The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Think the study you are citing is basically saying liberals are as bad as conservatives where bias blind spot is concerned. Everyone thinks everyone else is more biased than they are...

That's exactly what it's saying, but why is that being reported as news? It's because, as I stated above, liberal-minded people have this sense that they're particularly invulnerable to it.
Melania is almost starting to come off as something of a sympathetic figure. Rolling her eyes at him, slapping his hand away.

Dare I say, I'm almost starting to like her.

Meh, I don't inherently dislike her at all, but I've got a lot more sympathy for those who will suffer, either directly or indirectly, from Trump's healthcare agenda and his disastrous environmental plans should they be implemented.

Melania's married into an incredibly wealthy and lucrative family, and if she does dislike Trump now no longer actually needs to spend that much time from him because they live in different cities.
It's a never ending thing.

Grab the pussy. Pence. Russia. If she wasn't my daughter.

Don't forget the weird behavior around pageant contestants, including some who were UNDERAGE.

The violence he encouraged from his supporters during the campaign, violence the erupted anytime anyone dared to use their right to protest as one of his rallies. Using the Presidency to make money for his properties including Mar-Lago and Trump Tower. The whole birther movement that his was a very vocal part of (which lets face it was driven by racial hatred of Obama). His abuse of small business people who have done work for his various properties. His love of Alex Jones and his ignorance spreading conspiracy theories.

I would also point out, not to you Billy, that liberal bias, which yes does exist, is not really any sort of defense of anything Trump has done. The damage his health care plan will do to people is not countered by saying "Oh but liberals are biased."
Meh, I don't inherently dislike her at all, but I've got a lot more sympathy for those who will suffer, either directly or indirectly, from Trump's healthcare agenda and his disastrous environmental plans should they be implemented.

Melania's married into an incredibly wealthy and lucrative family, and if she does dislike Trump now no longer actually needs to spend that much time from him because they live in different cities.
Bah... objective analysis. Absurdity is where it's at.
1. Nope.

2. A valid criticism of a greater general problem, one that people - particularly those towards the left of the spectrum in this case - seem incapable of understanding about themselves. They readily buy into anything that reaffirms their preexisting bias, and since there is a lot of that material about, they're having a field day on the Trump issue. Of course, it's dumb to expect everybody to understand they're biased, but liberals in particular have this perception that they're invulnerable to it, hence why I'm highlighting the point. There was some recent research that covered this.

The fact that people are equally likely to think the other side are wrong isn't surprising (or new) but it is incredibly sad to see conclusive evidence that people aren't even interested in hearing from the other side.

That said, I'm not entirely sure I see how this explains your original point (or answers my original question)? There's very little correlation here between this and the unprecedented levels of disapproval that Trump has. It just seems like a cheap dig with no substance. What's the point of that?
Don't forget the weird behavior around pageant contestants, including some who were UNDERAGE.

The violence he encouraged from his supporters during the campaign, violence the erupted anytime anyone dared to use their right to protest as one of his rallies. Using the Presidency to make money for his properties including Mar-Lago and Trump Tower. The whole birther movement that his was a very vocal part of (which lets face it was driven by racial hatred of Obama). His abuse of small business people who have done work for his various properties. His love of Alex Jones and his ignorance spreading conspiracy theories.

I would also point out, not to you Billy, that liberal bias, which yes does exist, is not really any sort of defense of anything Trump has done. The damage his health care plan will do to people is not countered by saying "Oh but liberals are biased."
I was waiting.
That's exactly what it's saying, but why is that being reported as news? It's because, as I stated above, liberal-minded people have this sense that they're particularly invulnerable to it.
Liberal minded people. You say that like its a bad thing.
Here's me.
I love freedom
I love the fact that men can be free with men.
I love the fact that women can be free with women
I don't judge on religion or your God
Free to vote to vote who you want to vote.
If there's more have at me.
Liberal minded people. You sat that like its a bad thing.
Here's me.
I love freedom
I love the fact that men can be free with men.
I love the fact that women can be free with women
I don't judge on religion or your God
Free to vote to vote who you want to vote.
If there's more have at me.

Love you Billy x
What the feck did this idiot say in front of the Israelis?

Basically he emphasised that they weren't responsible for the ISIS spy all the while continuously winking at all the reporters in the room.
The best thing to come out of Trump's Presidency is this thread and @Billy Blaggs input in it. He's a thoroughly decent and very funny human being, intelligent, feck even articulate too. It must be like the general is some kind of surreal parallel universe where it turns him in to a unintelligible ranting, dribbling nutcase. I know I've said this before, but meh, feck it.
The best thing to come out of Trump's Presidency is this thread and @Billy Blaggs input in it. He's a thoroughly decent and very funny human being, intelligent, feck even articulate too. It must be like the general is some kind of surreal parallel universe where it turns him in to a unintelligible ranting, dribbling nutcase. I know I've said this before, but meh, feck it.

I'm not only my character. I actually have opinions too.
Wanna see what I got for tomorrow
I'll say again. One sounds sincere
More to the point, chief, 'losers' is something I'd expect a 13-year-old to say when rage-quitting a videogame. Seeing that Trump views himself as a winner despite all his many misdemeanours, his words lose any weight or moral force they might have.
I'll say again. One sounds sincere

Sincere or not, we know the score Billy. Obama was pretty much universally loved in the UK and around Europe. Yeah some people disagreed with him here and there but after Bush he was a blessing. People felt safe with him, his calm demeanour was the perfect counter to the unpredictability of Bush. Bush just seemed a bit of a scatterbrain at times, but saying that now just doesn't seem right. Bush seems normal compared to the sugared up orang-utan you have in the Oval Office now.
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Sincere or not, we know the score Billy. Obama was pretty much universally loved in the UK and around Europe. Yeah some people disagreed with him here and there but after Bush he was a blessing. People felt safe with him, his calm demeanour was the perfect counter to the unpredictability of Bush. Bush just seemed a bit of a scatterbrain at times, but saying that now just doesn't seem right. Bush seems normal compared to the sugared up orang-utan you have in the Oval Office now.

You might want to rephrase that post because I've read it a few times now and it doesn't sound good at all. I'm sure you don't mean to sound offensive, insensitive or disrespectful but the post can definitely be interpreted like that, in more ways than one to be honest. I know what you're trying to say but others might not see it like that.

@langster the first part of your part was right. The second I disagree with.
You might want to rephrase that post because I've read it a few times now and it doesn't sound good at all. I'm sure you don't mean to sound offensive, insensitive or disrespectful but the post can definitely be interpreted like that, in more ways than one to be honest. I know what you're trying to say but others might not see it like that.
Talking of rephrasing...

BOOM! It's a numbers game, Trump$ki has 100k Retweets for his message of sympathy and support and Obama has well over 400k
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