The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump is like a giant turd you have been trying to take for four years, and at long last , after it is out, you are tired, bleeding and probably have long lasting damage, but still immensely relieved.

But you still don't know if it will flush.
I was literally typing out this just after the post trump thread was locked.

No please god no. Lock this damn thread, don't want to hear that name ever ever again. Just let him go into the black hole of nothing.

So for that. Thank you!
Thank god these four years are over. No one expected anything from him, and yet he was an utter disappointment. He didn't start the war I feared, but he's lost the war the virus brought to his door. The only positive of this presidency is the knowledge that the US are strong enough to withstand a destructive undemocratic lunatic as president, even if it'll take a long time to repair what has been broken. And let's not gamble on another anytime soon, please.

Good luck President Biden.

It’s over, shut it down.
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