The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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"Nobody meets poaps popes better than me!"

I suspect he will do this a couple more times. Put rumour out of a controversial candidate, start going through the process and then either drop the candidate "because of public reaction" or bring a candidate to the table who will be rejected by Senate/House and... we start again. Tactics designed to delay, completely selfish and it will have a profoundly negative effect on the FBI's capabilities and yet he will blame "The Dems" and Liberal Media for blocking him appointing someone and say they are hurting the country and it's unpatriotic.
I suspect he will do this a couple more times. Put rumour out of a controversial candidate, start going through the process and then either drop the candidate "because of public reaction" or bring a candidate to the table who will be rejected by Senate/House and... we start again. Tactics designed to delay, completely selfish and it will have a profoundly negative effect on the FBI's capabilities and yet he will blame "The Dems" and Liberal Media for blocking him appointing someone and say they are hurting the country and it's unpatriotic.

Thing is, the FBI Director has less meaning now that Bob Mueller and his staff are in action, as well as the fact that the House and Senate committees continue to do their own thing. By the time he gets a new Director in place a vast majority of the information those three entities need will already have been obtained.
Thing is, the FBI Director has less meaning now that Bob Mueller and his staff are in action, as well as the fact that the House and Senate committees continue to do their own thing. By the time he gets a new Director in place a vast majority of the information those three entities need will already have been obtained.

Sure, but that won't stop him trying to have some semblance of control over something related to the investigation and he will still try to set up a narrative of the liberal MSM and Democrat Congressmen and Senators blocking his choices and making the country less safe.
Apparently it's a fake story (check above) about him deleting his Tweets, a shame as I got it from a really respected Canadian journo I follow on Twitter. Or should I say DID follow.

Do you not worry you're exemplifying many of the behaviour you criticise Trump supporters for (believing legitimately fake news, jumping all over gossip etc.)?
Do you not worry you're exemplifying many of the behaviour you criticise Trump supporters for (believing legitimately fake news, jumping all over gossip etc.)?

It's not about getting duped, it's how you react to hearing the facts. Trump supporters refuse to hold their hands up and continue to peddle misinformation. langster has recognised he's been the victim of misinformation on a number of occasions and held his hands up and apologised for sharing it.
It's not about getting duped, it's how you react to hearing the facts. Trump supporters refuse to hold their hands up and continue to peddle misinformation. langster has recognised he's been the victim of misinformation on a number of occasions and held his hands up and apologised for sharing it.
Yup. Contrast with Hannity still clearly believing the Seth Rich nonsense.
Contrast the meeting with Trump to the meeting of Francis and our president on Monday of this week, Galway's own Michael D.


It's pretty clear what Francis thinks of him.
The Pope's being true to what he believes, no doubt. I love Pope Francis, he's amazing (and he usually laughs a lot).
Yeah, he clearly can't pretend for the sake of decorum.

I like him.

Wish other 'world leaders' would be as honest.


What I did not understand is the dresses of the "ladies". Do they think clothes make them to be nuns? Was it a funeral?
That's an amazing statement. I can't help but always think of how GOP folks would react to things like tis if a Democrat were in the WH.

What I did not understand is the dresses of the "ladies". Do they think clothes make them to be nuns? Was it a funeral?

It's some old convention thing. Even Michelle Obama wore one when she went.


American politicians are weird. European female leaders meet him all the time without that nonsense.
What I did not understand is the dresses of the "ladies". Do they think clothes make them to be nuns? Was it a funeral?
It's an old tradition for women to wear black, modest dresses and a veil when having a private audience with the Pope, who is both a Head of State and religious leader. The only exception was for Catholic Queens and their consorts, who could wear white.

It's not required nowadays and hasn't been for some time (and in any case, the current Pope is very informal), but people still do it as a mark of respect. Mrs Trump is representing her country and I think it's nice that she did this - I'm sure the many American Catholics will appreciate it.
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Interesting results from Quinnipiac University national poll.

Press release:

American voters believe 54 - 43 percent that President Donald Trump is abusing the powers of his office, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

President Trump gets a negative 37 - 55 percent job approval rating, compared to a negative 36 - 58 percent approval in a May 10 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University. Today, voters over 65 years old, divided in earlier surveys, now disapprove 53 - 42 percent. Trump has a negative 36 - 54 percent approval among independent voters, an improvement from his negative 29 - 63 percent two weeks ago.

