The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That's exactly what we want. Because we have no idea! We could put in years of effort and get nowhere. We need to hear why from his supporters. I can see why you are weary of saying why, because in the few instances where people have tried there is a flood of rebuttals and that can be overwhelming.

I believe in your good faith and openness to have an honest discussion and listen to opposing views. Only it's an open thread and most of the posts I read here are very hostile to anyone to thinks differently. Therefore by its natural structure and build, this thread just can't have real debate, as people like me are scared off from discussing here or simply discouraged from even lurking.
most people on the anti-Trump side make no effort to understand how a sane and "decent" person can back Trump,

Educate us.

From what I can tell Obama/Hillary/the democratic party represents corruption of the highest order, your standard government that everyone mistrusts and feels utter paranoia because they're spying on every move that the populace makes.

From what I can tell, despite being personally responsible for tonnes and tonnes of death and destruction, Obama wasn't 'strong enough' for the right and especially not Trump supporters. He didn't wave the flag and project the US's greatness over the rest of the world and that's not good enough for American citizens. The fact that the rest of the world sort of see him as a decent President (from what I can gather at least) in spite of the drone strikes and other stuff suggests to me Obama was alright.

Despite Trump being a purported billionaire, he doesn't to Trump supporters represent the 1% because they only associate that elite with your common politician and thus we're back to corruption. Despite Donald clearly having innumerable ties in one string or another to exceptionally shady people and deals, he's not corrupt because he's a successful businessman and not a politician.

Hillary is an immensely dislikable person, she exudes the slime that we associate with people we don't trust. The fact that she's a woman doesn't sit well with old, white Republicans either. Many people that voted for Trump voted against Hillary and I don't blame them.

Trump and his campaign team know that deep inside every American is a bald headed eagle shitting the stars and stripes, invading other countries because they've got the strongest military and they've got God on your side and thus American = the best nation ever and so they tailored their campaign to suit this exact person. More got swept up in it feeling like they were taking it to 'the man' (albeit in this case, the woman) and then before long the fire was burning and rampant patriotism ruled the 50 states. That is Trump's election.

Where are the rational Republicans? Or are they just staying quiet?

*ETA It's fun making sweeping generalisations.
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I believe in your good faith and openness to have an honest discussion and listen to opposing views. Only it's an open thread and most of the posts I read here are very hostile to anyone to thinks differently. Therefore by its natural structure and build, this thread just can't have real debate, as people like me are scared off from discussing here or simply discouraged from even lurking.

This thread can have real debate - the central issue is that Trump supporters on here aren't able to justify things like why his party are correct to try and enact healthcare legislation which may quite literally result in Americans dying (and may is quite light a description) and why we shouldn't be condemning a President who gets bored reading documents when they don't mention his name often enough. Anyone who wants to mount a decent defence of Trump is free to do so.
I don't think you would really like to chat to people who aren't likeminded as you, have you seen how you describe those who support and defend him? You're depressed and in tears because there are people who think differently from you?! Seriously?

Saying that people are angry at Trump supporters for thinking differently is understating the differences. They either have a completely different morality or live in an alternative universe.
The thing is I perfectly get where most anti-Trump feelings come from, but I have the impression that most people on the anti-Trump side make no effort to understand how a sane and "decent" person can back Trump, usually resorting to name-calling. This prejudice is what makes debate impossible.

You're being presented the opportunity to deliver your message to literally hundreds of anti-Trump viewers. I've already said I'm interested in hearing how someone can support Trump at this point in time. Please, share with us. (Or, cop out like I completely expect because I don't feel you can explain your thoughts on the situation for fear of being called out with facts by people that know what they're going on about)
You're being presented the opportunity to deliver your message to literally hundreds of anti-Trump viewers. I've already said I'm interested in hearing how someone can support Trump at this point in time. Please, share with us. (Or, cop out like I completely expect because I don't feel you can explain your thoughts on the situation for fear of being called out with facts by people that know what they're going on about)

Oh, are you a psychic or something? Your prediction is 100% spot-on! Yes, I will "cop out" because I didn't come in here to deliver any message to anyone. I've explained multiple times why I posted here, I was responding to a particular member and we have concluded our conversation.

Also, you're absolutely free to make any assumptions about what you feel I can or can't explain and what I'm afraid of or not. Not sure what you were trying to achieve with the cheap shots but I hope you're happy with yourself. Have a good one, mate :)
Sorry, focusing on Manchester right now. But saw this earlier. Few details of Trump's proposed budget not looking great.

800 billion in cuts to Medicaid. Not sure over how many years.

Cuts include a whopping $193 billion from food stamps over the coming decade -- a cut of more than 25 percent -

The National Cancer Institute would be hit with a $1 billion cut compared to its 2017 budget. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute would see a $575 million cut, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would see a reduction of $838 million. The administration would cut the overall National Institutes of Health budget from $31.8 billion to $26 billion.
I don't understand.

I'd have thought that with so much ammunition and evidence of wrong doings, the democrats should be able to take Trump down. The fact that they can't proves they are impotent.

