The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Wow .... look at him go!!!

He is tremendously impressively fat. Abit like John Goodman who played temporary President Walker in The West Wing.

Does he suffer from any illness or is he simply obese from eating too much? If ill, surely he is a health hazard waiting to keel over with a heat attack etc!

In a trump world if he had played his cards right ... he would have been Trump's secretary of health & human services

And yet 70% of Jews think USA heading in the wrong direction and 60% wish Trump was not president!
(Source: Morning Consult National Tracking Poll #170105 from February 4, 2017)

Zakaria makes an astonishing observation (from 2 mins 44 sec) that any new US Government has to get around 700 appointments confirmed by the senate. He says even after the cabinet posts, tRump has yet to name the 660 other posts that sit underneath Cabinet (e.g. the deputy's committee and their teams who essentially do all the work).

The USA has no functioning government right now. If it came under attack or had to deal with a recession, it would not have the administrative capability to respond. Basically, there has never been a better time for a foreign enemy to strike an attack, militarily, economically or other means.
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Fareed Zakaria makes an astonishing observation (from 2 mins 44 sec) that a new Government has to get around 700 appointments confirmed by the senate. He says forget the cabinet posts, tRump has yet to name the 660 other posts that sit underneath Cabinet (e.g. the deputy's committee and their teams who essentially do all the work).

The USA has no functioning government right now. If it came under attack, or entered a war, or had to deal with something like a recession, it would not have the administrative capability to respond. Basically, there has never been a better time for a foreign enemy to strike an attack, be that militarily, economically or through other means.

It's no wonder one of the nations reported to be listening in on US communications is a Baltic state. They must be quite nervous, as the US is in no position to exert a strong military presence (the battalions they've already deployed notwithstanding).
I doubt it'll change anything but the more the public knows about the bias of this guy the better.


Fascinating. So basically Democrats need a plan to attract older and lesser educated white men. Thats one of the key ball games. Is this group historically Republican and is it even possible to convert them? If Democrats and media can turn this group off tRump, he will flip under the intensity of pressure.

I noticed that non white women detest tRump but I can't think of a way they could help convert the above.n but Trump could quickly improve here if he delivers some pro work and family policies for non white women.

Do you know any links for the raw data? Would read up this weekend and see if I can crack any big ad campaigns.
You all want this. You know you do.
On a more positive note, Putin probably has no clue how to deal with Trump (as opposed to Obama, who Putin assessed didn't want to go to war and so he just did what he wanted in Ukraine and Syria).
Trump makes Putin seem reasoned and moderate. Who's the looney now?
So Karl Rove and Crossroads have made their way into the WH via the back door (Mark Dubke - Comms. Director)

Look for the messaging to be a lot more coherent from here on...not saying, we're going to like what they're saying...
They've made a survey on the media. This is on his official site.

I completed the survey and they are asking money to fund their fight against media. He's begging for money on the fecking white house webpage. This is a new fecking low.

Take the Next Step

Thank you for taking the Mainstream Media Accountability Survey.

Your input will play a critical role in helping us find ways to cut through the noise and deliver our message straight to the voter.

But now President Trump is asking you to go the extra mile and make a contribution to help defend our movement from the outrageous attacks from the media coming our way.

Contribute now to help us fight back against the media’s attacks and deceptions.

Choose donation amount:

Make this a monthly recurring donation.

I completed the survey and they are asking money to fund their fight against media. He's begging for money on the fecking white house webpage. This is a new fecking low.

Take the Next Step

Thank you for taking the Mainstream Media Accountability Survey.

Your input will play a critical role in helping us find ways to cut through the noise and deliver our message straight to the voter.

But now President Trump is asking you to go the extra mile and make a contribution to help defend our movement from the outrageous attacks from the media coming our way.

Contribute now to help us fight back against the media’s attacks and deceptions.

Choose donation amount:

Make this a monthly recurring donation.

This is taking propaganda to the next level. I guess even Putin didn't think of such a genius strike.
The Enormous Cost of Trump’s War on Immigrants

I honestly dont get that argument. If Americans dont want to work at those low wages, the wages will increase. Other things might get more expensive.. but its basic supply demand.

It's going to cost more so lets not bother is not a great argument.
I completed the survey and they are asking money to fund their fight against media. He's begging for money on the fecking white house webpage. This is a new fecking low.

Take the Next Step

Thank you for taking the Mainstream Media Accountability Survey.

Your input will play a critical role in helping us find ways to cut through the noise and deliver our message straight to the voter.

But now President Trump is asking you to go the extra mile and make a contribution to help defend our movement from the outrageous attacks from the media coming our way.

Contribute now to help us fight back against the media’s attacks and deceptions.

Choose donation amount:

Make this a monthly recurring donation.

Was it @Pogue Mahone who posted something from Twitter containing a "Defend-Trump's-Presidency-by-donating"-video a while back?

