The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Grrrrrrrr, why did I do it? Why did I put Fox on? I put it on to see Hannity ridiculed because his advertisers have all been leaving in droves and he had a meltdown the other night. Well he's on holiday apparently, and won't be back until after the bank holiday (apparently it's one we share with the USA)

Instead of Hannity I was greeted by Kimberly Guilfoyle who is sucking up to the viewers and you can just tell she want's that spot all for herself because she is talking some pure shite. She had the evil and rage inducing Michelle Makin on who I cannot abide, and the pair of them were just talking the most shite I think I have ever heard on Fox and that is saying something. Kimberly was just repeating word for word Michelle's mad ramblings, it wasn't good at all. I got fed up and suitably enraged enough to turn over when the pair of them starting talking bollocks and using the Manchester Bombings to back up their obvious prejudices. :mad: Jeez.. That was bad, even for Fox.

Kimberly has never been that bad before. Yeah she's right wing for sure, and yeah, on The Five she can be spikey and she is argumentative but she has always been reasonably fair minded, tonight she was coming off like Michelle and that is completely unhinged. So watch this space, Kimberly is obviously advertising for Trump's press secretary and if not, then she wants a top spot on Fox.

Also........... still breaking, more info coming out damning Kushner.

I want all these lot to go to prison, not only because they are bad and severely corrupt people, but also because it will shut all these Conservative nut jobs like Makin up and leave them with nowhere to go.
Grrrrrrrr, why did I do it? Why did I put Fox on? I put it on to see Hannity ridiculed because his advertisers have all been leaving in droves and he had a meltdown the other night. Well he's on holiday apparently, and won't be back until after the bank holiday (apparently it's one we share with the USA)

Instead of Hannity I was greeted by Kimberly Guilfoyle who is sucking up to the viewers and you can just tell she want's that spot all for herself because she is talking some pure shite. She had the evil and rage inducing Michelle Makin on who I cannot abide, and the pair of them were just talking the most shite I think I have ever heard on Fox and that is saying something. Kimberly was just repeating word for word Michelle's mad ramblings, it wasn't good at all. I got fed up and suitably enraged enough to turn over when the pair of them starting talking bollocks and using the Manchester Bombings to back up their obvious prejudices. :mad: Jeez.. That was bad, even for Fox.

Kimberly has never been that bad before. Yeah she's right wing for sure, and yeah, on The Five she can be spikey and she is argumentative but she has always been reasonably fair minded, tonight she was coming off like Michelle and that is completely unhinged. So watch this space, Kimberly is obviously advertising for Trump's press secretary and if not, then she wants a top spot on Fox.

Also........... still breaking, more info coming out damning Kushner.

I want all these lot to go to prison, not only because they are bad and severely corrupt people, but also because it will shut all these Conservative nut jobs like Makin up and leave them with nowhere to go.


I can see a Wag the dog scenario coming up. They need to release the pressure building up through re-direction.
think Trump will not last the summer.

just hope he does not die because of all the pressure.

all those 'sympathy votes.'
Don't do this to you! You'll be nothing but disappointed.

As long as the GOP won't budge, he will stay in power, and there are no signs that the GOP cares about the country at all. In fact, I'd like to see more investigative journalists digging into the very own GOP folks' ties to Russia, whether financial or other ties.
Also........... still breaking, more info coming out damning Kushner.

I want all these lot to go to prison, not only because they are bad and severely corrupt people, but also because it will shut all these Conservative nut jobs like Makin up and leave them with nowhere to go.

I think this sentence of the article is important to consider:

Russia at times feeds false information into communication streams it suspects are monitored as a way of sowing misinformation and confusion among U.S. analysts.

While it is alarming if Kushner had asked for that, I'd like to see evidence that's not just reliant on intercepted communications from a Russian who if not anything else wants to divide the US and the Western world as much as possible. The anonymous letter WaPo received isn't enough for me.

