The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What's the likelihood of him actually getting impeached?

Right now I would say not much. The investigations and any hearings will have to run their course, then depending on the findings the odds could change. But the problem is that with the Republicans controlling congress, you have to wonder if there will be the political will to pursue impeachment. That will all depend on what all these investigations end up finding and how the voting public react.

:lol: You couldn't make this shit up. Ignoring a Federal subpoena, is that just a simple contempt of court issue? Or will it have extra charges? Any US Criminal lawyers here? Feck, we could do with Raffa Barber here right now.
Unlike Nixon he's likely too stupid to step-down and have Pence pardon him.
I fear he'd try to incite a kind of civil war unless he's granted the dignified exit that he doesn't merit.
To be fair, and after thinking about it, Flynn is probably ignoring the subpoena because they haven't offered him immunity and in that case, he has nothing to lose by ignoring it and nothing to gain from complying. He's either playing hardball trying to get some kind of deal or he's given up and will just wait to see what happens and accept his punishment quietly. He's either been paid off to keep quiet or he/family have been threatened and told to keep quiet.

Look at this logically, if the collusion is really as close to Putin as people say, then it wouldn't be far fetched to say any means will be used to prevent people from testifying. At least 5 or 6 people connected on the Russian side have been killed so it's certainly not in the realms of conspiracy theory to say or think it can/will happen in the USA. To be honest it's really not something I even considered up until now, but the more I think about it the more it becomes clear.
Right now I would say not much. The investigations and any hearings will have to run their course, then depending on the findings the odds could change. But the problem is that with the Republicans controlling congress, you have to wonder if there will be the political will to pursue impeachment. That will all depend on what all these investigations end up finding and how the voting public react.

So by that are you saying he will come out of this scot-free? Because if he does then surely he'll pursue a path of unchecked revenge against anyone who he feels has wronged him, ramp up the autocracy ten-fold and then of course we will all be in trouble.
So by that are you saying he will come out of this scot-free? Because if he does then surely he'll pursue a path of unchecked revenge against anyone who he feels has wronged him, ramp up the autocracy ten-fold and then of course we will all be in trouble.

As of right now, he may indeed come out of this scot free. The thing is impeachment is not going to happen based on a bunch of tweets, news stories, speeches, etc. While those could be used as evidence, Congress will not vote on impeachment until they have gone through the process of investigations, hearings, someone has to introduce articles of impeachment, then there is that process (more hearing, review of evidence, etc). It could take quite a bit of time before everything is pulled together in a way that could lead to his impeachment.

Then of course, there is the problem of impeachment itself being largely a political not a criminal proceeding.
I really should stop going on twitter. Them 2 taking credit for everything is starting to make me a little mad.
Flynns actions are crazy. Everyone always looks after their own interests and what will benefit their family.

If Flynn is disobeying federal law know the consequences of that, you've really got to wonder what the hell the consequences of working with the FBI is.

It probably explains why he was so keen to cut an immunity deal. Immunity would have come with protection.
Thats so bad ass :cool:

Not really, more the actions of a desperate man with nothing to lose.

The only reason I could imagine Flynn not being granted immunity is simply because any information he may have is not needed, no other reason makes any type of sense whatsoever.
Getting ahead of myself here but can't wait to see the newspaper headlines when Trump gets the boot. Odds are that most will lead with "You're Fired!".
Is this legal?

Nope, it's illegal if he has been summonsed to appear in front of a Grand Jury or Judge. If following normal protocol he can be held in contempt of court by the Judge and there will be a warrant issued for his arrest. They can't force him to talk if he doesn't want to though, he could just take the stand and plead the fifth each time he is asked something he doesn't wish to answer. Any jail-time given for the contempt of court will just be added to any sentence he may be given but that's how things normally work, I doubt this will be that simple.

Edit: Can't wait for the obvious 'Mike Pence had just a very limited role in the transition team.' excuse from the WH.
To be fair, and after thinking about it, Flynn is probably ignoring the subpoena because they haven't offered him immunity and in that case, he has nothing to lose by ignoring it and nothing to gain from complying. He's either playing hardball trying to get some kind of deal or he's given up and will just wait to see what happens and accept his punishment quietly. He's either been paid off to keep quiet or he/family have been threatened and told to keep quiet.

Look at this logically, if the collusion is really as close to Putin as people say, then it wouldn't be far fetched to say any means will be used to prevent people from testifying. At least 5 or 6 people connected on the Russian side have been killed so it's certainly not in the realms of conspiracy theory to say or think it can/will happen in the USA. To be honest it's really not something I even considered up until now, but the more I think about it the more it becomes clear.

Why does it need to be anything more than the simple fact that he's committed a significant crime, as an individual, and because he's not getting immunity he's decided to self-preserve? Why do we need to jump to a wider conspiracy on so little info?
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