The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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GOP blocked the vote on a commission a matter of hours before Rosentein announced the special prosecutor :)

That's why I said it's probably BS, but if true........ And the trouble is with this lot you just cannot be sure. Personally it sounds a little too sophisticated (and seriously corrupt like the plot of a movie) the source is incredibly dubious, but in her defence she has been uncannily spot on right throughout this entire debacle of a Presidency and has been credited by some seriously respected journalists and media outlets.

Wow.. If they found the portable media then surely they would know who did it, no?
Would be a shocker if it's true but then again nothing will ever sound too far fetched in this saga..
Yes I completely agree, I said the same but I have been sceptical about Mensch for months. However, I think she has been proved right on an awful lot of things especially with regards to Russia so I can't completely dismiss it just because with this lot you never know.

Suppose we'll know sooner or later that its true if the media start reporting it.
After reading the full article by Mensch there, I've got to say that it's not completely implausible for a few reasons.

Trumps main motivation was clearly to impede the investigation into his dealings with Russia. It was a desperate act and as he will have wanted to gain control over the situation, he will have wanted to get as much information as possible on what Comey had on him and his team.

Comey, as it was mentioned in the article will have been aware of this, I mean, he's the head of the FBI for Christ sake and they'll have profiled Trump and predicted his moves. It's entirely plausible that he had a Trojan hidden in his files. It could relay geodata, IP and MAC addresses, I wouldn't be surprised if it recorded some audio and video data through a webcam while the offence took place, it could scan the local area for Bluetooth and Wifi devices and record details which would give a good idea of whoever was in the room while the offence took place.

With all this in mind, it's not hard to imagine Comey surrendering all his equipment and one of Sessions guys picking it up.

So who would Trump trust to extract and decrypt this sort of data? No prizes there.

It seems unbelievable at first but when you break it down to the basics it's not hard to believe:

1. Trump wanted to gain control of he investigation and Comey knew that.

2. Comey wanted to make sure any attempt on his laptop was recorded and could be used as evidence.

3. Trump gave it to the only people he could trust.
Kayleigh McEnany doing her typical spin job

Just repeating the same bullshit that Ted Cruz and the Republicans used to question Sally Yates. It's pathetic that instead of trying to find out what is going on, that they want to find and arrest the people that are releasing the information. It's despicable tactics really, don't worry about catching the person who started the fecking fire, instead concentrate on catching the person who called the fire brigade. Their argument is actually making me quite angry now.
FFS, if Trump really gave media data to the Russians, illegally obtained media data to boot, he'd be tried for treason. But even he's not that stupid and arrogant, right?

Of course he is. He knows nothing, the guy is a clusterfeck of stupidity in every aspect who has lived his entire life in a bubble inside his own mind. In the hypothetical scenario of something like that happening, he probably would think in is mind that if worst came to worst he could solve the problem by firing a few people.
Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.

Mr. Flynn’s disclosure, on Jan. 4, was first made to the transition team’s chief lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, who is now the White House counsel. That conversation, and another one two days later between Mr. Flynn’s lawyer and transition lawyers, shows that the Trump team knew about the investigation of Mr. Flynn far earlier than has been previously reported.

His legal issues have been a problem for the White House from the beginning and are at the center of a growing political crisis for Mr. Trump. Mr. Flynn, who was fired after 24 days in the job, was initially kept on even after the acting attorney general, Sally Q. Yates, warned the White House that he might be subject to blackmail by the Russians for misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of conversations he had with the Russian ambassador to Washington.
After Mr. Flynn’s dismissal, Mr. Trump tried to get James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, to drop the investigation — an act that some legal experts say is grounds for an investigation of Mr. Trump for possible obstruction of justice. He fired Mr. Comey on May 9.

The White House declined to comment on whether officials there had known about Mr. Flynn’s legal troubles before the inauguration.

Mr. Flynn, a retired general, is one of a handful of Trump associates under scrutiny in intertwined federal investigations into their financial links to foreign governments and whether any of them helped Russia interfere in the presidential election.

