The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: Indeed she does. Well spotted mate.

Jeez, I bet the US posters are sick and tired of this now. He just such an embarrassment, so completely unqualified and inept and to top it all off he's just so damn rude and disrespectful. Disgusting excuse for a human. He actually thinks this trip of his has been a success. He's on a different fecking planet, he really is. He is getting absolutely slaughtered in the press here.

Jesus fecking christ, he just doesn't want to be there and has has no clue of what the feck is going there
:lol: Indeed she does. Well spotted mate.

Jeez, I bet the US posters are sick and tired of this now. He just such an embarrassment, so completely unqualified and inept and to top it all off he's just so damn rude and disrespectful. Disgusting excuse for a human. He actually thinks this trip of his has been a success. He's on a different fecking planet, he really is. He is getting absolutely slaughtered in the press here.

Some of the replies to that tweet claim he has a small speaker in one ear.
I generally agree. I can't see a mainstream Republican doing anything other than tearing the agreement on his 1st day. Which is why Trump's action on this (if we believe the quote) surprised me.

And I'm so sorry for the pain caused by my wrong grammar.
Exxon and GE are both publicly exerting pressure to stay in the Paris Accord. They have their own reasons, of course, but this issue is far from being black and white (even for gophers).
:lol: Indeed she does. Well spotted mate.

Jeez, I bet the US posters are sick and tired of this now. He just such an embarrassment, so completely unqualified and inept and to top it all off he's just so damn rude and disrespectful. Disgusting excuse for a human. He actually thinks this trip of his has been a success. He's on a different fecking planet, he really is. He is getting absolutely slaughtered in the press here.

Apparently he had in an earpiece because of his hair. Saw a pic of him with one but couldn't check the veracity of it.
Some of the replies to that tweet claim he has a small speaker in one ear.

Looks like he was wearing a speaker. You can see the wire under his blazer and his posture suggests he is focused.

This just gives them more ammunition to scream fake news and this is just another occasion where to me it looks like journalists are intent on misleading people who will lap this kind of stuff up to reinforce their views and to bash Trump.
It's more that it's very easy to believe the absurd with Trump.
I generally agree. I can't see a mainstream Republican doing anything other than tearing the agreement on his 1st day. Which is why Trump's action on this (if we believe the quote) surprised me.

And I'm so sorry for the pain caused by my wrong grammar.

No worries. That was first client error logged against my always impeccable testing work and I've never forgotten to impart the knowledge to others

It's more that it's very easy to believe the absurd with Trump.

While it is true, it heavily fuels the narrative of the alt right and Trump's base. Gives them the ammunition to basically cry 'fake news' on more important matters when feckups like this happen.
So the guy that Montana elected to be its representative. During his campaign he campaigned against retirement and used the Biblical story of Noah as justification for why we shouldn't retire.

Like... wtf
So the guy that Montana elected to be its representative. During his campaign he campaigned against retirement and used the Biblical story of Noah as justification for why we shouldn't retire.

Like... wtf
600 years old!
So the guy that Montana elected to be its representative. During his campaign he campaigned against retirement and used the Biblical story of Noah as justification for why we shouldn't retire.

Like... wtf

He also punched and body slammed a Guardian reporter, claimed AHCA is good for America. Probably the only guy to win an election and get charged for misdemeanor battery on the same day.

This should create tensions between the Sanders lefties and the establishment, who clearly don't believe in fight on all states but pick your targets.
If there are no photos of this I'm going to assume that "golf cart" is them being generous and it was one of these:

Worry not, there's video. It's an XL golf cart!

He gets into the cart at 33:55 and you can see the cart in the back, while the rest of the leaders are in the front talking, from like 37 minutes.
I guess we should be thankful that he's not wearing a baseball cap with 2 cans of Pepsi stuck to the sides.
Worry not, there's video. It's an XL golf cart!

He gets into the cart at 33:55 and you can see the cart in the back, while the rest of the leaders are in the front talking, from like 37 minutes.

I noticed that Justin in the 38mins (onwards) doesn't seem to be keen on listening in on the Trump pow-wow.

jobs, jobs, jobs!

I cant be the only one thats thinking of 'boats, boats, boats! From 'How i met your mother'

We need a gif of that advert with "boats" replaced with "jobs" and trumos head on that girls body.


What's the point anymore? We are fighting a losing battle. Just let the rich and ignorant (who obviously know better) just think and do everything for us, well more for them, but under the appearance (sometimes) that they are doing it for us. Feck it, this world sucks. Trump is the biggest cnut on the planet, and out of 8 billion people to choose from, that's some achievement.
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