The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Langster mate its a team sport to a lot of people. I wasnt kidding when I said they would vote for Charles Manson if they could and he was on their team. People have and will constantly vote against their benefit just because its their side. Its sickening.

The proof of that is in the number of them who will answer any charge against Trump with a sentence beginning "Yeah but Hillary...."
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the 5th Amendment and nobody should be legally required to incriminate themselves, either accurately or by being tripped up by clever prosecution lawyers and falsely made to look guilty.

Pleading the 5th in of itself does not equate to a smoking gun or any kind of evidence of wrongdoing.

It is, however, amusing to see someone who has suggested otherwise now making use of it.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the 5th Amendment and nobody should be legally required to incriminate themselves, either accurately or by being tripped up by clever prosecution lawyers and falsely made to look guilty.

Pleading the 5th in of itself does not equate to a smoking gun or any kind of evidence of wrongdoing.

It is, however, amusing to see someone who has suggested otherwise now making use of it.

Why would you plead the fifth if you didn't think anything you'd done could be misconstrued though?

I mean, I get that you need protection when you're up against an opposition lawyer but even thinking 'if I said this it could be used against me' suggests whatever it was, was dodgy to begin with.

Are there any examples where people have plead the fifth and been completely squeaky clean?
They being republicans, Trump voters, Paul Ryan voters. People who support the most dangerous and murderous organisation of modern times. Who suppress women and minorities. Who see Mike "pray the gay away" Pence as a decent human being. There's plenty of decent people who have different views from mine, but none of them are republicans. If the god this party spends it's time invoking actually exists, they're all going to hell. What would Jesus do? Because he certainly wouldn't want to be associated with a billionaire sex offender.

You do realise you're making exactly the same point I've been trying to make even clearer, right? You'll agree with me that it would be dang difficult for you to have a sane debate with those indecent people ("decent" being relative to your scale of decency, which I most probably wouldn't agree with), which is why this thread can't have rational discussion between opposing views. QED

Why can't you argue against a crowd?

Just a personal principle. I never do that's all. It's hard for me when there are too many different people posing too many different concerns and I can't respond to them all. It never ends well for me.
I don't think you would really like to chat to people who aren't likeminded as you, have you seen how you describe those who support and defend him? You're depressed and in tears because there are people who think differently from you?! Seriously?

This is exactly the reason why I stopped watching this thread. I realised that you all are having fun wiping each others tears and actually ganged up against anyone who dares think differently. I'm not American and have never lived in the U.S. but I've been following American (and world) politics very closely for many many years. From my view-point (and for many reasons which would require a lot of discussions to explain), my inclination is very different from what I realise is the general consensus here. You might be surprised to know that I watch international news only on mainstream (liberal-leaning) media like CNN, but my view hasn't been tainted by what is reported. Paradoxically, I realise that those who claim to be tolerant and accuse others of non-tolerance usually show huge intolerance towards anyone with opposing views.

I came by here today hoping to see a tad little bit of positive views following the speech in Saudi Arabia but after reading the past five pages, I'll just back off again. I was just prompted to reply because of these:

Just to let you know there are probably others like me who just can't be bothered to come in here and pick a fight against the crowd. Just like I wouldn't bother to go as an oppo fan on a rival club's forum to defend United against a forum full of United haters, in both cases it would definitely come off as wummery :)

Asking questions and forming opposing arguments is bullying, you're not allowed to do that.

This thread has not made any intellectual progress for weeks and has become a sycophantic anti-Trump echo chamber. Same as in the UK election thread.

@Fanatic 00237 makes a good point and I agree with him.
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Positive feedback on his speech...GTFO.

He's basically gone back to where Dubya was - 'it's not a clash of civilizations...'hey, look - 'muslims are the biggest targets of muslim terrorists'.

No shit - you don't get kudos for telling the truth after spewing, lies, hate and bigotry for years and years.
Positive feedback on his speech...GTFO.

He's basically gone back to where Dubya was - 'it's not a clash of civilizations...'hey, look - 'muslims are the biggest targets of muslim terrorists'.

No shit - you don't get kudos for telling the truth after spewing, lies, hate and bigotry for years and years.

Plays very well to his loyayists and fence sitters. Plus makes me feel relieved.
This epitomises why it will be very difficult if not impossible for us to have a rational debate on here between opposing views. This thread is best left to be an anti-Trumpists playground.

Who is "they"? Do you honestly think we can have a constructive debate you and I? What makes my ideas antiquated, just because they aren't the same as yours, right?