In congressional testimony, the acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, has confirmed the existence of a “highly significant” investigation into possible collusion between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russian operatives to sway the presidential election. The pace of the investigations has intensified in recent weeks, with a veteran espionage prosecutor, Brandon Van Grack, now leading a grand jury inquiry in Northern Virginia that is scrutinizing Mr. Flynn’s foreign lobbying and has begun issuing subpoenas to businesses that worked with Mr. Flynn and his associates.

The New York Times has reviewed one of the subpoenas. It demands all “records, research, contracts, bank records, communications” and other documents related to work with Mr. Flynn and the Flynn Intel Group, the business he set up after he was forced out as chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014.

The subpoena also asks for similar records about Ekim Alptekin, a Turkish businessman who is close to President Recep Tayyip Erdoganof Turkey and is chairman of the Turkish-American Business Council. There is no indication that Mr. Alptekin is under investigation.

Signed by Dana J. Boente, the United States attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, the subpoena instructs the recipient to direct any questions about its contents to Mr. Van Grack.

Mr. Van Grack, a national security prosecutor based at the Justice Department headquarters in Washington, has experience conducting espionage investigations. He prosecuted a businessman for illegally exporting thousands of sensitive electronics components to Iran and a suspected hacker in the Syrian Electronic Army. In 2015, he prosecuted a Virginia man for acting as an unregistered agent of Syria’s intelligence services.

According to people who have talked to Mr. Flynn about the case, he sees the Justice Department’s investigation as part of an effort by the Obama administration and its holdovers in the government to keep him out of the White House. In his view, this effort began immediately after the election, when President Barack Obama, who had fired Mr. Flynn as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told Mr. Trump that he would have profound concerns about Mr. Flynn’s becoming a top national security aide.

The people close to Mr. Flynn said he believed that when that warning did not dissuade Mr. Trump from making him national security adviser, the Justice Department opened its investigation into his lobbying work. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid angering Justice Department or White House officials.

The investigation stems from the work Mr. Flynn did for Inovo BV, a Dutch company owned by Mr. Alptekin, the Turkish businessman. On Aug. 9, Mr. Flynn and the Flynn Intel Group signed a contract with Inovo for $600,000 over 90 days to run an influence campaign aimed at discrediting Fethullah Gulen, an reclusive cleric who lives in Pennsylvania and whom Mr. Erdogan has accused of orchestrating a failed coup in Turkey last summer.

When he was hired by Mr. Alptekin, Mr. Flynn did not register as a foreign agent, as required by law when an American represents the interests of a foreign government. Only in March did he file a retroactive registration with the Justice Department because his lawyer, Robert K. Kelner, said that “the engagement could be construed to have principally benefited the Republic of Turkey.”

Trump campaign officials first became aware of a problem with Mr. Flynn’s business dealings in early November. On Nov. 8, the day of the election, Mr. Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill that advocated improved relations between Turkey and the United States and called Mr. Gulen “a shady Islamic mullah.”

“If he were in reality a moderate, he would not be in exile, nor would he excite the animus of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government,” the op-ed said.

Days later, after an article in The Daily Caller revealed that the Flynn Intel Group had a contract with Inovo, a Trump campaign lawyer held a conference call with members of the Flynn Intel Group, according to one person with knowledge of the call. The lawyer, William McGinley, was seeking more information about the nature of the group’s foreign work and wanted to know whether Mr. Flynn had been paid for the op-ed.

Mr. McGinley now works in the White House as cabinet secretary and deputy assistant to the president.

The Justice Department also took notice. The op-ed in The Hill raised suspicions that Mr. Flynn was working as a foreign agent, and in a letter dated Nov. 30, the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn that it was scrutinizing his lobbying work.

Mr. Flynn hired a lawyer a few weeks later. By Jan. 4, the day Mr. Flynn informed Mr. McGahn of the inquiry, the Justice Department was investigating the matter.

Mr. Kelner then followed up with another call to the Trump transition’s legal team. He ended up leaving a message, identifying himself as Mr. Flynn’s lawyer. According to a person familiar with the case, Mr. Kelner did not get a call back until two days later, on Jan. 6.

Around the time of Mr. Flynn’s call with Mr. McGahn, the F.B.I. began investigating Mr. Flynn on a separate matter: phone conversations he had in late December with Sergey I. Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the United States. Current and former American officials said that, on the calls, Mr. Flynn discussed sanctions that the Obama administration had imposed on Russia for disrupting the November election.

