The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Oh btw Jared Kushner has deleted ALL his Tweets.

@jaredkushner hasn't Tweeted
When they do, their Tweets will show up here.

Now if that's not the actions of someone who is guilty, and under investigation then I don't know what is. Wow! That's insane. He must be shitting himself, I wonder what was in them all that had him so worried? Surely it's not a normal action? :wenger:
There's no legal issue with him passing secrets. As President, he can pretty much talk about what he wants.

Yeah, I understand because as soon as he utters the classified stuff it instantly becomes declassified, however I don't think that the rules around that were made with someone like Trump in mind. I would also bet that depending on what he told the Russians that say if he was disclosing new weapons plans or sending them the plans for the new stealth bombers, then I'm certain it would become a problem.

Breaking News! Trump has hired an attorney to help deal with the special prosecution over Russia. He must be getting worried. Maybe just a little?

What a surprise, Trump's budget doesn't add up. Shock, horror. :rolleyes:

Trillions out is taking the piss a little too far though? He's getting slammed left, right and centre over this budget, mainly because it gives huge tax cuts and breaks to the top 0.1% and it takes funding from Medicaid, completely removes meals on wheels (disgusting) and also cuts other benefits too.
Oh btw Jared Kushner has deleted ALL his Tweets.

@jaredkushner hasn't Tweeted
When they do, their Tweets will show up here.

Now if that's not the actions of someone who is guilty, and under investigation then I don't know what is. Wow! That's insane. He must be shitting himself, I wonder what was in them all that had him so worried? Surely it's not a normal action? :wenger:
Oh btw Jared Kushner has deleted ALL his Tweets.

@jaredkushner hasn't Tweeted
When they do, their Tweets will show up here.

Now if that's not the actions of someone who is guilty, and under investigation then I don't know what is. Wow! That's insane. He must be shitting himself, I wonder what was in them all that had him so worried? Surely it's not a normal action? :wenger:

Like father, like son. Jail time runs in the family.
Like father, like son. Jail time runs in the family.

Apparently it's a fake story (check above) about him deleting his Tweets, a shame as I got it from a really respected Canadian journo I follow on Twitter. Or should I say DID follow. However, what isn't fake is the story I posted about Kushner being a Slumlord and the state of the homes he rents out. There's a few of those stories floating about at the moment, the best being in the New York Times.
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:lol: Feck me Hannity has completely lost the plot. He's insane, and he's in shit over this Seth Rich story he keeps pushing. He's just made a statement slagging his bosses and Fox off on live tv.

He's done, he has to be. I will try and find the clips as soon as it's uploaded by someone. It was absolutely hilarious, he really has lost it. Even more than usual. Also, Fox have slipped to 3rd In ratings, behind CNN and MSNBC. Apparently they are getting slammed in the ratings in all the prime slots and prime age demographics (25-55)
Hannity to his audience: “Please do not interpret what I’m saying tonight to mean anything."
Apparently it's a fake story (check above) about him deleting his Tweets, a shame as I got it from a really respected Canadian journo I follow on Twitter. Or should I say DID follow. However, what isn't fake is the story I posted about Kushner being a Slumlord and the state of the homes he rents out. There's a few of those stories floating about at the moment, the best being in the New York Times.

Birds of a feather.

Jared seems to dovetail right into the Trump Cnutdom. He's probably called behind his back, Jared of the Crooked Spine.
Birds of a feather.

Jared seems to dovetail right into the Trump Cnutdom. He's probably called behind his back, Jared of the Crooked Spine.

He's definitely not what he seems and as I said in a previous post, I think he and Ivanka have pulled off a great con convincing people they are like the Beckhams of Politics. I think it's clear that either they have very little influence when it comes to policy discussion OR that they do have influence. You only have to look at the recent budget being the main evidence. There is no way on earth any Democrat or caring person would stand by and let that shit be put out if they had any influence in changing it. I could be completely wrong (very real possibility) but I think they may be quite liberal when it comes to things such as gay rights and marriage etc, but I think they are definitely more far right in most other areas.
Feck InfoWars have been given official Press credentials to the White House and will have someone there (mainly Jerome Corsi) at all press briefings. Alex Jones says he will appear from time to time too. For fecks sake.

