The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Good speech overall with an important message. Very different from the campaign. Can he keep it up? I don't think so (remember his speech in Congress).
Good speech overall with an important message. Very different from the campaign. Can he keep it up?

This is what the media will pick up and what they will run with and it's complete and utter bullshit, it's a sideshow. It shouldn't matter if he donned a cape, took to the air and saved a family from a burning building then came down and pissed wine and shat skittles. None of that should matter, nothing he does can or will ever redeem him from what he has done and is doing. He's a fecking criminal, he's stealing money from pretty much anyone and everyone, he's flying round the world gathering endorsements and earning money all under the pretence of helping America and it's complete bullshit. He's illegally occupying the White House and he breaks the law every single time anyone checks in to one of his hotels, especially the new one in DC. Feck what he does over on his world tour, it wont make a difference because anyone in power around the world knows what he is and behind closed doors he's a fecking laughing stock, a joke. The longer this charade is allowed to go on, the longer it will take and the harder it will be to fix.
This is what the media will pick up and what they will run with and it's complete and utter bullshit, it's a sideshow. It shouldn't matter if he donned a cape, took to the air and saved a family from a burning building then came down and pissed wine and shat skittles. None of that should matter, nothing he does can or will ever redeem him from what he has done and is doing. He's a fecking criminal, he's stealing money from pretty much anyone and everyone, he's flying round the world gathering endorsements and earning money all under the pretence of helping America and it's complete bullshit. He's illegally occupying the White House and he breaks the law every single time anyone checks in to one of his hotels, especially the new one in DC. Feck what he does over on his world tour, it wont make a difference because anyone in power around the world knows what he is and behind closed doors he's a fecking laughing stock, a joke. The longer this charade is allowed to go on, the longer it will take and the harder it will be to fix.

He'll bask in praise for a few hours before some other revelations come to light and completely overshadow him managing to read a speech without going off course.
The $100 million to his daughter-wife will do it.

It sounds like it was part of the deal rather than anything shady. A sweetener to the foundation which promotes female entrepreneurs. It'll probably get praise too if anything.
Thing is, Pexbo, that once again a double standard will be played by the far right that took Clinton to the wood shed repeatedly over accepting Saudi money to the foundation. They'll ignore past ridicule and probably cite it's great thing and proof that Saudi respects/works with Trump.
Thing is, Pexbo, that once again a double standard will be played by the far right that took Clinton to the wood shed repeatedly over accepting Saudi money to the foundation. They'll ignore past ridicule and probably cite it's great thing and proof that Saudi respects/works with Trump.

I don't disagree, I'm just saying that's how I expect the media to play it. The media has got to pick it's fights wisely or it just comes across as a bitter agenda. That's why Fox can never be taken seriously, they never do anything to balance out the deluded paranoid ramblings.
Just reading some of the comments over on Jihad Watch and they are generally not happy with this speech at all, some of them saying they're finished with Trump after this.
The backlash over this 100 million Ivanka/world bank fund is growing.

CNN talking about the news and Bakari Sellers going after Santorum on this and calling out the hypocrisy.

Below 2 are republicans

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Trump says we should pray for the day when the Iranian people has the just government it deserves. Perhaps someone like the Shah?
Just watched the speech, it's not really a break with anything, it's a return to the rhetoric of the Bush II years if anything, apart from the "we won't preach to you" stuff.

Somehow Iran gets the blame for funding and supporting all the bad guys in the region, but that's to be expected I suppose, it was the same with Bush. Anyway I think this'll be forgotten very soon.
Somehow Iran gets the blame for funding and supporting all the bad guys in the region, but that's to be expected I suppose, it was the same with Bush. Anyway I think this'll be forgotten very soon.
Bit awkward to blame the main backer of terrorist operations in the region, when that happens to be Saudi Arabia.
He's doing live Twitter with the king? On terrorism? This could go wrong for sure unless all questions are plants.
Of course the questions will be carefully selected. It's not as if both leaders are bastions of democracy.
What is this

What is this

'If they see I enjoy touching balls, the man behind me will surely kill me.'
'I am in the next Indiana Jones now, right? If not, I've wasted my life.'
'My hands are definitely huger than his. They have no idea how huge my hands are.'
Dunno how I missed this earlier as well, he's got a kind of Partridge vibe to his swing

This trip has been massively productive for meme creation.
Saudis donating 100m to a fund to help women :lol: Rather than throwing money away, they should start by actually giving them equal rights first. A more open bribe you will not see.
US reporters were not told about nor invited to Tillerson's speech and women journalists were kicked out of the building before Ivanka's speech.
Dunno how I missed this earlier as well, he's got a kind of Partridge vibe to his swing

This trip has been massively productive for meme creation.

It's like a walrus doing a stupid dance for some fish. Notice how he opens his mouth to breath every few seconds, such a weird man.
It'll be funny if it changes Bannons mind on Islam. They put on an absolutely pumping party and treated him like one of their own and he thinks "hey, now I've actually met one, these guys aren't so bad!"

Better still, converts. Any guess what sort of muslim name he would adopt if he converts?

Mohammed Bin Bannon?
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