Where was I rude, mate? I tried really hard not to make my post sound confrontational.

I thought I explained why I bothered to post today, it was because of your post where you said you would like to have a discussion with others who aren't likeminded and I thought it was a little bit paradoxical on your part to say that considering your previous comment negated the possibility of a sane debate with any Trump supporter.

It's a public forum, right? My contribution to the discussion was to point out that you shouldn't hold your breathe for rational debates with pro-Trump members due to the general string of thoughts and comments on this thread.

Like I said before, I'll definitely be outnumbered (surely you can't deny this) and I can't argue against a crowd that's why I personally prefer to stay off. Hope you understand me, even if you don't agree with me.

Maybe rude was a tad too far, but you did drop a few digs in, as you have in your reply above such as anti-Trumpists playground. Yeah a few of us get carried away and there is a lot of attacking Trump but if he didn't supply the ammunition then I for one wouldn't be attacking him.

I would have thought two people with opposing ideas should always be able to have a reasonably rational discussion and end up agreeing to disagree. I never once said your ideas were antiquated, although I definitely would have if you had actually posted any of your ideas. Unless one was good, then I would be off to see the Dragons.

As someone has said above if you believe strongly enough in something then you should most definitely be able to discuss and defend it. Yes you would be outnumbered but you would at least be respected for trying, especially if you were polite and articulate and rational in your arguments and beliefs. Go and check out the gun control thread and see how a certain @Carolina Red introduced himself to the forums, that should be forever held up as an example to new users and users who feel outnumbered and reaHow to fight your corner when severely outnumbered but hold your own and end up being universally respected. How to stay strong and agree to disagree and how to argue and sometimes fight without insults or being rude.

You said in your previous post something like you wouldn't go on to an opposing fans site and defend United against all the haters, but would you go on there and make a post explaining why you wouldn't go on there and defend United because you will be outnumbered by all the haters? Because essentially that is what you have done here, and that doesn't make a lot of sense does it?
Why would you plead the fifth if you didn't think anything you'd done could be misconstrued though?

I mean, I get that you need protection when you're up against an opposition lawyer but even thinking 'if I said this it could be used against me' suggests whatever it was, was dodgy to begin with.

Are there any examples where people have plead the fifth and been completely squeaky clean?

There will without doubt be plenty but any Google search at the moment is just bringing up hits about Trump and Flynn.

To respond to the non bolded bits of your post I'll steal this from reddit:

You're using an incredibly narrow definition of incrimination which is simply wrong. Consider the following circumstance. You are at a bar. At 9:05 a man is murdered in the alley outside the bar. You left the bar at 9:02. There are no witnesses to the murder. For the purposes of the hypothetical, you are actually innocent. The answers to the questions "were you at the bar?" and "what time did you leave?" would incriminate you. Those answers would move the needle in the direction of guilt even though you are, for the purposes of this, 100% innocent.

Consider another one. A friend takes a gun registered in your name from your house without your knowledge. You don't know it's missing until the police show up at your door with your gun, recovered from the scene of a murder. You are not the killer. The answer to the question "is this your gun?" is absolutely incriminating in that it points to you as the perpetrator. It is completely irrelevant that, objectively, you're innocent.

You're like the average defendant I work with who thinks, "I haven't done anything wrong, so I can talk," not understanding that your innocence is irrelevant to whether something can be incriminating. All sorts of seemingly innocuous statements can easily be used as evidence of your guilt.

Edit: To avoid confusion, I'm not saying that answering these questions would be enough to arrest or prosecute you. I'm just trying to illustrate that incriminating yourself doesn't require saying anything directly related to committing a crime. These are simplistic examples just designed to illustrate the point that innocuous things can technically be incriminating. I intended to provide a very simplistic example of how easy it is to incriminate yourself unintentionally to provide context as to why someone would repeatedly refuse to answer in a case as complicated as Clinton's where there are a billion moving parts- even if one hadn't done anything wrong.

Plays very well to his loyayists and fence sitters. Plus makes me feel relieved.
If we've learned anything about Trump over the years...he'll tell people whatever they want to hear.

He knew the Saudis and Gulf nations wanted him to go in on Iran - so of course he did. People have every right to condemn the Iranian regime when it comes to human rights, dissent, extrajudicial killings, oppression of homosexuals, supporting proxies like Hezbollah etc etc...but, not when you're in Saudi Arabia where the rights Iranian women enjoy make it look like a ultra liberal nation :lol:

'Islam hates us' has become I'll sell weapons worth hundreds of billions of dollars to a country that to many is synonymous with Islam and funding of Islamic extremism around the world.

