The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Spot on. Don't waste your breath though as people are fine with fake news as long as it lines up with what they want to hear.

Guardian did a small article on Mensch and Taylor yesterday -

If you're fine with using Mensch and Taylor as sources then you're just as bad as the fake news that helped get Trump elected.

Sane thing to do would be ignore them both. If what they say is true, it will eventually make its way to the mainstream press who have higher standards of sourcing.

One thing i've noticed with Claude and Mensch is that they're constantly mocking the main stream media for not being quick enough with the stories or accusing the media of stealing their stories.

These people dont seem to realise that the media have to check, double check and triple check before they can publish and got to verify with multiple sources. Its much different than tweeting a claim.

Look at the below tweets which they created or retweeted. They seem to have a huge ego problem and think the world revolves around them.

Who ***!?

Edit: who is that?
If/When Flynn ends up in jail, he needs to be forced to watching the clip of him getting the crowd to chant "Lock her up" at a Trump rally on repeat for every last living second of his life.
I think the reason why they have not offered Flynn immunity is they need to know what he knows and what they have to see if its worth a deal.
Hm. Would Pence need that as the natural successor of Twitler in case the latter gets impeached or resigns voluntarily?

Most persecuted politician in history he says?.

I thought he said he wasn't a politician?

Stupid prick, he cant have it both ways. Notice how his kids have all been exceptionally quiet recently. Staying out the way because he's indefensible now and has gone to levels unseen in the Western World. I think I may have another aneurism soon, or a break down. I continually go from hysterics at how preposterous it all is, to nail biting worry and fear when he starts dropping bombs to pure rage when he fecks people over :lol:
Lindsey Graham himself called for a special prosecutor a while ago, so not sure why he is now trying to make out its a bad thing.
I can see them riding into the sunset hand in hand.

Wait is this bad or good I cant decide.

depends if you want the real truth in the end or if you like to see everything play out in the public eyes and maybe not get the real truth. The Congress inquiry is great for seeing things in real time and getting juicy testimony. The special counsel is an actual serious investigation that is trying to find something to prosecute. Because it is going on the Congress will have to fall back and allow it to proceed with no public information. Until the end of the investigation. And even then it would be up to the deputy A. G. to determine if the report of the findings be made public.
I can see them riding into the sunset hand in hand.

"Stay strong" is an interesting one. The headline use of it obviously implies what @Adisa has said there "keep your shit together and your mouth shut". The actual quote and it's context though:

Flynn left little doubt about the answer. Not only did he remain loyal to President Trump, he indicated he and the president were still in communication. “I just got a message from the president to stay strong,” Flynn said after the meal was over, according to two sources who are close to Flynn and are familiar with the conversation, which took place on April 25.

That suggests it's more a show of support, "I realise you're in trouble but you have my support" sort of thing. He wouldn't be telling his dinner guests that Trump was telling him to keep his shit together and his mouth shut and if that was what he was insinuating, they'd be conveying that message a lot more strongly.
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