Which door leads to reality?
He's definitely not what he seems and as I said in a previous post, I think he and Ivanka have pulled off a great con convincing people they are like the Beckhams of Politics. I think it's clear that either they have very little influence when it comes to policy discussion OR that they do have influence. You only have to look at the recent budget being the main evidence. There is no way on earth any Democrat or caring person would stand by and let that shit be put out if they had any influence in changing it. I could be completely wrong (very real possibility) but I think they may be quite liberal when it comes to things such as gay rights and marriage etc, but I think they are definitely more far right in most other areas.

If you take the assume that apples do not fall far from the tree; Ivanka is like her Dad -- will say or do what it takes to enhance her/his own 'wealth'. Then they are the your face of The Donald.

Trump if you look back in the 80s reflected the times -- young, handsome, brash.

Ivanka is the new Donald but more demeanour and with a nice pair but a more updated version of her Dad who reflects the cultural values of her time.

Jared, like his dad, will do what it takes to enrich themselves.
Perfect match.
Perfect match.

Yeah, that I completely agree with, as I do with the rest of your post too.

I read that too, but there are reports it's now a permanent one and Jerome Corsi will be attending daily briefings with Jones saying he could attend too. If true that's completely batshit even for Trump's standards. Surely it's going to be rejected? The credibility of the White House will nosedive if Alex Jones rocks up. It does beg the question as to why they even got the day pass in the first place?
Yeah, that I completely agree with, as I do with the rest of your post too.

I read that too, but there are reports it's now a permanent one and Jerome Corsi will be attending daily briefings with Jones saying he could attend too. If true that's completely batshit even for Trump's standards. Surely it's going to be rejected? The credibility of the White House will nosedive if Alex Jones rocks up. It does beg the question as to why they even got the day pass in the first place?

He is circling the wagon with his supporters. He does have over 2 million subs. He needs all he can keep.

The note Trump left at Yad Vashem. Check out the mixed up use of capital and lower case letters all the time. We need a handwriting expert to decipher what that means.

Also the note Obama previously left.

It's just astounding how Trump seemingly either doesn't care or has a serious lack of awareness. I honestly don't think "So amazing, will never forget" is really apt, considering where and what he is referring to. It's remarkably insensitive really.
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That could be one of the saddest things I think I have ever read. Really depressing.

Big country -- probably the same people who get their 'news' at the checkout counters at their local supermarkets. The same people who would not know that Trump's budget proposal will hurt them -- its all about where they get the news.
Broadsheets and network news/papers are just too much and complex for them.
He's definitely not what he seems and as I said in a previous post, I think he and Ivanka have pulled off a great con convincing people they are like the Beckhams of Politics. I think it's clear that either they have very little influence when it comes to policy discussion OR that they do have influence. You only have to look at the recent budget being the main evidence. There is no way on earth any Democrat or caring person would stand by and let that shit be put out if they had any influence in changing it. I could be completely wrong (very real possibility) but I think they may be quite liberal when it comes to things such as gay rights and marriage etc, but I think they are definitely more far right in most other areas.
That is very clear. Clear as mud.
Big country -- probably the same people who get their 'news' at the checkout counters at their local supermarkets. The same people who would not know that Trump's budget proposal will hurt them -- its all about where they get the news.
Broadsheets and network news/papers are just too much and complex for them.

Yeah, and that is an area that the country needs to look at improving. Education and public awareness needs to be a top priority really, but a poor education secretary and the military budget pretty much guarantees that wont be a priority. The media also need to regain their reputation but I honestly think with Trump and co going hard at them and the fake news reputation means it's not going to be easy. It's a real shame because some journalists in print or on tv are doing some of the best work I have seen for a very, very long time.

Shit, sorry, rambling tonight, meds and insomnia overdrive.
He's definitely not what he seems and as I said in a previous post, I think he and Ivanka have pulled off a great con convincing people they are like the Beckhams of Politics. I think it's clear that either they have very little influence when it comes to policy discussion OR that they do have influence. You only have to look at the recent budget being the main evidence. There is no way on earth any Democrat or caring person would stand by and let that shit be put out if they had any influence in changing it. I could be completely wrong (very real possibility) but I think they may be quite liberal when it comes to things such as gay rights and marriage etc, but I think they are definitely more far right in most other areas.
It was reported some days ago that they see themselves as the new Kennedys.
Yeah, and that is an area that the country needs to look at improving. Education and public awareness needs to be a top priority really, but a poor education secretary and the military budget pretty much guarantees that wont be a priority. The media also need to regain their reputation but I honestly think with Trump and co going hard at them and the fake news reputation means it's not going to be easy. It's a real shame because some journalists in print or on tv are doing some of the best work I have seen for a very, very long time.