The standards are so low for him - we're meant to congratulate him because he didn't insult Islam/Muslims while being in the country that is home to 2 of our most Holy sites?

I've been busy so maybe I missed it...did Van Jones fawn over him again :lol:
Back to Trump and today, it's hilarious that he unwittingly dropped himself in it again. :lol: He's such a moron. The rest is just bleurgh, the arse licking between him and Netanyahu is sickening, honestly it's some of the worst I have ever seen. To make things worse that's now two countries Trump has visited and in both places he has slagged Iran off and blamed them for all the worlds terrorist problems and blamed all the Middle East's problems on them too. Iran, the country that have just democratically elected new leaders AND that is adhering to sanctions, that Iran. Meanwhile Trump turns a blind eye to the human rights violations in Saudi Arabia and he also now thinks the Israel/Palestine problem may not be so easy after all.

Jeez, he really is winging it and learning on the job. He can't keep this up, it must be frying his brain, he simply has to combust sooner or later. I forgot though, I'm just being unfair and really should be complementing him on...... not getting us all killed today is all I can come up with.
This thread has not made any intellectual progress for weeks and has become a sycophantic anti-Trump echo chamber. Same as in the UK election thread.

@Fanatic 00237 makes a good point and I agree with him.

Intellectual progress? What exactly would that look like to you?

There's this same untrue notion trotted out every now and then that opposing views are just swatted away and/or shouted down in this thread and anyone who doesn't share the consensus view is simply ridiculed and abused.

There is a cycle that actually occurs each time a dissenting view is aired which involves crying foul for being asked questions and then running away screaming echo chamber. It's nonsense and entirely without foundation.

The problem is that any time a Trump supporter or sympathiser shows up he/she repeats a load of alt right sound bites and won't listen to reasoned and sourced evidence to counter them, simply dismissing evidence because it doesn't fit. There's only so much of this idiocy that can be tolerated before people quite fairly lose patience. It's like the Flat Earth thread.

:lol: Jester slamming Mensch which should please more than a few people here. How embarrassing because Louise had her tongue up Jesters arse a few weeks ago and was retweeting and mentioning him in all her Tweets for days.

OOOOOF! Damn she's down. That's cold, I haven't seen a beatdown like that for a long time.
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If we've learned anything about Trump over the years...he'll tell people whatever they want to hear.

He knew the Saudis and Gulf nations wanted him to go in on Iran - so of course he did. People have every right to condemn the Iranian regime when it comes to human rights, dissent, extrajudicial killings, oppression of homosexuals, supporting proxies like Hezbollah etc etc...but, not when you're in Saudi Arabia where the rights Iranian women enjoy make it look like a ultra liberal nation :lol:

'Islam hates us' has become I'll sell weapons worth hundreds of billions of dollars to a country that to many is synonymous with Islam and funding of Islamic extremism around the world.

The standards are so low for him - we're meant to congratulate him because he didn't insult Islam/Muslims while being in the country that is home to 2 of our most Holy sites?

I've been busy so maybe I missed it...did Van Jones fawn over him again :lol:

You're right on every level. Especially on the expectation of such low standards.

I've reconciled that the earliest he might be removed is after the midterms and he actually might end up serving a full 4 years. The 'resistance' is impotent hot air and not smart enough to take Trump down.

In those circumstances, I'll settle for the absence of a Third World War. Everything less than that is acceptable collateral damage given the circumstances.
Heh, didn't realise the link would do that, cool.

Makes more sense and opened my mind a little, thanks.

I now need to make sure I never do anything at all in life because my anxiety just shot through the roof thinking of all the ways they can catch you out, feck.
Makes more sense and opened my mind a little, thanks.

I now need to make sure I never do anything at all in life because my anxiety just shot through the roof thinking of all the ways they can catch you out, feck.
:lol::lol: sorry about that
You're right on every level. Especially on the part expectation of such low standards!

I've reconciled that the earliest he might be removed is after the midterms and he actually might end up serving a full 4 years. The 'resistance' is impotent hot air and not smart enough to take Trump down.

In those circumstances, I'll settle for the absence of a Third World War. Everything less than that is acceptable collateral damage given the circumstances.
I actually don't think he'll be removed at all. Not because the resistance is impotent or dumb but's not something you can simply wish into existence. The more realistic target has always been to work on congress - try to gain the upper hand there. Stop him from implementing his agenda or slow it do that successfully and it will bear fruit in the next presidential elections.

