The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's so forgetful he probably forgets who's in what country. No doubt he probably congratulated Macron on his country voting for Brexit, asked May how things been since the Berlin wall came down, and thinks Merkel is in charge of Poland or something.

:lol: He simply couldn't give a shit. In his world only he exists and he occasionally remembers his country does too. That's why I can really believe he sold out to the Russians. He would sell his own kids if the price was right. No morals, no ethics and no fecks given.

feckwit in Chief.

That's actually quite interesting. The pressure is obviously coming from industry lobbies who are trying to strip back regulation, obviously NATO are pressuring him to actually save the planter rather than a few bonuses so it's a tough choice.
That's actually quite interesting. The pressure is obviously coming from industry lobbies who are trying to strip back regulation, obviously NATO are pressuring him to actually save the planter rather than a few bonuses so it's a tough choice.

Yeah, the GOP and his mates Ryan and McConnell obviously want him to pull out of the Paris Accord but he's facing severely heavy pressure from Europe now. He would have listened to them and probably lied to them too. As reported he's "learning about climate change" FFS! Only because he's talking to unselfish, educated, intelligent and articulate people who care about the planet and not how much money they can make before they die.
I know some of you are driven nuts by his short ties and ill-fitting suits but what bothers me most appearance-wise is his fecking ugly, ridiculous remnants of a bird's nest which he thinks is hair, and the absolutely disgusting movement of his lips when he talks. Both are nightmare material.

Wow :eek: Seems to be coming from a reliable source too. So much for a quiet Saturday afternoon, small stories breaking all over the place.

Now that's ....... concerning.

That's actually quite interesting. The pressure is obviously coming from industry lobbies who are trying to strip back regulation, obviously NATO are pressuring him to actually save the planter rather than a few bonuses so it's a tough choice.
Gary Cohn said as per the article I posted on the previous pages (not verbatim but something along the lines): Coal isn't actually the thing, and the US could become a powerhouse for frecking/natural gas and solar energy.
I wouldn't be surprised if Cohn and some others are well aware that the US must act and would like to keep Paris Acccord but that 22 senators who push for withdrawing from it live under a rock.
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I suspect he's going to announce the US are staying in the Paris accord.

If he were going to be announce they were ditching the climate deal next week, then he'd have kept the Iowa rally and announce it first to his supporters.

The fact he's now cancelled the rally is that he knows its not what his supporters will want to hear and the announcement is going to anger them, so he wont want to face them.
He's the oldest G7 participant but still.......................


I'm sure that went down well. :rolleyes:

It really is like a never ending conveyor of stupid, idiotic, sexist, racist, misogynistic, dangerous, disrespectful, thoughtless, ridiculous, pathological and moronic shit...

Seriously, my mind is blown at how much someone can continually keep getting things so wrong. It's as if he cannot go a single day without at least two or three different feck ups. The biggest clown of all time.

If my suggestions for your tagline don't get chosen, I hope this does :)



Has that sneaky fecker @Damien taken our private conversation and made a bloody competition out of a private request I made to him, in PRIVATE? :lol: For fecks sake. :lol:


* @Damien , was the thread hidden from him or something? Can't believe he'd have missed it :lol:
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He's the oldest G7 participant but still.......................

If there are no photos of this I'm going to assume that "golf cart" is them being generous and it was one of these:

Merkel described discussions as very unsatisfactory and very difficult; reported 6 to 1 on climate change, a little bit of progress on trade.
These are the 2 most promising things I've seen from him. He is under heavy GOP/industry pressure to reverse it. The fact that he is saying this to Macron is atleast encouraging.

Yeah, I have to agree, that's the way I read the situation too. @Pexbo and @Fergie's gum both made good points about it as well. There is hope what was said by those pesky liberal Europeans might have actually started to sink in. Let us just hope that Ryan and McConnell don't get a chance to get their claws in to him before he announces his decision.
These are the 2 most promising things I've seen from him. He is under heavy GOP/industry pressure to reverse it. The fact that he is saying this to Macron is atleast encouraging.

At and least are two separate words.

Yeah, I have to agree, that's the way I read the situation too. @Pexbo and @Fergie's gum both made good points about it as well. There is hope what was said by those pesky liberal Europeans might have actually started to sink in. Let us just hope that Ryan and McConnell don't get a chance to get their claws in to him before he announces his decision.

There's nothing promising about either. He doesn't give a feck about Macron or anybody. He'll do what pleases his base as long as he's not getting personally hurt. The only way Trump will sign up for Paris accord is if his family has a huge vested interest in Green Energy and tech
At and least are two separate words.

There's nothing promising about either. He doesn't give a feck about Macron or anybody. He'll do what pleases his base as long as he's not getting personally hurt. The only way Trump will sign up for Paris accord is if his family has a huge vested interest in Green Energy and tech

I generally agree. I can't see a mainstream Republican doing anything other than tearing the agreement on his 1st day. Which is why Trump's action on this (if we believe the quote) surprised me.

And I'm so sorry for the pain caused by my wrong grammar.
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