The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think that paranoid delusion amateur diagnosis a GOP congressman apparently gave him was pretty accurate. He's ill.
Oh God please be true:


Guys, please don't post BULLSHIT like this here. Some nobody twittering something without even something RESEMBLING sources. If we go down this route, we will never be allowed to complain about r/the_donald again. Seriously. You know it's bullshit, don't fecking post it. This makes me angry.

the man is like clockwork, WH puts out a statement in response to some new scandal element, early AM Twitler tweets something that blows up or contradicts that statement.

In this case the statement said they were pleased to have someone who could wrap up the investigation quickly and show there was no wrongdoing, and now he's throwing a hissy fit about it.
Guys, please don't post BULLSHIT like this here. Some nobody twittering something without even something RESEMBLING sources. If we go down this route, we will never be allowed to complain about r/the_donald again. Seriously. You know it's bullshit, don't fecking post it. This makes me angry.
Guys, please don't post BULLSHIT like this here. Some nobody twittering something without even something RESEMBLING sources. If we go down this route, we will never be allowed to complain about r/the_donald again. Seriously. You know it's bullshit, don't fecking post it. This makes me angry.

Claude Taylor, and his sources have been spot on about things relating to this mess before the MSM has gotten hold of it, I think it's wise to take info like this with a pinch of salt but nothing wrong with posting it given the guy has put out accurate information.
I see the victim-in-chief woke up and unsurprisingly whines about the unfair world, pivoting to Obama and Clinton again. The more frequent and intense he does it, the more likely it is getting to him. GOOD!
Guys, please don't post BULLSHIT like this here. Some nobody twittering something without even something RESEMBLING sources. If we go down this route, we will never be allowed to complain about r/the_donald again. Seriously. You know it's bullshit, don't fecking post it. This makes me angry.

I initially thought the same. But this guy tweeted the information about the subpoenas and grand juries weeks ago, some of which was just confirmed yesterday.

Claude Taylor, and his sources have been spot on about things relating to this mess before the MSM has gotten hold of it, I think it's wise to take info like this with a pinch of salt but nothing wrong with posting it given the guy has put out accurate information.

Are you kidding? He's like the fecking daily mail of political news, just because sometimes a transfer turns out to be actually happening that doesn't mean they have good sources, it just means if you post enough bullshit eventually you will hit jackpot by chance. And he, just like Louis Mensch, is exactly that.

Liberal bullshit artists undermining the whole process. Disgusting.
Are you kidding? He's like the fecking daily mail of political news, just because sometimes a transfer turns out to be actually happening that doesn't mean they have good sources, it just means if you post enough bullshit eventually you will hit jackpot by chance. And he, just like Louis Mensch, is exactly that.

Liberal bullshit artists undermining the whole process. Disgusting.

Let's hope he's more DiMarzio and less Tancredi Palmieri then.
Are you kidding? He's like the fecking daily mail of political news, just because sometimes a transfer turns out to be actually happening that doesn't mean they have good sources, it just means if you post enough bullshit eventually you will hit jackpot by chance. And he, just like Louis Mensch, is exactly that.

Liberal bullshit artists undermining the whole process. Disgusting.

Spot on. Don't waste your breath though as people are fine with fake news as long as it lines up with what they want to hear.

Guardian did a small article on Mensch and Taylor yesterday -

If you're fine with using Mensch and Taylor as sources then you're just as bad as the fake news that helped get Trump elected.

Sane thing to do would be ignore them both. If what they say is true, it will eventually make its way to the mainstream press who have higher standards of sourcing.
You have to wonder about the really damning evidence that's only ever going to be made public when the trials happen. There will be some stuff that will never get leaked out.
I really would like to see all cabinet members and semi-significant GOP people to get investigated by journalists for ties to Russia. This stinks.


the man is like clockwork, WH puts out a statement in response to some new scandal element, early AM Twitler tweets something that blows up or contradicts that statement.

In this case the statement said they were pleased to have someone who could wrap up the investigation quickly and show there was no wrongdoing, and now he's throwing a hissy fit about it.

Oh I forgot, then it is later revealed he's just been watching FOX News shouting at the TV and Tweeting stuff he's been watching:

Are you kidding? He's like the fecking daily mail of political news, just because sometimes a transfer turns out to be actually happening that doesn't mean they have good sources, it just means if you post enough bullshit eventually you will hit jackpot by chance. And he, just like Louis Mensch, is exactly that.

Liberal bullshit artists undermining the whole process. Disgusting.

Claude lost a lot of credibility in my eyes when he started tweeting about a Gofundme account someone made for him and people donated 18k.
Sadly, its not that damning.

FWIW, I think this is going to be the standard line (especially in leaks, lets not pretend that they are used as an important tool during an investigation) until the investigations are concluded, arrest warrants are granted and the FBI teams are mobilised to make arrests. If there is a lot of chatter of concrete evidence of collusion and enough to bring criminal charges there's a good chance that key targets are going to get on a plane looking for political asylum.
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