The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Also @Fanatic 00237 I would wager good money that Donald Trump wouldn't have the ability to write the post you wrote questioning majority of the discussion that goes on in here.
I don't think you would really like to chat to people who aren't likeminded as you, have you seen how you describe those who support and defend him? You're depressed and in tears because there are people who think differently from you?! Seriously?

No, it was a joke, of course i'm not in tears over it, however seeing the environment laws being destroyed and people suffering over the disgusting healthcare plans makes me very upset. I cannot understand those who wouldn't be upset, to be honest.

The reason I describe those who support or defend him in a particular way is because I have yet to find anyone who has an honest or rational explanation for doing so, or anyone who can justify anything he has done in an honest way. For example draining the swamp yet employing 6 ex Goldman Sachs employees, any of the misogyny, racism or sexism, the countless conflicts of interest, the blatant emoluments laws being broken, the hypocrisy of one minute saying Hillary should be locked up, then not the next then back to locking her up, the disgusting healthcare law, the bombing of Syria and the way he is handling North Korea and of course the little matter of Russia and obstruction of justice, and on and on ad nauseam.

This is exactly the reason why I stopped watching this thread. I realised that you all are having fun wiping each others tears and actually ganged up against anyone who dares think differently

Just to let you know there are probably others like me who just can't be bothered to come in here and pick a fight against the crowd. Just like I wouldn't bother to go as an oppo fan on a rival club's forum to defend United against a forum full of United haters, in both cases it would definitely come off as wummery :)

And there you have it, typical Trump supporter post. and you wonder why we in here commonly share an opinion of some Trump supporters? Almost all the Trump supporters on this site have done as you have, and that is come in, have a dig and be rude about those who think differently then claim victim status for being outnumbered before saying you wouldn't want to discuss things because you are outnumbered and wouldn't want a fight or to be ganged up on or bullied then leaving without adding a single thing to the discussion other than explaining why you wouldn't post your views. Yet you bother to post explaining why you wouldn't. :wenger:
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If you're a big fan of the worlds most powerful country being run by a Christian fundamentalist, then yeah he's wonderful.

I admit that I am not an expert of US politics

Also Im from a country where Christian fundamentalism is the norm (although I vote for a party whose breaking such trend).
I might be wrong here but Pence does seem to be a decent man. He's certainly not Trump
It depends how you define decent. He has acted phony regarding the whole Flynn issue which he claims to not have known about. That's very hard to believe. Furthermore, he's not exactly someone who supports diversity.
This is exactly the reason why I stopped watching this thread. I realised that you all are having fun wiping each others tears and actually ganged up against anyone who dares think differently.

Have to strongly dispute this. Stupid opinions were disagreed with in recent months, on the level of the Flat Earth thread. They were ill-informed and the arguers revelled in ignoring any proffered information that would have given more insight into why their opinions were ill-informed. What's the point in putting up with that?
I responded to someone who posed a question, it is important to me. He has started a war on Islam and is denying it now because he is in a rich country that he is benefiting from. What the feck is your problem?

And this was exactly the response of the others engaging with you when you kept repeating that question about "earning it".
@Fanatic 00237 I doubt there would be a thread ridiculing someone like John Kasich if he became president. This thread from my observation hasn't at all been about the mockery of republican views. It's been completely about the absolute incompetence of a man called Donald Trump who is a lying, racist, misogynistic scumbag born into money and can't speak a proper sentence to save his life.

Yes, this thread is leftist but this thread isn't about playing the "Democrats >> Republicans" at every chance they get. It's about just calling out Trump every time he fecks up, which is almost everyday.
Wanted to add before the word scumbag 'narcissistic, nepotistic, hypocritcal, ruthless, bullying, misbehaving'.

It's exactly about his personaity and how he abuses his power. Any politician regardless of position and country takes flak if she or he behaves like this.
You know that every time there is something important going on and Trump appears in public with Melania, that someone finds some footage and analyses it or slows it down to find something wrong. Some expression of fear or dread on Melania's face, or her rolling her eyes at him or something like that. Each time it's usually so ambiguous we cannot really be sure what is going on. It could just be that the film has been slowed down to find micro expressions and it's usually left with just speculation and nobody really knows if there is anything there at all and usually it just makes people look desperate to find something that really isn't there at all..... Yes, this is just a joke and i'm not being serious....