You have a weird understanding of how things work. What do you mean take 'Trump' down? He won't be impeached, He can't be fired by the Democrats. There's no magic solution to an election, you just have to contest the next one.
Sorry, focusing on Manchester right now. But saw this earlier. Few details of Trump's proposed budget not looking great.

800 billion in cuts to Medicaid. Not sure over how many years.

Cuts include a whopping $193 billion from food stamps over the coming decade -- a cut of more than 25 percent -

The National Cancer Institute would be hit with a $1 billion cut compared to its 2017 budget. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute would see a $575 million cut, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would see a reduction of $838 million. The administration would cut the overall National Institutes of Health budget from $31.8 billion to $26 billion.
Those damn good for nothing sick people and the fools who try to help them.

(I mean.. honestly, what else could be said behind closed doors in a GOP meeting?)
Sorry, focusing on Manchester right now. But saw this earlier. Few details of Trump's proposed budget not looking great.

800 billion in cuts to Medicaid. Not sure over how many years.

Cuts include a whopping $193 billion from food stamps over the coming decade -- a cut of more than 25 percent -

The National Cancer Institute would be hit with a $1 billion cut compared to its 2017 budget. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute would see a $575 million cut, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would see a reduction of $838 million. The administration would cut the overall National Institutes of Health budget from $31.8 billion to $26 billion.
What a man of the people he is. How the hell was anybody fooled into voting for him?

First of all, if you seek 'intellectual progess', perhaps a thread in a football forum isn't the most appropriate place to do so.

Second- and more importantly:

The reason this thread is 900+ pages long isn't 900 pages of mockery about his tiny hands, his or Ivanka's looks.

It is because there has been hardly any day of his presidency on which he, somebody of his administration, family, surrogates hasn't said or done anything or has been saying or doing anything that isn't either intellectually or morally questionable, to put it very mildly.

@matherto posted a long list of serious issues which you recognized but that isn't even complete.

That's the main reason why this thread is 900+ pages long. Because no POTUS or any other leader of a Western democratic country has ever compiled such a long list of issues in such a short period of time. And because there are many formidable journalists who hold him and his folks accountable for their actions in the absence of the GOP whose job it would be to do so.

If you personally find his and his folks behavior acceptable or the norm for the supposedly most powerful leader of the world: Fine.
If you wouldn't mind if the PM in the UK and her/his admistration, family and party act like he and his folks do: Fine.

But accept that there are people who refuse to accept this as the norm. That's the main reason for 900+ pages.
Guy, Guy... this thread is the equivalent of the RAWK thread. Most funny because we are laughing at the people/person in this case. Lets keep it this way.
I don't understand.

I'd have thought that with so much ammunition and evidence of wrong doings, the democrats should be able to take Trump down. The fact that they can't proves they are impotent.
I'd rather this post proves that you should inform yourself better before making such bold claims.
Sorry, focusing on Manchester right now. But saw this earlier. Few details of Trump's proposed budget not looking great.

800 billion in cuts to Medicaid. Not sure over how many years.

Cuts include a whopping $193 billion from food stamps over the coming decade -- a cut of more than 25 percent -

The National Cancer Institute would be hit with a $1 billion cut compared to its 2017 budget. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute would see a $575 million cut, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would see a reduction of $838 million. The administration would cut the overall National Institutes of Health budget from $31.8 billion to $26 billion.
Is this his way of draining the swamp?
Tonight's bombshell.....more crumbs leading to obstruction of justice.

From the WaPo article:
In addition to the requests to Coats and Rogers, senior White House officials sounded out top intelligence officials about the possibility of intervening directly with Comey to encourage the FBI to drop its probe of Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, according to people familiar with the matter. The officials said the White House appeared uncertain about its power to influence the FBI.

“Can we ask him to shut down the investigation? Are you able to assist in this matter?” one official said of the line of questioning from the White House.
Is this a new level of thickness? Jesus Christ.
From the WaPo article:

Is this a new level of thickness? Jesus Christ.

I dont think he cant be that thick. I suspect its his parochialism. He has never worked in any other environment other than his Father's company. He really doesnt know how the world actually works other than from his little prism.
You can tell he has never done any planning that would be require of in an larger corporation or worked under any accountability required of from a CEO of a proper company.

He just doesnt know much. Its just that his voters would never expect a person as wealthy or old as him to know so little. Thats the con.
You have a weird understanding of how things work. What do you mean take 'Trump' down? He won't be impeached, He can't be fired by the Democrats. There's no magic solution to an election, you just have to contest the next one.
Erm impeachment was promised by so many including many on here
Erm impeachment was promised by so many including many on here

You realise impeachment isn't a pony?

At this stage it's about building a picture of collusion, obstruction of justice and other unpresidential behaviour. It's for Congress to decide on impeachment. But as the Republicans look towards 2018 elections I don't think if by the time we get there they'll want to go into those elections as the party propping up a President, or administration, guilty of what it may well end up looking or being guilty of.
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