Zakaria makes an astonishing observation (from 2 mins 44 sec) that any new US Government has to get around 700 appointments confirmed by the senate. He says even after the cabinet posts, tRump has yet to name the 660 other posts that sit underneath Cabinet (e.g. the deputy's committee and their teams who essentially do all the work).

The USA has no functioning government right now. If it came under attack or had to deal with a recession, it would not have the administrative capability to respond. Basically, there has never been a better time for a foreign enemy to strike an attack, militarily, economically or other means.

This was king George the III long game

Ha ha fools!!
I honestly dont get that argument. If Americans dont want to work at those low wages, the wages will increase. Other things might get more expensive.. but its basic supply demand.

It's going to cost more so lets not bother is not a great argument.

"Other things might get more expensive" es exactly the problem. Yes, it is supply demand. If you are breaking that chain, you will get a few "natives" more into work, but the complete underclass will be hit the hardest by the resulting price increase, while the wealthy don't care. Some branches and a lot of companies might not be able to exist in the US without the current wage structure. Fiddling with the such things in your country is something very dangerous.
"Other things might get more expensive" es exactly the problem. Yes, it is supply demand. If you are breaking that chain, you will get a few "natives" more into work, but the complete underclass will be hit the hardest by the resulting price increase, while the wealthy don't care. Some branches and a lot of companies might not be able to exist in the US without the current wage structure. Fiddling with the such things in your country is something very dangerous.

Sounds like an argument against the minimum wage. Prices may rise, some prices may stay the same depending on the market.
Sounds like an argument against the minimum wage. Prices may rise, some prices may stay the same depending on the market.

Oh, I'm in favour of a minimum wage (and they have one in America as well). You just need to be very careful. And saying "yeah deporting the low wage sector" (essentially) " doesn't really change anything" is just not true.
I'm not anti immigration at all.. If there are still job vacancies or if the people in America cant match the demand, the government will probably start issuing work visas for cheap labour....

And for those who are already in America, deporting millions doesnt sound like the right thing to do either..
There are plenty of smart people who havent found a way to fix it.. I have no chance.

All I'm saying is, it'll get more expensive, so lets not worry about the problem, is not a great argument.
Oh, I'm in favour of a minimum wage (and they have one in America as well). You just need to be very careful. And saying "yeah deporting the low wage sector" (essentially) " doesn't really change anything" is just not true.

I disagree with deporting people as a human rights issue. In terms of economics there are 2 issues, 1. Less people with low incomes may increase wages because of the demand curve but may not if the employers can fill the vacancies at that price anyway and 2. The less people you have the less production and less spending in your economy.
I completed the survey and they are asking money to fund their fight against media. He's begging for money on the fecking white house webpage. This is a new fecking low.

Choose donation amount:

Make this a monthly recurring donation.


Those questions:lol: 20 different versions of "Is Trump great and CNN bad?". 35$ a month for a year or two (possibly 8) isn't spare change either, and that's the smallest amount...
Pinched this from a Facebook post. I know we have all read variations on this countless times but it's not getting old for me just yet.

Donald Trump, what is 2+2?

"I have to say a lot of people have been asking this question. No, really. A lot of people come up to me and they ask me. They say, 'What's 2+2?' And I tell them look, we know what 2+2 is. We've had almost eight years of the worst kind of math you can imagine. Oh my god, I can't believe it. Addition and subtraction of the 1s the 2s and the 3s. Its terrible. Its just terrible. Look, if you want to know what 2+2 is, do you want to know what 2+2 is? I'll tell you.
First of all the number 2, by the way I love the number 2. It's probably my favorite number, no it is my favorite number. You know what, it's probably more like the number two but with a lot of zeros behind it. A lot. If I'm being honest, I mean, if I'm being honest. I like a lot of zeros. Except for Marco Rubio, now he's a zero that I don't like. Though, I probably shouldn't say that. He's a nice guy but he's like, '10101000101', on and on, like that. He's like a computer! You know what I mean? He's like a computer. I don't know. I mean, you know. So, we have all these numbers and we can add them and subtract them and add them. TIMES them even. Did you know that? We can times them OR divide them, they don't tell you that, and I'll tell you, no one is better at the order of operations than me. You wouldn't believe it. That I can tell you. So, we're gonna be the best on 2+2, believe me. OK? Alright. Thank you."

It's from the Channel 4 news article on the Canadian PM's speech vs Trump's on immigration.
Those questions:lol: 20 different versions of "Is Trump great and CNN bad?". 35$ a month for a year or two (possibly 8) isn't spare change either, and that's the smallest amount...

I wish I could laugh about this, but far too many people who have voted for him actually believe him in regards to the media. That whole survey is propaganda as @Crossie pointed out and it is exactly the sort of thing Goebbels, Hitler and Co. would be proud of.
Pinched this from a Facebook post. I know we have all read variations on this countless times but it's not getting old for me just yet.

It's from the Channel 4 news article on the Canadian PM's speech vs Trump's on immigration.
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