I know I rail against the racist motherfcukers who are the loudest part of his 'coalition of voters' - but..we all know, 60mil+ Trump voters weren't all just rabid white supremacists. Many were people who probably voted for Obama previously or the Democrats. These people need to be shown - frustration over inadequate progress doesn't mean Trump is the answer.

Show them how healthcare will them how the new budget will leave them worse off...a lot of those people aren't joined at the hip with Trump. They can be swayed the other way.
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When I lit a torch paper on one of Fox News' comment streams on Facebook it was typical that all the responses were 'libtard, ****, Killary, Obummer, no evidence at all, etc' but one woman did produce a list of different things Trump and his cohorts have done and whilst it certainly doesn't cover in full detail like @langster 's post would've done, I think it has a decent sample of the shitstorm that is the Trump Presidency:

• the FLYNN thing
• the MANAFORT thing
• the TILLERSON thing
• the SESSIONS thing
• the KUSHNER thing
• the CARTER PAGE thing
• the ROGER STONE thing
• the Felix Sater thing
• the Boris Ephsteyn thing
• the Rosneft thing
• the Gazprom thing
• the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
• the Azerbajain thing
• the 'I love Putin' thing
• the Sergey Kislyak thing
• the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
• the Russian Business Interests thing
• the Emoluments Clause thing
• the Alex Schnaider thing
• the hack of the DNC thing
• the Guccifer 2.0 thing
• the Mike Pence 'I don’t know anything' thing
• the Russians mysteriously dying thing
• the President's public request To Russia to hack Hillary's email thing
• the president’s house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
• the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during his rally campaign thing
• the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
• the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
• the Cyprus bank thing
• the President refusing to release his tax returns after he said he would if elected thing
• the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require him to show his taxes thing
• the election hacking thing
• the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
• the Steele Dossier thing
• the Leninist Bannon thing
• the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
• the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
• the President's reassurance That the Russian connection is all fake news thing
• the Spicer’s Russian Dressing 'nothing’s wrong' thing
• the Chaffetz not willing to start an investigation thing
• the Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation thing
• the The Lead DOJ Investigator Mary McCord suddenly in the middle of the investigation decides to resign thing
• the appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by the president in the Trump University scandal appointed to head the investigation thing
• the The White House going into full-on cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and subsequent firing of Flynn thing
• the Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama thing
• the Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything thing
• the Agent M16 following the money thing
• the president’s team Knew about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway thing
• the Corey Lewendowski thing
• the Preet Bharara firing thing but before he left he transferred evidence against tRrump to a state level Schneiderman thing
• the Betsy Devos' brother thing
• the Sebastian Gorka thing
• the Greg Gianforte from Montana thing
• the VP Pence actually was warned about Flynn before he was hired thing
• the Pence and Manafort connection thing
• the 7 Allies coming forward with audio where the president was picked up in incidental wire tapping thing
• the Carter Page defying the Senate's order to hand over his Russian contact list
• the President wants to veto Sally Yates' testimony thing
• and last but certainly not least, the leaked Russian hotel hooker pee pee video thing

And yet 'the resistance' still can't take him down. Why is that? Either a US President is literally bullet proof from scandal or the democrats are useless.
And yet 'the resistance' still can't take him down. Why is that? Either a US President is literally bullet proof from scandal or the democrats are useless.

His "team" hold the house and senate and have absolutely zero shame or sense of responsibility.
You said in your previous post something like you wouldn't go on to an opposing fans site and defend United against all the haters, but would you go on there and make a post explaining why you wouldn't go on there and defend United because you will be outnumbered by all the haters? Because essentially that is what you have done here, and that doesn't make a lot of sense does it?

Dude, I didn't think I'll have to explain this over and over again: my initial post was in response to your post where you said you'd like to debate with non-likeminded people here. I was pointing out the fact that it's funny you should say that, when the comment you posted just before that one basically negates the possibility of such a debate. Got me now?

Maybe I should quote both of your posts so you see what I mean?

:lol: Thanks lads.

I'm not after any glory though (not that there can be any glory for winning pan award on a football chat forum) it's just nice to have somewhere to vent and to chat with likeminded people about things. It would be even nicer to be able to chat to people who aren't so likeminded, but they just cannot and will not post here for various reasons and I think this thread suffers for it at times.