Shit, sorry, rambling tonight, meds and insomnia overdrive.

Plus cultural tolerance helps. These guys feel culturally stigmatised and isolated.

Unfortunately we will have more of these situations for the foreseeable future -- and we will land up repeating ourselves again. And for a ADD person like myself, repetition gets very annoying!
I suspect not many common rural americans knows what budget is, just like in many othet nation words like incentive, economy, budget, upper lower tax etc are just punchlines you used to make yourself look smarter in a party.

But they'll all feel the wrath of trump once their healthcare and pills got denied.
It was reported some days ago that they see themselves as the new Kennedys.

Oh yeah, I remember it being discussed in here. I am moron!

Unfortunately we will have more of these situations for the foreseeable future -- and we will land up repeating ourselves again. And for a ADD person like myself, repetition gets very annoying!

Ahaa, sorry mate. hope you have it under control. My lad suffers from ADD too so I understand what you mean. OCD here i'm afraid, repetition is my friend :lol:
:D Might be an idea for when he returns to the US too.


The note Trump left at Yad Vashem. Check out the mixed up use of capital and lower case letters all the time. We need a handwriting expert to decipher what that means.

Also the note Obama previously left.

It's just astounding how Trump seemingly either doesn't care or has a serious lack of awareness. I honestly don't think "So amazing, will never forget" is really apt, considering where and what he is referring to. It's remarkably insensitive really.

That's amazing.
It's like a note you might leave on someone's windscreen, apologising for pranging their car.
:D Might be an idea for when he returns to the US too.

No! It's boring as hell without him Tweeting and I'm hoping for a gaffe but it looks like he is going to disappoint. I had high hopes for this trip with Trump embarrassing himself bigly or losing his temper or him insulting someone, but alas nothing so far, an almost Presidential trip from Trump, and aside from hypocrisy and siding with anyone who pays cash, it's been a relatively quiet trip and a well behaved Donald.
No! It's boring as hell without him Tweeting and I'm hoping for a gaffe but it looks like he is going to disappoint. I had high hopes for this trip with Trump embarrassing himself bigly or losing his temper or him insulting someone, but alas nothing so far, an almost Presidential trip from Trump, and aside from hypocrisy and siding with anyone who pays cash, it's been a relatively quiet trip and a well behaved Donald.
Look at what he said to Duterte, that and so much more of his presidency is terrible enough, I really do not miss his moronic tweets.

Being in Europe now, I also expect him to change his tune and behavior more to his usual self. Protests in Rome yesterday, much more to expect in Brussels, probably also in Taormina will get to him.
The fact that people are equally likely to think the other side are wrong isn't surprising (or new) but it is incredibly sad to see conclusive evidence that people aren't even interested in hearing from the other side.

That said, I'm not entirely sure I see how this explains your original point (or answers my original question)? There's very little correlation here between this and the unprecedented levels of disapproval that Trump has. It just seems like a cheap dig with no substance. What's the point of that?

Of course there's a correlation. If a biased media implores its readership to think a particular way, they'll naturally be swayed, and the media has been relentless in its disdain for Trump from well before the inauguration, resulting in that disapproval. And for you to say that it isn't surprising or new is very disingenuous, because it's obvious enough that liberals, as I keep repeating, feel particularly invulnerable i.e. that's why it made for news at the end of April across numerous media outlets.

Liberal minded people. You say that like its a bad thing.
Here's me.
I love freedom
I love the fact that men can be free with men.
I love the fact that women can be free with women
I don't judge on religion or your God
Free to vote to vote who you want to vote.
If there's more have at me.

Why? There's no real substance to your argument. You present yourself as the apex of virtuousness and, by extension, all other liberal-minded people, I suppose. If anything, it substantiates my other argument, and is further evidence that liberals are incapable of introspection.
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