The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Benjamin Wittes on

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Blaming the system? The system is rigged to feck these people over. Many who cant afford to take off work to either get an ID or vote. Voting should be on a weekend day. The system is set up to disenfranchise a certain section or race.

Eh.. isn't it mandatory for workplace to allow the time for people to vote?

If you say you want to vote I don't think any employee can rightfully refuse to let you take the time necessary to vote
Cover of Spanish magazine Tapas. :lol::lol:


"My big foreign trip". That's what all the adults have been telling him to get excited about for weeks.

"Is Mr Trumpywumpy ready for his big foreign trip? Not long to go now, there's a good boy now go and eat your turkey dinosaurs".
Where did thses guys even get their credibility?

They're selling a dream to everybody who wants to see Trump go down, soon. Credibility is fast going out the window these days.
Must read article on Louise Mensch, John Schindler, and Claude Taylor.....

Great article. I have been guilty of posting a couple of Mench's Tweets before.

Mainly by us reposting their tweets.

Not just us though, Louise Mench has recently been on Bill Maher's Real Time TWICE and The Kelly File and has been on CNN and Fox as one of their so called "experts" Obviously she has been on Question Time and things like that in the UK when she was a Member of Parliament, but that was a few years ago.
Shouldn't be forgotten that a large section of the left in America went a bit nuts during the eight years of Bush II, social media just hadn't developed to the point yet where this kind of shit could be disseminated so quickly and widely.
I remember when Mensch was a mini Ann Coulter - hated her for it.

That hatred has never gone away and as a result, I've never posted anything she tweeted or referenced her.
Peak Mensch was when she said the Wendy's nuggets guy was actually a Russian ploy.
Good article. We see it every day on here where one tweet can cause rabid excitement.....but is it true? We are all guilty of treating any weird assumptions as fact when it is usually only very remotely connected to fact. We give credence to utter rubbish at times.

It's also a good reason to not get too caught up in the impeachment stuff, nobody is going to impeach Trump because of some tweets. It is going to take a lengthy investigation to even get to the point where impeachment even becomes are real possibility and then only if enough Republican's go against Trump (impeachment being of course a political process more than anything else).
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