The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I dont think he cant be that thick. I suspect its his parochialism. He has never worked in any other environment other than his Father's company. He really doesnt know how the world actually works other than from his little prism.
You can tell he has never done any planning that would be require of in an larger corporation or worked under any accountability required of from a CEO of a proper company.

He just doesnt know much. Its just that his voters would never expect a person as wealthy or old as him to know so little. Thats the con.
I'm with you with respect to Twitler. But as I understand the two paragraphs I posted, other WH officials were asking to drop the investigations too. Nobody should be that stupid to do so, particularly not as bluntly as the person quoted in the 2nd paragraph.
At best we can say the vetting of Tillerson was sub-par. Given that it's safe to assume that lower-ranking officials appointed to work for the Trump administration are possibly not America's best and brightest. This is a man who thinks being married to his daughter qualifies you to give political advice to the leader of the free world and tried to get Steve Bannon a national security pass.

Wouldn't mind betting half of Trump appointed staff at the WH weren't just rounded up from a random bus stop. Or 'Trump University' graduates.
His immediate jumping on the Manchester band-wagon is sickening but predictable. God I hate him so much.

Not trying to defend the bastard, but don't think he's "jumping on the bandwagon." As the POTUS, comments from him are expected. Would be a bigger deal if he didn't say anything.
Not trying to defend the bastard, but don't think he's "jumping on the bandwagon." As the POTUS, comments from him are expected. Would be a bigger deal if he didn't say anything.

It's the bombastic shit he's coming out with that sticks in the craw. All the other world leaders whose comments I have read are focussed on the bereaved but he has to come out talking about how he will "completely obliterate" the "evil losers" behind this. It's the sort of meaningless grandstanding that got him his current gig so not unexpected but annoying all the same.
I just saw a few episodes of 'Inside the FBI' -- Comey was on it. He came across as someone who was knowledgeable, passionate and very smart.
This made me even more pissed off at Trump for sacking him over his own private matter-- when now, Trump has wasted away a fantastic asset to fight crime including counter-terrorism etc.

Trump needs to pay for this.
Not trying to defend the bastard, but don't think he's "jumping on the bandwagon." As the POTUS, comments from him are expected. Would be a bigger deal if he didn't say anything.
It's not the fact he reacted, which is completely normal and expected, it's what he actually says. These are his words: "This wicked ideology must be obliterated". To be fair, coming from him it's actually completely normal and expected as well. It doesn't make it any less opportunistic or sickening. It's a message of answering hatred with hatred. Right now, the focus should be on solidarity, not some grand declaration of war.
Honestly I don't see anything wrong with Trump's words, but I didn't see how he delivered them.
Honestly I don't see anything wrong with Trump's words, but I didn't see how he delivered them.
Nothing wrong with Trump's words or the way he delivered them. He called them evil and losers. Right on both counts.

Came this thread because I knew there would be criticism for criticism's sake. Sure enough there is. Not the time for the anti-Trump agenda.
Donald Trump's Approval Rating in Swing Counties and Election Strongholds Show How Unpopular He Is

The article is some days old (May 18) but hasn't been posted yet as far as I can see. Encouraging that some voters (though not enough yet) seem to begin to realize that Twitler isn't providing the solutions they have hoped for.
I'm about as anti trump as it gets, but he's absolutely dead right and seeing him change the narrative that portrays these freaks as "masterminds" or monsters is a welcome change. The only people worth condemning at times like this, other than the perpetrator of course, is the media. Absolute enablers
Honestly I don't see anything wrong with Trump's words, but I didn't see how he delivered them.
There's nothing wrong with what he said. It's his opinion and I think a lot of people agree.
The word"monster" denotes fear for the perpetrator.
@Fener1907 He's calling you out.

What's there to call anybody out on? Albeit discontent about a few issues, everything is going like you'd expect. Trump beat Hillary, people are sore losers, and now they're trying to undermine him at every opportunity. If there isn't an opportunity, they'll just fabricate one.
What's there to call anybody out on? Albeit discontent about a few issues, everything is going like you'd expect. Trump beat Hillary, people are sore losers, and now they're trying to undermine him at every opportunity. If there isn't an opportunity, they'll just fabricate one.

