The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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There's something so eerie about that orb picture, it's gotta be one of the weirdest pictures of all time. The Arab chap reminds me of that weird looking matey in the background of the Mourinho ear poking incident.
Good question. I hope journos will press them for an answer.

Wrong about what? There's no burden on me to assume to know and then dispel all of your misconceptions.

Did I say you did? No. My point is simply that you present a list and portray it all as being irrefutable evidence. It's like a hoarder insisting that all of their possessions are essential.

No surprise. This thread is pure negativity.

Well you voted for him.
Good question. I hope journos will press them for an answer.

That is a helluva question. So basically, the GOP leaders were told their candidate was being assisted by Russia and they sat back and let it happen. They've really got some explaining to do.

I'm meant that sincerely. I'm using social media and this forum.

Well thanks anyway mate :D

In my opinion.... what he is basically saying here is that the intelligence exists and he has seen it, it's just not been unmasked yet. He's seen the intelligence between Russia and "US PERSONS" but until that is investigated further, or "unmasked", then he cannot say for sure if there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
I wonder if McConnell and Ryan could be invited as witnesses to one of the committee meetings. (Won't happen due to GOP majority but theoretically speaking.)

I also wonder if Mueller can look into this though it won't be the most pressing task.

As much as I hate it, the second thing that came to mind (first one was 'family!') was a rather recent tweet from Claude Taylor who referred to these two names and potential ties to Russia.
He won a major Electoral College victory (he's quite humble and rarely mentions it). His approval numbers don't mean jack as long as the Republicans have control.

His electoral college win was pretty narrow by American standards. He won the vote by about 70,000 votes in 3 states.

Edit: not that I think we will get spared at all, probably cut even worse.

The National Science Foundation, which dispenses grants to a variety of scientific research endeavors, would be trimmed $776 million, an 11 percent cut. NSF had not been mentioned in the administration's earlier budget outline, the so-called "skinny budget," which was released in March.

p.s. Why the heck didn't you fund my grant submission? It was a terrific proposal. The best proposal. Everybody loves my proposals.
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