The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If criminal charges are brought against Trump, I hope it happens after his and his associates finances are frozen and he can't muster up a line of credit to pay that ridiculous legal team of his.
I'm not sure Trump will be the initial focus of the investigation. I expect that it'll be allies and political and business associates that'll be first in the firing line as they'll be relatively easy targets and make it difficult for naysayers to accuse the investigation of being politically motivated. The question is how quickly do the Republicans abandon him. Already the mood music has changed. Being seen to support a President merely under suspicion of wrongdoing is one thing but being his cheerleader once his administration is the subject of criminal investigation by a special appointed prosecutor is an entirely different matter because with the latter they no longer have the excuse of plausible deniability. Or in other words they can't just excuse themselves by claiming they thought it was all unsubstantiated rumour and innuendo.

When they next stand for election they don't want to give their political opponents the gift of being able to pin them, quite accurately, as the defenders of a crooked and possibly criminal President.

That said I don't think the GOP members of Congress will progress much further than arms-length caution at this stage publicly. But we can be pretty sure their public pronouncements are always out of line with private feeling. Until recently there's been a reasonably united front, with one or two exceptions whereas in reality there's been enormous consternation amongst Republicans. If now they're publicly willing to cautiously back away from Trump even to the small degree that they have been just imagine what the mood is behind closed doors.

Also from watching the coverage last night it appears as if the Special Prosecutor can investigate and explore any avenue of inquiry he thinks relevant. The investigation that exposed the Monica Lewinsky scandal apparently originally started as being absolutely nothing to do with that but it was a loose thread that the SP kept on tugging. If even 5% of what is rumoured about Trump is even half true then we could be in for a fun time.
I'm not sure Trump will be the initial focus of the investigation. I expect that it'll be allies and political and business associates that'll be first in the firing line as they'll be relatively easy targets and make it difficult for naysayers to accuse the investigation of being politically motivated. The question is how quickly do the Republicans abandon him. Already the mood music has changed. Being seen to support a President merely under suspicion of wrongdoing is one thing but being his cheerleader once his administration is the subject of criminal investigation by a special appointed prosecutor is an entirely different matter because with the latter they no longer have the excuse of plausible deniability. Or in other words they can't just excuse themselves by claiming they thought it was all unsubstantiated rumour and innuendo.

When they next stand for election they don't want to give their political opponents the gift of being able to pin them, quite accurately, as the defenders of a crooked and possibly criminal President.

That said I don't think the GOP members of Congress will progress much further than arms-length caution at this stage publicly. But we can be pretty sure their public pronouncements are always out of line with private feeling. Until recently there's been a reasonably united front, with one or two exceptions whereas in reality there's been enormous consternation amongst Republicans. If now they're publicly willing to cautiously back away from Trump even to the small degree that they have been just imagine what the mood is behind closed doors.

Also from watching the coverage last night it appears as if the Special Prosecutor can investigate and explore any avenue of inquiry he thinks relevant. The investigation that exposed the Monica Lewinsky scandal apparently originally started as being absolutely nothing to do with that but it was a loose thread that the SP kept on tugging. If even 5% of what is rumoured about Trump is even half true then we could be in for a fun time.

mmm keep talking dirty to me babe
So Flynn managed to delay the SDF operation to take Raqqa by four months in exchange for $500,000. Surely that's worth some jail time?
I think one of the important long-term effects of this message when it's over will be to show the rules governing the presidency don't mean a tap if you've got a house majority. It's been incredible how Trump has flouted the emoulements clause basically every single day.
Oh God please be true:

Wow. If only a portion of the rumors are true we could see some Trump in deep deep trouble. Here's hoping.
Even apart from the spelling mistake, that is such terrible messaging it's untrue. "They do all these illegal acts - NOTHING. Why's my illegal act so much worse?!"
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