Right... aside from these opportunities:

When I lit a torch paper on one of Fox News' comment streams on Facebook it was typical that all the responses were 'libtard, ****, Killary, Obummer, no evidence at all, etc' but one woman did produce a list of different things Trump and his cohorts have done and whilst it certainly doesn't cover in full detail like @langster 's post would've done, I think it has a decent sample of the shitstorm that is the Trump Presidency:

• the FLYNN thing
• the MANAFORT thing
• the TILLERSON thing
• the SESSIONS thing
• the KUSHNER thing
• the CARTER PAGE thing
• the ROGER STONE thing
• the Felix Sater thing
• the Boris Ephsteyn thing
• the Rosneft thing
• the Gazprom thing
• the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
• the Azerbajain thing
• the 'I love Putin' thing
• the Sergey Kislyak thing
• the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
• the Russian Business Interests thing
• the Emoluments Clause thing
• the Alex Schnaider thing
• the hack of the DNC thing
• the Guccifer 2.0 thing
• the Mike Pence 'I don’t know anything' thing
• the Russians mysteriously dying thing
• the President's public request To Russia to hack Hillary's email thing
• the president’s house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
• the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during his rally campaign thing
• the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
• the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
• the Cyprus bank thing
• the President refusing to release his tax returns after he said he would if elected thing
• the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require him to show his taxes thing
• the election hacking thing
• the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
• the Steele Dossier thing
• the Leninist Bannon thing
• the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
• the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
• the President's reassurance That the Russian connection is all fake news thing
• the Spicer’s Russian Dressing 'nothing’s wrong' thing
• the Chaffetz not willing to start an investigation thing
• the Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation thing
• the The Lead DOJ Investigator Mary McCord suddenly in the middle of the investigation decides to resign thing
• the appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by the president in the Trump University scandal appointed to head the investigation thing
• the The White House going into full-on cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and subsequent firing of Flynn thing
• the Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama thing
• the Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything thing
• the Agent M16 following the money thing
• the president’s team Knew about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway thing
• the Corey Lewendowski thing
• the Preet Bharara firing thing but before he left he transferred evidence against tRrump to a state level Schneiderman thing
• the Betsy Devos' brother thing
• the Sebastian Gorka thing
• the Greg Gianforte from Montana thing
• the VP Pence actually was warned about Flynn before he was hired thing
• the Pence and Manafort connection thing
• the 7 Allies coming forward with audio where the president was picked up in incidental wire tapping thing
• the Carter Page defying the Senate's order to hand over his Russian contact list
• the President wants to veto Sally Yates' testimony thing
• and last but certainly not least, the leaked Russian hotel hooker pee pee video thing

we've had to make things up because we are sore losers.
What's there to call anybody out on? Albeit discontent about a few issues, everything is going like you'd expect. Trump beat Hillary, people are sore losers, and now they're trying to undermine him at every opportunity. If there isn't an opportunity, they'll just fabricate one.

They don't need to undermine him. Its pretty easy to just watch and let him undermine himself.
Just watched the Orange's speech. I'm no fan of Trump by any means, but there's nothing wrong with what he said.

These "people" are losers. Not monsters, cowards and losers who prey upon the weak.

This might be the first time he's actually said something I agree with.
Everything he says is empty and hollow as long as US is best of pals with Saudi Arabia.

Applies equally to Obama and Bush before him.
No Obama was genuine imo. Michelle too.

Genuine about what? Obama maintained the relationship with the Saudis and continued selling them arms. Same as Bush before him, and now Trump after.

What can go wrong?
Right... aside from these opportunities:

we've had to make things up because we are sore losers.

If you're going to refer to individual incidents as "things" and claim them all as proof, of course it looks like a compelling argument. Broken down, however, and you'll find they're not that convincing, making the overall argument much less convincing.

They don't need to undermine him. Its pretty easy to just watch and let him undermine himself.

Like he did in the election and was supposed to lose because of it. He's supposed to be impeached but he'll stay for the full term.
If you're going to refer to individual incidents as "things" and claim them all as proof, of course it looks like a compelling argument. Broken down, however, and you'll find they're not that convincing, making the overall argument much less convincing.

Like he did in the election and was supposed to lose because of it. He's supposed to be impeached but he'll stay for the full term.

He lost the popular vote. His approval numbers are horrible.
Other Western countries' leaders are guilty too.

Absolutely. And not just with regards to the relationship with the Saudis, but with every regime which has chosen to foster this jihadi disease for their own purposes.
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