if he didn't knew. Why aren't the people around him correcting him on these things, so he doesn't look like a fool when confronted by the media?
He's never had ANYONE tell him he's wrong...or offer him constructive criticism (scared of losing their jobs). The people around him in the WH are the same - they've just decided to let him run with it. Poor Spicey or Skeletor then clean up the mess.

Which is why he can't stand the press - they question him...challenge him....
He's never had ANYONE tell him he's wrong...or offer him constructive criticism (scared of losing their jobs). The people around him in the WH are the same - they've just decided to let him run with it. Poor Spicey or Skeletor then clean up the mess.

Which is why he can't stand the press - they question him...challenge him....

Nailed it.
Trump will be on the phone to the NSA to see who texted King :D

"Sure, let me just check that for you Sir....

....the number is registered to an M McConnell. Is that a name familiar to you?

He's never had ANYONE tell him he's wrong...or offer him constructive criticism (scared of losing their jobs). The people around him in the WH are the same - they've just decided to let him run with it. Poor Spicey or Skeletor then clean up the mess.

Which is why he can't stand the press - they question him...challenge him....

Probably true. I still find it very odd though. I'd be pissed at the people around me for not correcting me so I didn't look like a fool in front of the press corps.
Anybody else miss the day's of not having to worry about what the President did or said every few hours?
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