Well.... this time it's no different.... Or is it? Because this sure as feck looks to me like she is batting his hand away saying feck off, I don't want to hold your chubby digits and certainly not in public, I don't know where they have been you dirty old fecker, now let's just get on with this charade for the sake of the country but as soon as we are behind closed doors you are having the couch you fat prick! :lol:

He must be thinking... Ivanka doesnt ever do that. Should have married her instead.
Is Maltese religious fundamentalism like the US brand?

The church and Malta work in a very different way to the rest to the world mainly because it was ruled by the knights hospitalier (ie the templars rivals) for hundreds of years. Napoleon took over in 1798 but his troops were sooned kicked out by the Maltese after the French dared touching the church's gold (Malta was one of the poorest countries in Europe but strangely our churches were always filled with gold). The Brits took over after that and learnt from the French not to mess with the church who was treated with great respect and full autonomy. That meant that Malta was still stuck in the middle ages until right around the 1960s

During the 1960s Duminku Mintoff took over. He was a controversial and an extreme man (think of leftie version of Trump but with brains). It soon became obvious that Mintoff won't allow the church to overstep into political issues. Unfortunately for all of us he found a stubborn rival Archbishop Gonzi who was pretty much set in his ways and would fight his way to keep things as they are. That ended up with all labourites getting excommunicated including 2 of my grandparents. Labourites couldnt get married in church, they had to be buried in unholy ground and bells would ring during the Labour mass meetings with people being pelted with stones during mass meetings and priests being sent soon after to reconsacrate the land soon after. Soon enough this issue was escalated to the pope who forced Gonzi to relent. However by that time the damage was done with the MLP losing about 2 elections because of it and with the church losing credibility with more then half the Maltese population because of it.

In time things relented mainly because archbishop Gonzi died and also because the PN (whose pretty pro church) kept winning the general elections. At one time we also had Gonzi's nephew as PM ie Lawrence Gonzi. That left Malta lagging behind Europe in many social rights issues. Malta had no divorce and no gay marriages.

Things changed around 5 years ago when the labour party got their shit together thanks to Joseph Muscat. He pushed for divorce and gay marriage. That irked the church again and they are talking about political issues again. There again, their power had waned so much in the past 2 decades as no one gives a damn to what they say apart from the nationalist party.

So yeah, the church is very very political in Malta and its common to have priests who are more politicians then people of god.
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Flynn taking the fifth. People on Twitter digging out this:

Pence is not incompetent like Trump, but he's a Christian fundamentalist. He would possibly be a disaster for the United States, just not in the comedic way Trump is.

Pence is so uptight he has to roofie himself to masturbate.
When I lit a torch paper on one of Fox News' comment streams on Facebook it was typical that all the responses were 'libtard, ****, Killary, Obummer, no evidence at all, etc' but one woman did produce a list of different things Trump and his cohorts have done and whilst it certainly doesn't cover in full detail like @langster 's post would've done, I think it has a decent sample of the shitstorm that is the Trump Presidency:

