The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Look at what he said to Duterte, that and so much more of his presidency is terrible enough, I really do not miss his moronic tweets.

Yeah, very true. I wasn't being entirely serious btw and I would probably feel like you do If I was from the US. It's just so damn surreal, if Theresa May wrote a note like Trump did with such poor grammar, bad taste and like @SteveJ rightly said, like a note you would leave on someone's windscreen, well then I think she would be getting slammed for it. If she made a call like Trump did to Duterte well, the papers would take her apart.

Protests in Rome yesterday,

Ahh, I didn't see that. Thanks will have a look to find some reports.
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Oh for fecks sake. The forgotten man, the man who was Trump's campaign manager accused of assaulting a female Breitbart reporter, then who became Trump's inside man and became one of the most angry, contrary, argumentative so called "experts" on CNN before disappearing back under the rock he crawled out from, Corey Lewandowski is allegedly soon to be back on Team Trump to be given a job as White House Crisis Manager. Again, you really couldn't make this up.
Of course there's a correlation. If a biased media implores its readership to think a particular way, they'll naturally be swayed, and the media has been relentless in its disdain for Trump from well before the inauguration, resulting in that disapproval. And for you to say that it isn't surprising or new is very disingenuous, because it's obvious enough that liberals, as I keep repeating, feel particularly invulnerable i.e. that's why it made for news at the end of April across numerous media outlets.

It's not surprising or new to me. That particular strand of behavioural psychology was asked and answered a while ago. There's no doubt that there are some liberal wankers that love to get on their moral high ground and seem to totally dismiss the fact that they're biased and demonstrably wrong about a great many things.

To paint that as a particular ailment of "the left" is pretty fecking stupid though, in my view. Particularly when you're resorting to using an article which is so heavily partisan, with palpable anger at the other side dripping off the page, and then describing that as news.

You're criticising people for living in echo chambers and then reverting back to one of the echo chambers you're particularly fond of, for obvious reasons. It kind of ruins your entire point.

At the end of the day, the demographics that voted for/against Trump will tell you quite conclusively that those against are better educated and better able to apply critical thinking. Across people of similar demographics on both sides of the political spectrum, they are equally prone to seek out echo chambers, and equally prone to bias.

Are any side more likely to be ignorant of their own biases? I've not seen any evidence to suggest that, beyond baseless partisan commentary and anecdotal evidence from the "news" article you provided.

Even if you don't have the evidence, I'd be interested to hear your hypothesis on why "the left" are more likely to believe their own bullshit when everything points to the split growing on both sides, with heavily partisan media playing a pivotal role in growing that ignorance and disdain on both sides.
No! It's boring as hell without him Tweeting and I'm hoping for a gaffe but it looks like he is going to disappoint. I had high hopes for this trip with Trump embarrassing himself bigly or losing his temper or him insulting someone, but alas nothing so far, an almost Presidential trip from Trump, and aside from hypocrisy and siding with anyone who pays cash, it's been a relatively quiet trip and a well behaved Donald.
I'm wondering what the Pope said to him. Francis is not a man who worries about ruffling feathers, and is virtually the opposite of Trump in terms of personal priorities. He's never even moved into the Papal apartment, he still lives in a guest house and eats in the canteen with everyone else.
Why? There's no real substance to your argument. You present yourself as the apex of virtuousness and, by extension, all other liberal-minded people, I suppose. If anything, it substantiates my other argument, and is further evidence that liberals are incapable of introspection.


@Fener1907 , king of the stretched argument
I'm wondering what the Pope said to him. Francis is not a man who worries about ruffling feathers, and is virtually the opposite of Trump in terms of personal priorities. He's never even moved into the Papal apartment, he still lives in a guest house and eats in the canteen with everyone else.
It was reported some days ago that Pope Francis wouldn't push Twitler to reconsider his views on immigration, refugees and alike.

At least in this picture it doesn't look as if Francis is happy to meet this family.

I'm wondering what the Pope said to him. Francis is not a man who worries about ruffling feathers, and is virtually the opposite of Trump in terms of personal priorities. He's never even moved into the Papal apartment, he still lives in a guest house and eats in the canteen with everyone else.

I was thinking the same thing, I've seen CNN and BBC speculating on what he said but it doesn't appear anyone actually heard him saying anything aside from him offering the Pope anything he wanted, which I presume is a usual Trump showing off trait.
No! It's boring as hell without him Tweeting and I'm hoping for a gaffe but it looks like he is going to disappoint. I had high hopes for this trip with Trump embarrassing himself bigly or losing his temper or him insulting someone, but alas nothing so far, an almost Presidential trip from Trump, and aside from hypocrisy and siding with anyone who pays cash, it's been a relatively quiet trip and a well behaved Donald.

Have you missed what he wrote into Yad Vashem's guest book? "So amazing + will never forget!"

I mean... seriously? That's what you write when you visit Disneyland :wenger:
Have you missed what he wrote into Yad Vashem's guest book? "So amazing + will never forget!"

I mean... seriously? That's what you write when you visit Disneyland :wenger:

Well.... he is the same man who said "Getting ready for my big foreign trip" before they left for this tour, so maybe he genuinely thinks that he's only a jolly but has to do some boring meetings from time to time before getting to the good stuff. It's like when you tell a child he can have ice cream but first he needs to finish his carrots.
This is such a minor issue but how come Melania has her hair covered for the Pope but not the Saudi meet?

Maybe because she's Catholic (?) and not Muslim?

The note Trump left at Yad Vashem. Check out the mixed up use of capital and lower case letters all the time. We need a handwriting expert to decipher what that means.

Also the note Obama previously left.

It's just astounding how Trump seemingly either doesn't care or has a serious lack of awareness. I honestly don't think "So amazing, will never forget" is really apt, considering where and what he is referring to. It's remarkably insensitive really.

"IT is A gReAT HONOR To Be HeRe wiTH ALL of my FRieNDs - So AMAziNg + wiLL NeveR FoRgeT!"

:lol: feck sake
Have you missed what he wrote into Yad Vashem's guest book? "So amazing + will never forget!"

I mean... seriously? That's what you write when you visit Disneyland :wenger:
It reminded me of what I wrote on holiday greeting cards when I was in elementary school. :wenger:
I wonder what Clinton feels when she sees what he's doing.
I wonder what Clinton feels when she sees what he's doing.
She looked in good spirits during her last public appearance but you could sense anger also.
In some ways, a Trump presidency could help the dems long term.
"IT is A gReAT HONOR To Be HeRe wiTH ALL of my FRieNDs - So AMAziNg + wiLL NeveR FoRgeT!"

:lol: feck sake
Took him ages as well!

Google his interviews from the 80s and 90s. Different person. Uses similar language like great and disaster but he is very coherent. I'm backing off my mental illness idea and going with abducted by aliens who botched a brain implant.
She looked in good spirits during her last public appearance but you could sense anger also.
In some ways, a Trump presidency could help the dems long term.
depends how much long term damage the Donald does as POTUS
Fine trolling attempt by Pope Francis. :D

Another positive result for the dems who have won in a local special election in NY.

Trump won this area with around 60% of the vote and the previous republican candidate won this seat with 69% of the vote in 2016.
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Not that I have high hopes for better options than the ones he has considered by now but there always is hope.

Nice graphic by though apparently not quite complete.

We finally have a Pope worthy of John Paul I's mantle.
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