The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If you're going to refer to individual incidents as "things" and claim them all as proof, of course it looks like a compelling argument. Broken down, however, and you'll find they're not that convincing, making the overall argument much less convincing.

Right, I should stop looking at all the "things" him and his associates have done over the last 6 months and using them to judge him as a whole. That simply isn't fair. Many incriminating "things" do not reflect well when looked at as a whole. It's best to look at them all individually and go "well that one isn't so bad" and "that one on it's own isn't worthy of impeachment" and "that one is actually criminal for anyone else but he's the president so it's fine".

Am I doing it right now? I'm starting to understand how he can be supported. You literally have to throw logic and reason out the window and look for excuses. He's actually great if you are a racist bigot with absolutely zero compassion for anyone who isn't a rich white middle aged man and this is a positive that is often neglected.
Fake news. Sloths, hippos and rhinos can't jump either.

Faker news.

This rhino is clearly jumping, and I've heard that sloths jump from trees to their death.

Right, I should stop looking at all the "things" him and his associates have done over the last 6 months and using them to judge him as a whole. That simply isn't fair. Many incriminating "things" do not reflect well when looked at as a whole. It's best to look at them all individually and go "well that one isn't so bad" and "that one on it's own isn't worthy of impeachment" and "that one is actually criminal for anyone else but he's the president so it's fine".

Am I doing it right now? I'm starting to understand how he can be supported. You literally have to throw logic and reason out the window and look for excuses. He's actually great if you are a racist bigot with absolutely zero compassion for anyone who isn't a rich white middle aged man and this is a positive that is often neglected.

You don't need to stop looking, you just need to look harder beyond all of the biased headlines and also stop reducing everything to lists, which is a disservice to good debate.
He won a major Electoral College victory (he's quite humble and rarely mentions it). His approval numbers don't mean jack as long as the Republicans have control.

Aw, I thought for a minute you were going to give it a real go and pull off that magical debating act again. It's too much effort though I'm sure :)
You don't need to stop looking, you just need to look harder beyond all of the biased headlines and also stop reducing everything to lists, which is a disservice to good debate.

Its you that needs to look harder. The man is a charlatan and a criminal and he's only there for one reason and one reason only and that is to line his pockets at the expense of pretty much all the people he duped into voting for him.
feck it, it's another one on a wum proving once again that no valid argument can be put in favour of Trump.
Definitely a tougher act for @Fener1907 to pull off this time around, given all that's happened recently.
Its you that needs to look harder. The man is a charlatan and a criminal and he's only there for one reason and one reason only and that is to line his pockets at the expense of pretty much all the people he duped into voting for him.

You have your opinion and Donald has the White House. That's all people really need to see. It's not his fault that people were conspiring from day one to have him removed. It's a fault of their characters.

Does it count as a jump when you plummet out of a tree? Also, fecking rhinos.. :mad:

Well, when people are standing on the edge of a ledge, they say "don't jump!" Why would it be any different for sloths.
Faker news.

This rhino is clearly jumping, and I've heard that sloths jump from trees to their death.

You don't need to stop looking, you just need to look harder beyond all of the biased headlines and also stop reducing everything to lists, which is a disservice to good debate.

Since none of them bother you care to tease apart why they don't bother you and why we are wrong? The only one on that list that I'm OK with is him being peed on. Like a good conservative would say, "whatever you do in private, with other consenting adults, is up to you*"

*unless I don't like it, like gays. Can't be having gays do things with each other in private.

My guess is if a democrat did any one of many on that list there would be republican committees ordering hearings like Benghazi.
You have your opinion and Donald has the White House. That's all people really need to see. It's not his fault that people were conspiring from day one to have him removed. It's a fault of their characters.

Well, when people are standing on the edge of a ledge, they say "don't jump!" Why would it be any different for sloths.
Please tell us how we conspired to do#1 on the list "hire Flynn".
Replace #1 with #2-50 and change hire Flynn with other items on the list. Rinse repeat.
We've conspired to do nothing. This is 100% on Trump.
Please tell us how we conspired to do#1 on the list "hire Flynn".
Replace #1 with #2-50 and change hire Flynn with other items on the list. Rinse repeat.
We've conspired to do nothing. This is 100% on Trump.

Don't waste any more time on him mate, he's obviously here as a wum.

He's on ignore for me now.
Since none of them bother you care to tease apart why they don't bother you and why we are wrong? The only one on that list that I'm OK with is him being peed on. Like a good conservative would say, "whatever you do in private, with other consenting adults, is up to you*"

*unless I don't like it, like gays. Can't be having gays do things with each other in private.

My guess is if a democrat did any one of many on that list there would be republican committees ordering hearings like Benghazi.

Wrong about what? There's no burden on me to assume to know and then dispel all of your misconceptions.

Please tell us how we conspired to do#1 on the list "hire Flynn".
Replace #1 with #2-50 and change hire Flynn with other items on the list. Rinse repeat.
We've conspired to do nothing. This is 100% on Trump.

Did I say you did? No. My point is simply that you present a list and portray it all as being irrefutable evidence. It's like a hoarder insisting that all of their possessions are essential.

I was impressed until you ruined it.

No surprise. This thread is pure negativity.
Wrong about what? There's no burden on me to assume to know and then dispel all of your misconceptions.

Did I say you did? No. My point is simply that you present a list and portray it all as being irrefutable evidence. It's like a hoarder insisting that all of their possessions are essential.

No surprise. This thread is pure negativity.
May I ask who's burden it is?
At that people it's probably referred to as falling.

It depends. A jump doesn't necessarily have to be so obvious to be construed as a jump. As long as the person elevates their body a little, it's a jump. Nobody can unequivocally say that sloths don't jump.

May I ask who's burden it is?

It doesn't have to be anybody's. It only is if a particular issue is brought into question and both parties want a resolution on the matter. Presenting somebody with a list and saying/implying that they need to disprove all of it is highly illogical.
It depends. A jump doesn't necessarily have to be so obvious to be construed as a jump. As long as the person elevates their body a little, it's a jump. Nobody can unequivocally say that sloths don't jump.

It doesn't have to be anybody's. It only is if a particular issue is brought into question and both parties want a resolution on the matter. Presenting somebody with a list and saying/implying that they need to disprove all of it is highly illogical.
So if we add details to each item on the list who's burden is it?
So if we add details to each item on the list who's burden is it?

Whose burden? It's first on you to make sure your 'details' constitute a solid argument. The most immediate question that springs to mind is, who has time for that? Nobody, so we'll only end up relying on biased reporting anyway.
Whose burden? It's first on you to make sure your 'details' constitute a solid argument. The most immediate question that springs to mind is, who has time for that? Nobody, so we'll only end up relying on biased reporting anyway.
Who's who whose? Damn it my brain fart.
May as well scrap this thread then.
Brennan testifying now. Says there was evidence of contact between Russians and members of Trump campaign. This intel was passed to FBI.
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