The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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and this was 10 minutes after he said he'll win the appeal and of course have the new constitutionally compliant EO next week.

*No one other than AFP reporting this so far though. So, who knows, they might have gotten the jump on everyone else...or messed something up.
and this was 10 minutes after he said he'll win the appeal and of course have the new constitutionally compliant EO next week.

*No one other than AFP reporting this so far though. So, who knows, they might have gotten the jump on everyone else...or messed something up.

Real leak, fake news?
and this was 10 minutes after he said he'll win the appeal and of course have the new constitutionally compliant EO next week.

*No one other than AFP reporting this so far though. So, who knows, they might have gotten the jump on everyone else...or messed something up.

If this is True SNL are going to have a field day. He's actually not involved in this decision?
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will replace his executive order suspending travel from seven Muslim-majority countries "in the near future," according to a Justice Department court filing on Thursday.

Given the upcoming executive order, the Justice Department said a federal appeals court should not reconsider a ruling that suspended Trump's Jan. 27 order.

"In so doing, the President will clear the way for immediately protecting the country rather than pursuing further, potentially time-consuming litigation," the Justice Department said in its filing.

@Dwazza lol - Nope, looks like AFP got the jump on everyone else. Tbf - CNN and BBC are in shock over what just happened.

Betanyahu FFS :lol:
LOCK HIM UP! For his own dignity and the dignity and security of the US.

It's disgraceful that 45 isn't addressing the rise in anti-semitic and in islamophobe incidents.
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It's almost seismic. That said, it leaves some worry over what will come in its place.

Another false flag on the cards :wenger: ?
They've obviously been working with DOJ and outside experts who are looking at the wording of the EO and also at what the courts said when they suspended the ban. They'll specifically mention green card holders are exempt etc etc

I wonder how long it'll take for the new ban to get taken to court?
I'd need to read more into those. I'm certainly not unwilling to change my mind.

TBH, I don't think his personal biases that much, but if he is appointing racists, getting the support of neo Nazis, and carrying out policies supported by racists, that's enough.

LBJ was famously racist as a person but signed the civil rights act.

Thanks I've caught up with it all now, watched the highlights earlier. He's the very definition of out of his depth.

I'm no longer in despair at the thought of the next 4 years under him. Zero chance he survives for much longer without some sort of serious mental breakdown. He's going to be walking naked through the streets with his little orange winky out muttering about the electoral victory.
He comes across as someone who probably put 'President' when he did his school essay as a seven year old, on what do you want to be when you grow up. You have to admire him for achieving it before he actually did.
Tapper looked devastated today. Wonder whether it was all to do with this press conference or whether he's been told some new development about the Russia collusion that he's not been allowed to report yet.
Tapper looked devastated today. Wonder whether it was all to do with this press conference or whether he's been told some new development about the Russia collusion.
Which type of developments?
Tapper looked devastated today. Wonder whether it was all to do with this press conference or whether he's been told some new development about the Russia collusion that he's not been allowed to report yet.
Nah...that's just a man, who understands what the next 4 years will be like and particularly for any non far right media
Which type of developments?

Some new bombshell story/rumour like we got with the Steele dossier. These journos had access to the dossier for a long time, but could not report it, due to not able to corroborate the allegations.

Probably just me jumping to conclusions though. The guy like the rest of us watched that bizarre press conference, but he had to come on air feeling even less hope than when the day started.
Nah...that's just a man, who understands what the next 4 years will be like and particularly for any non far right media

Yeah, having to listen to him call the organization you work at "fake news" must really infuriate him and others at CNN.
I can't work out if he's a really clever thicko, or just a thicko. I mean he never answers anything intelligently, but he rambles on about the election until people are so bored/confused/exasperated that they kinda stop bothering with the questions. It must be a tactic, but he is so thick he can't change it up. Eventually surely even his voters will expect him to say something that isn't banal to the Charlie Sheen level.
I have noticed his speechs are basically based on very few phrases like: "It's ok", "We can reach a good deal", "It's good" and so on.
Seriously though guys, we should wait until he actually does something.

Bless him. Both he and Chris Wallace deserve far better really, the only two real journalists with integrity at Fox.
They're probably the only two who consider themselves journalists in the first place. Isn't that they're 'people with opinions' their usual excuse when repeating absolute bollocks on that channel?
I have noticed his speechs are basically based on very few phrases like: "It's ok", "We can reach a good deal", "It's good" and so on.

Yep, no substance whatsoever. No actual, fully-formed plans; just vague rhetoric. Kind of like a 12-year old who insists they're going to do something outlandish just 'because'.
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