The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Someone wrote in one of those Roger Ailes obituaries that his legacy will remain spreading fear and paranoia amongst elderly folk and causing them to lose their mental faculties at a rapid pace. Apparently the dude's grandparents were so scared by watching Fox News after Obama's election that they started hiding all their money around the house and placing guns everywhere so they could defend themselves when the "government comes for them". When the grandparents passed away it took them years to find all their valuables.

There's so much stuff in here, it's ridiculous.
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The way the_donald is using Seth Rich's murder is truly one of the most disgusting things I've witnessed on Reddit. I have no idea what they must do for Reddit to shut it down, it's not a subreddit for Trump supporters, it's a wank-cave for vile, racist trolls who are using this presidency as an excuse to finally openly peddle their rank views.
You surely have it in Saudi Arabia :rolleyes:
Drumpf....moving on them like a bitch.

Teach me how to Donald.

They be like Trump (what?)
Can you teach me how to Donald?
You know why?
'Cause all the bitches feck me (aye)
All I need is a sellout broad that's up for a hump
And for you, you, and you to back it up on Trump!
Put your legs over me, lean side to side
They gon' be on you when they pee on that Donald right
Teach me how to Donald.

They be like Trump (what?)
Can you teach me how to Donald?
You know why?
'Cause all the bitches feck me (aye)
All I need is a sellout broad that's up for a hump
And for you, you, and you to back it up on Trump!
Put your legs over me, lean side to side
They gon' be on you when they pee on that Donald right
:lol: Very good!
Dershowitz was just on CNN and the guys crazy.

Seems to think this is all a waste of time and says the president has authority to do what he pleases and using examples such as Trump having the power to force the fbi director to stop investigating Flynn.

He then starts moaning about the special counsel saying its a kangaroo court. Don't think he realises the seriousness of the possibility of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians.
Good to see Anderson lose it with Lord last night. CNN really ought to look at replacing him with a less delusional Conservative. Sadly, Lord has developed a bit of a reputation as an affable idiot who gets along great with the staff when he's not talking politics, so I don't expect anything to change.

Santorum is another pointless idiot whose demagogic contributions seem stuck in 90s.

Tbh I think the problem is that any kind of quality control that tries to only get sensible conservatives means there won't be any Trump supporters. There's either going to be a load of people criticising Trump or most people doing that and one person talking nonsense.
Dershowitz was just on CNN and the guys crazy.

Seems to think this is all a waste of time and says the president has authority to do what he pleases and using examples such as Trump having the power to force the fbi director to stop investigating Flynn.

He then starts moaning about the special counsel saying its a kangaroo court. Don't think he realises the seriousness of the possibility of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians.

He will agree to whatever Netanyahu thinks is the best outcome- him saying this is an indicator of how much the Israeli govt loves the Trump admin, Bannon included.
I have to say, I love studying body language and there's so much going on there with Bannon it's beautiful. The hunched shoulders, the defensive body position with the raised hands in front of the body, the submissive movement of the eyebrows and of course, the fear, the glorious fear in the eyes :lol:
It'll be funny if it changes Bannons mind on Islam. They put on an absolutely pumping party and treated him like one of their own and he thinks "hey, now I've actually met one, these guys aren't so bad!"
It'll be funny if it changes Bannons mind on Islam. They put on an absolutely pumping party and treated him like one of their own and he thinks "hey, now I've actually met one, these guys aren't so bad!"

I was thinking the same, although if that clip is anything to go by he's suffering severe culture shock and has by now blown his life savings on a couple of rugs from the Riyadh souk.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."

Unfortunately I think Twain got it half wrong, as many people travel to have their prejudices confirmed.
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