• the FLYNN thing
• the MANAFORT thing
• the TILLERSON thing
• the SESSIONS thing
• the KUSHNER thing
• the CARTER PAGE thing
• the ROGER STONE thing
• the Felix Sater thing
• the Boris Ephsteyn thing
• the Rosneft thing
• the Gazprom thing
• the Sergey Gorkov banker thing
• the Azerbajain thing
• the 'I love Putin' thing
• the Sergey Kislyak thing
• the Russian Affiliated Interests thing
• the Russian Business Interests thing
• the Emoluments Clause thing
• the Alex Schnaider thing
• the hack of the DNC thing
• the Guccifer 2.0 thing
• the Mike Pence 'I don’t know anything' thing
• the Russians mysteriously dying thing
• the President's public request To Russia to hack Hillary's email thing
• the president’s house sale for $100 million at the bottom of the housing bust to the Russian fertilizer king thing
• the Russian fertilizer king’s plane showing up in Concord, NC during his rally campaign thing
• the Nunes sudden flight to the White House in the night thing
• the Nunes personal investments in the Russian winery thing
• the Cyprus bank thing
• the President refusing to release his tax returns after he said he would if elected thing
• the Republican Party’s rejection of an amendment to require him to show his taxes thing
• the election hacking thing
• the GOP platform change to the Ukraine thing
• the Steele Dossier thing
• the Leninist Bannon thing
• the Sally Yates can’t testify thing
• the intelligence community’s investigative reports thing
• the President's reassurance That the Russian connection is all fake news thing
• the Spicer’s Russian Dressing 'nothing’s wrong' thing
• the Chaffetz not willing to start an investigation thing
• the Chaffetz suddenly deciding to go back to private life in the middle of an investigation thing
• the The Lead DOJ Investigator Mary McCord suddenly in the middle of the investigation decides to resign thing
• the appointment of Pam Bondi who was bribed by the president in the Trump University scandal appointed to head the investigation thing
• the The White House going into full-on cover-up mode, refusing to turn over the documents related to the hiring and subsequent firing of Flynn thing
• the Chaffetz and White House blaming the poor vetting of Flynn on Obama thing
• the Poland and British intelligence gave information regarding the hacking back in 2015 to Paul Ryan and he didn't do anything thing
• the Agent M16 following the money thing
• the president’s team Knew about Flynn's involvement but hired him anyway thing
• the Corey Lewendowski thing
• the Preet Bharara firing thing but before he left he transferred evidence against tRrump to a state level Schneiderman thing
• the Betsy Devos' brother thing
• the Sebastian Gorka thing
• the Greg Gianforte from Montana thing
• the VP Pence actually was warned about Flynn before he was hired thing
• the Pence and Manafort connection thing
• the 7 Allies coming forward with audio where the president was picked up in incidental wire tapping thing
• the Carter Page defying the Senate's order to hand over his Russian contact list
• the President wants to veto Sally Yates' testimony thing
• and last but certainly not least, the leaked Russian hotel hooker pee pee video thing
The church and Malta work in a very different way to the rest to the world mainly because it was ruled by the knights hospitalier (ie the templars rivals) for hundreds of years. Napoleon took over in 1798 but his troops were sooned kicked out by the Maltese after the French dared touching the church's gold (Malta was one of the poorest countries in Europe but strangely our churches were always filled with gold). The Brits took over after that and learnt from the French not to mess with the church who was treated with great respect and full autonomy. That meant that Malta was still stuck in the middle ages until right around the 1960s

During the 1960s Duminku Mintoff took over. He was a controversial and an extreme man (think of leftie version of Trump but with brains). It soon became obvious that Mintoff won't allow the church to overstep into political issues. Unfortunately for all of us he found a stubborn rival Archbishop Gonzi who was pretty much set in his ways and would fight his way to keep things as they are. That ended up with all labourites getting excommunicated including 2 of my grandparents. Labourites couldnt get married in church, they had to be buried in unholy ground and bells would ring during the Labour mass meetings with people being pelted with stones during mass meetings and priests being sent soon after to reconsacrate the land soon after. Soon enough this issue was escalated to the pope who forced Gonzi to relent. However by that time the damage was done with the MLP losing about 2 elections because of it and with the church losing credibility with more then half the Maltese population because of it.

In time things relented mainly because archbishop Gonzi died and also because the PN (whose pretty pro church) kept winning the general elections. At one time we also had Gonzi's nephew as PM ie Lawrence Gonzi. That left Malta lagging behind Europe in many social rights issues. Malta had no divorce and no gay marriages.

Things changed around 5 years ago when the labour party got their shit together thanks to Joseph Muscat. He pushed for divorce and gay marriage. That irked the church again and they are talking about political issues again. There again, their power had waned so much in the past 2 decades as no one gives a damn to what they say apart from the nationalist party.

So yeah, the church is very very political in Malta and its common to have priests who are more politicians then people of god.

Cheers mate, sounds like there's some parallels then.
Tillerson has referred to Tel Aviv as "the home of Judaism".
Terrible speech after Twitler met with Bibi although he's just reading it. Who the feck writes such hollow crap?
Terrible speech after Twitler met with Bibi although he's just reading it. Who the feck writes such hollow crap?

Right now, anything better than him smearing his own faeces on himself while admitting to federal crimes is considered a win by the white house.
Fits well with some nutters like Sputnik.

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