Just before that, you posted this:

It just all stinks. It really fecking stinks. The President is so corrupt and the sheer fact there is even rumour, let alone evidence, that he and members of his staff/cabinet have colluded with the Russians should be enough to scare the life out of any sane and rational person. The vast majority of Trump's actions since taking office should scare the life out of any sane and rational person. The way he talks, acts and behaves should scare the life out of any sane and rational person. The ridiculous amount of scandals that have been exposed, the amount of perverted and sick things he has said about women should scare the life out of any sane and rational person. The way he is a pathological liar and is caught contradicting himself with lies and the fact he is clearly suffering from serious personality and probably mental illnesses should scare the life out of any sane and rational person. The way he has completely disregarded and disrespected the whole constitution and the way he has completely disrespected and tried to undermine the three branches of Government should scare the life out of any sane and rational person. The way he treats the media and completely undermines the first amendment should scare the life out of any sane and rational person.

I could go on and on and on. I actually tried recently to accurately record the amount of scandals Trump has been involved in since running for President, this included every single instance such as saying to a 10 year old he would be dating her in 10 years, or the attack on the Gold Star family, or the reports of walking in on naked beauty contestants and then bragging about it to the way he paraded those poor women in front of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the entire world before the debate. I got so fed up and disheartened after a couple of hours and I was only about a quarter of the way through the original Election thread and I already had typed enough to dwarf the biggest CE posts at least three times over. In the end I just gave up, it's a monumental task and the worst part is I was only recording TRUE events, things there was evidence for. I discounted anything that was just speculation or rumour.

The reason I gave up? Because I was actually in tears and because two things continually went around my head.................

Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America.

People actually voted for him, LOTS of people actually voted for him.

The fact these people still continually defend him and make excuses for him is something I can and will never be able to comprehend. It's completely unfathomable to me. I completely understand why the Republicans do, because they have no morals or ethics and don't care as long as their agenda of destroying Obama's legacy Is fulfilled they will turn a blind eye to pretty much anything. It's classic bait and switch as far as they are concerned. While Trump is making an arse of himself for all the world to see, they are getting on with passing and changing the laws they want. But for the voters who still defend him now, well the only reason I can come up with and it's the only one that makes any type of sense is that none of them are sane or rational.

Do you understand how this last comment can make it difficult for any Trump supporter to feel like he can have a calm, level-headed debate with you?

The thing is I perfectly get where most anti-Trump feelings come from, but I have the impression that most people on the anti-Trump side make no effort to understand how a sane and "decent" person can back Trump, usually resorting to name-calling. This prejudice is what makes debate impossible.
And yet 'the resistance' still can't take him down. Why is that? Either a US President is literally bullet proof from scandal or the democrats are useless.
What do the Dems have to do with anything?

This is the alt right nonsense I was referring to earlier.
Intellectual progress? What exactly would that look like to you?

There's this same untrue notion trotted out every now and then that opposing views are just swatted away and/or shouted down in this thread and anyone who doesn't share the consensus view is simply ridiculed and abused.

There is a cycle that actually occurs each time a dissenting view is aired which involves crying foul for being asked questions and then running away screaming echo chamber. It's nonsense and entirely without foundation.

The problem is that any time a Trump supporter or sympathiser shows up he/she repeats a load of alt right sound bites and won't listen to reasoned and sourced evidence to counter them, simply dismissing evidence because it doesn't fit. There's only so much of this idiocy that can be tolerated before people quite fairly lose patience. It's like the Flat Earth thread.

We are 900+ pages into this thread and I'm wondering if this collective effort has changed the mind of even 1 Trump voter?

Intellectual progress is certainly not the weekly hysterical moral indignation from posters who disagree with him. That was fine during the first month or so, when everyone was in shock. But time and Trump has moved on, yet reactions remain the same

The fact remains that Trump still has millions of previously Obama Democrat voting people on his side, and losing patience because of a self-perceived moral superiority does not change any of those minds at all @Neutral pointed out above.
What do the Dems have to do with anything?

This is the alt right nonsense I was referring to earlier.
I don't understand.

I'd have thought that with so much ammunition and evidence of wrong doings, the democrats should be able to take Trump down. The fact that they can't proves they are impotent.
We are nearly 1000 pages into this thread and I'm wondering if this collective effort has changed the mind of even 1 Trump voter?

Well the ones who've shown themselves in here have been unwilling to listen to anything, so what do you expect? The approval numbers show that in general there are plenty who have been turned away from him.