I acknowledge the following sentences too ...
But officials said that it’s unclear what Kislyak would have had to gain by falsely characterizing his contacts with Kushner to Moscow, particularly at a time when the Kremlin still saw the prospect of dramatically improved relations with Trump.

... and wouldn't have an answer (other than sowing suspicion) but hope that there's more robust evidence for Kushner's attempts to set up a secret channel than from Kislyak's call to home.
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Sounds as if Kushner is the perfect match to be Twitler's SIL. :lol:

The widespread assumption liberals make about Kushner seems to be this: Because he is soft-spoken, slim and handsome, with degrees from Harvard and NYU and a family that donates to Democrats, he couldn’t possibly be the same guy knifing his West Wing rivals and urging the president to go to war with the Justice Department and the FBI.

But that assumption is wrong. Those who know him from his days as a young New York real estate magnate and newspaper publisher say America is just getting to know the Jared Kushner they have always known, that beneath the unflappable golden exterior is someone unafraid to bungee jump or to counterpunch when he feels slighted.
Zbigniew Brzezinski died at age 89. This is his last (spot on) tweet:

It seems the paywall kicks in before reader mode option. Just tried force all websites to reader as well. Thanks though.

You just have to wait a few seconds after the paywall kicks in. At first it seems like you can't scroll, but after a few seconds it'll let you scroll upon the top to activate Reader mode.
That's from a portuguese site. They are really funny, their Ronaldo statue gifs were great as well

:eek: Cancelling the chance to be loved and adored for talking shite non stop for two hours. That's the most shocking thing I have read in weeks.

But still living in cloud cuckoo land. Stupid old twat.

:eek: Cancelling the chance to be loved and adored for talking shite non stop for two hours. That's the most shocking thing I have read in weeks.

But still living in cloud cuckoo land. Stupid old twat.

I haven't got access to photoshop at the moment so I can't do any ELA but that black lady perched on his head looks like she's been shopped in.
:lol: yea I'm sure all those leaders got to their hotels at the end of the day and thought "you know what, now he's said that lets send some money to NATO".

He's pathological ffs.
I haven't got access to photoshop at the moment so I can't do any ELA but that black lady perched on his head looks like she's been shopped in.

:lol: Indeed she does. Well spotted mate.

Jeez, I bet the US posters are sick and tired of this now. He just such an embarrassment, so completely unqualified and inept and to top it all off he's just so damn rude and disrespectful. Disgusting excuse for a human. He actually thinks this trip of his has been a success. He's on a different fecking planet, he really is. He is getting absolutely slaughtered in the press here.
:lol: Indeed she does. Well spotted mate.

Jeez, I bet the US posters are sick and tired of this now. He just such an embarrassment, so completely unqualified and inept and to top it all off he's just so damn rude and disrespectful. Disgusting excuse for a human. He actually thinks this trip of his has been a success. He's on a different fecking planet, he really is. He is getting absolutely slaughtered in the press here.

Is he sleeping there?:lol:

I'm sure that went down well. :rolleyes:

It really is like a never ending conveyor of stupid, idiotic, sexist, racist, misogynistic, dangerous, disrespectful, thoughtless, ridiculous, pathological and moronic shit...

Seriously, my mind is blown at how much someone can continually keep getting things so wrong. It's as if he cannot go a single day without at least two or three different feck ups. The biggest clown of all time.
What was he going to say at that rally. I've put through a bill that is going to make you worse off. No meaningful wall and no Muslim ban.

I'm sure that went down well. :rolleyes:

It really is like a never ending conveyor of stupid, idiotic, sexist, racist, misogynistic, dangerous, disrespectful, thoughtless, ridiculous, pathological and moronic shit...

Seriously, my mind is blown at how much someone can continually keep getting things so wrong. It's as if he cannot go a single day without at least two or three different feck ups. The biggest clown of all time.

He's so forgetful he probably forgets who's in what country. No doubt he probably congratulated Macron on his country voting for Brexit, asked May how things been since the Berlin wall came down, and thinks Merkel is in charge of Poland or something.
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