After news of the calls became public, Mr. Flynn misled Mr. Pence about what he had discussed with Mr. Kislyak, telling him that the two had only exchanged holiday pleasantries.

Days after the inauguration, Ms. Yates, the acting attorney general, spoke with Mr. McGahn at the White House, telling him Justice Department lawyers believed that Mr. Flynn might be vulnerable to Russian blackmail. Since the Russians knew that Mr. Flynn had lied to the vice president, she said, they might have leverage over him.
Do you oftentimes confuse "stupid" with "indifference" and/or "apathy"? Your sense of humor needs work.
Do you often entertain yourself by writing such cringeworthy tweets? Whatever your underlying problem is, I can't and won't help you.
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I see that Kushner is the latest escape goat. Are we all supposed to believe that firing Comey was 'anybody-but-Trump''s typically kneejerk idea?
Here's another thought...

Flynn flat out told the transition, led by Pence, that he was under investigation. This implicates Pence in all of this too, does it not?
I see that Kushner is the latest escape goat. Are we all supposed to believe that firing Comey was 'anybody-but-Trump''s typically kneejerk idea?

Kushner doesnt need the shit. He is far richer than his fake billionaire father-in-law.
Here's another thought...

Flynn flat out told the transition, led by Pence, that he was under investigation. This implicates Pence in all of this too, does it not?

The road to Trump goes through Flynn.

Pence knew for a month during the transition period who he headed, that Flynn told them he was under investigation. Why did Pence go ahead with Flynn?

There is no loyalty in politics -- there has to be a quid pro quo.

So whats the hook on Pence?
Here's another thought...

Flynn flat out told the transition, led by Pence, that he was under investigation. This implicates Pence in all of this too, does it not?
I think he is. But even if he's not, he disqualified himself from being president because he must have been utterly incompetent to not realize what's going on. Purposefully blind and deaf. Or too stupid to connect the dots.

Wow! That sounds like BS to me, a little too far fetched even for this shit show, but if it is true, wowzers. Wars have been started for less.
It does sound like Mensch BS. I'm still very sceptical about her. It does sound like such a stupid plot though that I find it plausible it could have happened if verified by more credible sources. Putin must be tearing his hair out to have to work with such amateurs.

Ah, Bill Mitchell. Never change.

The mental gymnastics this guy and Twitler surrogates go through are amazing.

The games definitely up for him now. How does everyone think he will go out? A twitter storm?

He's going to get out the country and live in exile with all his funds frozen IMO
In a golden helicopter.
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I think he is. But even if he's not, he disqualified himself from being president because he must have been utterly incompetent to not realize what's going on. Purposefully blind and deaf. Or too stupid to connect the dots.

It does sound like Mensch BS. I'm still very sceptical about her. It does sound like such a stupid plot though that I find it plausible it could have happened if verified by more credible sources. Putin must be tearing his hair out to have to work with such amateurs.

The mental gymnastics this guy and Twitler surrogates go through are amazing.

In a golden helicopter.

Is that what they call it in Moscow?

Shower with a fan?
Louise Mensch is just as dangerous as all the right wing fake news sites that helped Trump get elected. She's just preying on the hope and desperation of the anti Trump brigade.
Louise Mensch is just as dangerous as all the right wing fake news sites that helped Trump get elected. She's just preying on the hope and desperation of the anti Trump brigade.

It's a huge market :D
Here's another thought...

Flynn flat out told the transition, led by Pence, that he was under investigation. This implicates Pence in all of this too, does it not?

Yup, and now with the story of ryan being involved in a conversation discussing trump being paid by putin, and its on tape not hearsay, I doubt hes got much of a future either.

I think the biggest fallout of all this will be when the hacked RNC data gets released (because it will) and you see just why they were so reluctant to go after trump. I suspect a significant number of the gop in washington are compromised. Russia has been, for years, assisting far right populists, the tea party is exactly that kind of movement.
Al Jazeera are reporting that Jordan, not Israel, is the source for the lap-top plot intelligence.
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