Intellectual progress is certainly not the weekly hysterical moral indignation from posters who disagree with him. That was fine during the first month or so, when everyone was in shock. But time and Trump has moved on, yet reactions remain the same

What do you expect the thread to look like other than reactions to what's going on?

The fact remains that Trump still has millions of previously Obama Democrat voting people on his side, and losing patience because of a self-perceived moral superiority does not change any of those minds at all @Neutral pointed out above.

I again refer you to the approval numbers.

I don't understand.

I'd have thought that with so much ammunition and evidence of wrong doings, the democrats should be able to take Trump down. The fact that they can't proves they are impotent.

Evidently. The Dems are not in a position to do anything. Unfortunately that requires a majority in Congress and 2/3 of the Senate which are both controlled by the GOP.

If his numbers continue to tank then perhaps political opportunism might suffice where spines are lacking, but we'll see.
That Anderson Cooper thing. Hadn't seen it yet :drool: Spontaneity is awesome.
I don't understand.

I'd have thought that with so much ammunition and evidence of wrong doings, the democrats should be able to take Trump down. The fact that they can't proves they are impotent.
He's been in office for 4 months ffs :lol:
Do you understand how this last comment can make it difficult for any Trump supporter to feel like he can have a calm, level-headed debate with you?

You just picking apart my posts looking for insults towards Trump supporters rather than actually defending your position or defending Trump or his policies, isn't really helping either.

Do you understand how ludicrous it seems and you saying you wouldn't go on an oppo fans site, yet you come in here and explain to us why you won't defend Trump?

I have no will to argue with you but this is quite surreal now. Arguing about why you wouldn't argue :lol:
You do realise you're making exactly the same point I've been trying to make even clearer, right? You'll agree with me that it would be dang difficult for you to have a sane debate with those indecent people ("decent" being relative to your scale of decency, which I most probably wouldn't agree with), which is why this thread can't have rational discussion between opposing views. QED
@Fener1907 managed to do it. And he didn't even have to play a victim.
That was fairly amazing actually.

Yeah, I really enjoyed it, he was a great sparring partner. I actually forgot he was just pretending half way through he was such a convincing Trump supporter. I think he'd be really hard pressed to defend him now though, way too much has happened that is pretty indefensible to be honest. Do be dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yeah, I really enjoyed it, he was a great sparring partner. I actually forgot he was just pretending half way through he was such a convincing Trump supporter. I think he'd be really hard pressed to defend him now though, way too much has happened that is pretty indefensible to be honest. Do be dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@Fener1907 He's calling you out.
Dude, I didn't think I'll have to explain this over and over again: my initial post was in response to your post where you said you'd like to debate with non-likeminded people here. I was pointing out the fact that it's funny you should say that, when the comment you posted just before that one basically negates the possibility of such a debate. Got me now?

Maybe I should quote both of your posts so you see what I mean?

Just before that, you posted this:

Do you understand how this last comment can make it difficult for any Trump supporter to feel like he can have a calm, level-headed debate with you?

The thing is I perfectly get where most anti-Trump feelings come from, but I have the impression that most people on the anti-Trump side make no effort to understand how a sane and "decent" person can back Trump, usually resorting to name-calling. This prejudice is what makes debate impossible.

That's exactly what we want. Because we have no idea! We could put in years of effort and get nowhere. We need to hear why from his supporters. I can see why you are weary of saying why, because in the few instances where people have tried there is a flood of rebuttals and that can be overwhelming.
You just picking apart my posts looking for insults towards Trump supporters rather than actually defending your position or defending Trump or his policies, isn't really helping either.

Do you understand how ludicrous it seems and you saying you wouldn't go on an oppo fans site, yet you come in here and explain to us why you won't defend Trump?

I have no will to argue with you but this is quite surreal now. Arguing about why you wouldn't argue :lol:

Wow! Looks like you've completely missed my point! I didn't come in here to defend any position, just to point out a paradox I noticed. And yeah, I think I've outlived my stay in here, too. Cheers mate :)p

@Fener1907 managed to do it. And he didn't even have to play a victim.

Well, I tip off my hat to him then. That means he's certainly a more talented debater than I am. Fair enough.

Wow! Christie comes out against Trump. He's gone against him on a few things there, publically too. Trump is definitely not going to like that, especially as he prides loyalty over anything else.
Wow! Looks like you've completely missed my point! I didn't come in here to defend any position, just to point out a paradox I noticed. And yeah, I think I've outlived my stay in here, too. Cheers mate :)p

:lol: No, I got that, I was just pointing out how daft it was considering the example you used in your first post. No worries :)
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