The president is under water among every party, gender, educational, age and racial group except Republicans, who approve 84 - 13 percent; white voters with no college degree, who approve 52 - 40 percent, and white men who are split 47 - 46 percent.

Trump fired FBI Director James Comey to disrupt the investigation into possible ties between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, 55 percent of voters believe. Another 36 percent say Trump lost confidence in Comey's ability to lead the FBI.

American voters disapprove 54 - 36 percent of the Comey firing. The firing was an abuse of power, 49 percent say, while 47 percent say it was not an abuse.

Voters do not believe 54 - 31 percent Trump's claim that Comey told him on three separate occasions that the president was not under investigation.

"President Donald Trump remains mired in dreadful mid 30s approval numbers and the red flags that are popping up tell an even darker story," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

"Retirement age voters are leaving in big numbers," Malloy added.

"But by far the most alarming determination is that President Trump is abusing his office."

Voters do believe 55 - 27 percent that Trump asked Comey to drop the FBI investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

The matter should be investigated by the U.S. House of Representatives, voters say 62 - 33 percent.

American voters support 66 - 30 percent the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into possible ties between Trump campaign advisors and the Russian government.

A total of 68 percent of voters say alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election is a "very important" or "somewhat important" issue.

President Trump is not honest, voters say 59 - 36 percent. Voter opinions of most of Trump's personal qualities remain negative:

  • 57 - 40 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
  • 56 - 42 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
  • 65 - 31 percent that he is not level-headed;
  • 64 - 33 percent that he is a strong person;
  • 57 - 40 percent that he is intelligent;
  • 62 - 36 percent that he does not share their values.
The president's first overseas trip has little impact on voter opinion of his foreign policy ability, as he gets a negative 38 - 56 percent approval rating for handling foreign policy, compared to a negative 36 - 59 percent in a May 10 Quinnipiac University poll. His grades on handling other issues are:
  • Disapprove 50 - 44 percent of the way he is handling the economy;
  • 47 percent approve of the way he is handling terrorism and 45 percent disapprove;
  • Disapprove 57 - 41 percent of the way he is handling immigration.

Full results:
That's an amazing statement. I can't help but always think of how GOP folks would react to things like tis if a Democrat were in the WH.

It feels like their lying has taken the approval rating as low as it can since they've openly done it from day one. Only a scandal can take them down from here, luckily there's a few irons in the fire.
Interesting results from Quinnipiac University national poll.

  • 57 - 40 percent that he is intelligent;
The scores he gets on intelligence constantly baffle me.
The scores he gets on intelligence constantly baffle me.

Americans have been indoctrinated that the richer you are the better you are since reagan, and really, before that too.

Rich means better morals, better intelligence, better everything to at least a third of the population.
Do you not worry you're exemplifying many of the behaviour you criticise Trump supporters for (believing legitimately fake news, jumping all over gossip etc.)?

No not really. I've been caught with fake news Tweets three times now (yeah, I am counting) . Twice I should have bloody known better and the third last night I took from someone who was previously a very reliable source. I think two out of three were stupid o'clock in the morning too, but no excuses I should have known better and believe me, I am suitably embarrassed and upset about being caught out. I do think though that a feasible sounding Tweet posted with the right intentions isn't as bad as knowingly posting fake news with the intention to deceive. As I said though, no excuses and I apologise for posting them.
British Intelligence services are extremely pissed at Americans for leaking sensitive intelligence from the Manchester bombing. Perhaps not for this thread but I don't remember this sort of shit happening before the Trump Admin.

Edit - 4 News believe it's very unlikely that it came from FBI or CIA - Homeland Security the likely suspect.
British Intelligence services are extremely pissed at Americans for leaking sensitive intelligence from the Manchester bombing. Perhaps not for this thread but I don't remember this sort of shit happening before the Trump Admin.

Edit - 4 News believe it's very unlikely that it came from FBI or CIA - Homeland Security the likely suspect.

It's a major leak, can't believe how the NYTimes had that much information.
It's a major leak, can't believe how the NYTimes had that much information.

I don't understand the thought process behind leaking it, no good can come of it.
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