The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sincere or not, we know the score Billy. Obama was pretty much universally loved in the UK and around Europe. Yeah some people disagreed with him here and there but after Bush he was a blessing. People felt safe with him, his calm demeanour was the perfect counter to the unpredictability of Bush. Bush just seemed a bit of a scatterbrain at times, but saying that now just doesn't seem right. Bush seems normal compared to the sugared up orang-utan you have in the Oval Office now.

I think Americans genuinely couldn't handle the calm, calmness doesn't suggest America is the best in the world like aggression does, the sheer paranoia that they might not be the best in the world in whatever intangible way got to them at their very core, hence when the opposition came it was a fervent, utterly ridiculous rage that manifested itself as Donald Trump becoming president and his supporters being as impossibly insane as they can be.
You are reading my post wrong. The news stations are giving these cnuts what they want.
It shouldn't consume the news cycle.
Sincere or not, we know the score Billy. Obama was pretty much universally loved in the UK and around Europe. Yeah some people disagreed with him here and there but after Bush he was a blessing. People felt safe with him, his calm demeanour was the perfect counter to the unpredictability of Bush. Bush just seemed a bit of a scatterbrain at times, but saying that now just doesn't seem right. Bush seems normal compared to the sugared up orang-utan you have in the Oval Office now.

I am

Would you hold hands with him.

Mrs Blaggs said no fecking way. I like Mrs Blaggs and trust her. She holds my penis. (Sometimes)
So is Trump going for the double? Impeachment and divorce. The man truly is a winner.
Tajik president Rahmon showing Trump how it's done.

:lol: That's fecking awesome! Trump tries to pull him off balance like he does to everyone, Rahmon soaks it up, stands firm and then pulls back even harder causing Trump to have to move closer. Such a loser! Love it.
I'm about as anti trump as it gets, but he's absolutely dead right and seeing him change the narrative that portrays these freaks as "masterminds" or monsters is a welcome change. The only people worth condemning at times like this, other than the perpetrator of course, is the media. Absolute enablers
I agree, have to say today was the first time I've been impressed by the way he spoke and the choice of words. Respectful and put his own spin on it, found myself agreeing.
Ahaaaa the worm has turned so you come grovelling back eh? It's ok, i'm not a vengeful or nasty person, it's all good mate. :lol:

It's his gun isn't it? It's ok, apparently it's impressive and it can fire up to 15 times in one session.

15 times in one session. No one can compete with that. I once blew 24 pieces of wall with a one go. And impregnated a heard of elephants.

No big deal.
Oh btw Jared Kushner has deleted ALL his Tweets.

@jaredkushner hasn't Tweeted
When they do, their Tweets will show up here.

Now if that's not the actions of someone who is guilty, and under investigation then I don't know what is. Wow! That's insane. He must be shitting himself, I wonder what was in them all that had him so worried? Surely it's not a normal action? :wenger:
Oh btw Jared Kushner has deleted ALL his Tweets.

@jaredkushner hasn't Tweeted
When they do, their Tweets will show up here.

Now if that's not the actions of someone who is guilty, and under investigation then I don't know what is. Wow! That's insane. He must be shitting himself, I wonder what was in them all that had him so worried? Surely it's not a normal action? :wenger:

They've all fallen prey to old tweets that make a mockery of their present positions, probably to preempt that
They've all fallen prey to old tweets that make a mockery of their present positions, probably to preempt that

Yeah, I wondered that too, especially as nothing is ever really deleted anyway so if he did do it to hide incriminating material then it's a pretty pointless action. Saving face and not have old Tweets come back to haunt him definitely seems to make sense, but I still think it's a huge overreaction, smells more of desperation to be honest.
Yeah, I wondered that too, especially as nothing is ever really deleted anyway so if he did do it to hide incriminating material then it's a pretty pointless action. Saving face and not have old Tweets come back to haunt him definitely seems to make sense, but I still think it's a huge overreaction, smells more of desperation to be honest.

Smells like. His wife basically bitch slapped him away. You know I have a wife. Mrs Blaggs would never do that even in front of you guys. I
Just thinking for a second because it seems like such an impossibly but if anyone were found guilty of treason, they'd be sentenced to death wouldn't they?

Kushner the Slum-Lord. The press are going hard after all of them now, and I don't think they are going to stop until every last one of them is either removed from office or in prison.
Don't worry, folks - Jared and Ivanka plc are there to moderate Donald McRonald.
Don't worry, folks - Jared and Ivanka plc are there to moderate Donald McRonald.

Out of all the cons and dupes I think that is the biggest one of them all. Jared and Ivanka's clean cut, youthful and supposed Liberal appearance has everyone fooled. We have all been sucked in by the political equivalent of the Beckham's, except in truth underneath it all Jared and Ivanka are more like the Ozbourne's.
Just thinking for a second because it seems like such an impossibly but if anyone were found guilty of treason, they'd be sentenced to death wouldn't they?

It definitely is a possibility

Capital punishment by the United States federal government. The United Statesfederal government (in comparison to the separate states) may apply the death penalty for treason, terrorism, espionage, federal murder, large-scale drug trafficking, or attempting to kill a witness, juror, or court officer in certain cases.
It definitely is a possibility

If Trump is actually found guilty of passing secrets to the Russians on top of obstructing justice, breaking conflicts of interest and emoluments laws and goodness knows what else, then he would be a candidate for the death penalty. Not going to happen though.
If Trump is actually found guilty of passing secrets to the Russians on top of obstructing justice, breaking conflicts of interest and emoluments laws and goodness knows what else, then he would be a candidate for the death penalty. Not going to happen though.

There's no legal issue with him passing secrets. As President, he can pretty much talk about what he wants. The obstruction of justice issue is the most dangerous thing to his Presidency.
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