The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Comey is smart, but was he smart enough to conceal a hidden device when in private meetings with Trump ;)
I'm still not getting too excited (even with all the Ivanka talk). Like i said previously i don't trust the GOP. They have been putting party over country since this mess started. I also worry what a desperate and cornered Trump can do. This is someone who controls the most powerful and deadliest military in the World. One stupid decision, influenced by Bannon or Sessions(which is something common nowadays) and the consequences would be devastating.
Comey is smart, but was he smart enough to conceal a hidden device when in private meetings with Trump ;)
He'll know DC law for sure. It's a one party law. So if he recorded he doesn't need to have told Trump. Same for Trump if he wanted to record. Most states, including Florida, are two parties. I'd guess Trump knew that.
I'm still not getting too excited (even with all the Ivanka talk). Like i said previously i don't trust the GOP. They have been putting party over country since this mess started. I also worry what a desperate and cornered Trump can do. This is someone who controls the most powerful and deadliest military in the World. One stupid decision, influenced by Bannon or Sessions(which is something common nowadays) and the consequences would be devastating.

Problem is that the GOP got themselves cornered. They are afraid of a democratic landslide in 2018 if Trump stays, but they are also afraid what Trumps base (which they brought upon themselves) will do in the midterm primaries if they get rid of him. Loose-loose situation.
I'm still not getting too excited (even with all the Ivanka talk). Like i said previously i don't trust the GOP. They have been putting party over country since this mess started. I also worry what a desperate and cornered Trump can do. This is someone who controls the most powerful and deadliest military in the World. One stupid decision, influenced by Bannon or Sessions(which is something common nowadays) and the consequences would be devastating.
What Ivanka talk?
Problem is that the GOP got themselves cornered. They are afraid of a democratic landslide in 2018 if Trump stays, but they are also afraid what Trumps base (which they brought upon themselves) will do in the midterm primaries if they get rid of him. Loose-loose situation.

Why in the world they choose him in the first place.
I'm still not getting too excited (even with all the Ivanka talk). Like i said previously i don't trust the GOP. They have been putting party over country since this mess started. I also worry what a desperate and cornered Trump can do. This is someone who controls the most powerful and deadliest military in the World. One stupid decision, influenced by Bannon or Sessions(which is something common nowadays) and the consequences would be devastating.
I'm with you. Zero faith in the GOP.
But this will slow down their agenda for sure.
He really does take after his mum doesn't he

Problem is that the GOP got themselves cornered. They are afraid of a democratic landslide in 2018 if Trump stays, but they are also afraid what Trumps base (which they brought upon themselves) will do in the midterm primaries if they get rid of him. Loose-loose situation.

True. But my biggest worry now is Trump himself. What if he decides to deflate attentions with something like the Tomahawk rain in a Syrian airbase but in a larger scale? Desperate man with desperate measures and we have a world crisis. He does have the North Korea álibi to please the "USA, USA" chanting crowd.
True. But my biggest worry now is Trump himself. What if he decides to deflate attentions with something like the Tomahawk rain in a Syrian airbase but in a larger scale? Desperate man with desperate measures and we have a world crisis. He does have the North Korea álibi to please the "USA, USA" chanting crowd.
Look at those beautiful missiles go.
He'll know DC law for sure. It's a one party law. So if he recorded he doesn't need to have told Trump. Same for Trump if he wanted to record. Most states, including Florida, are two parties. I'd guess Trump knew that.

Its very very likely Trump has recordings of his communications with Comey. The guy certainly did this at Trump Tower and this has been confirmed by journalists and former Trump employees.

Trump also used a secret recording of a conversation he had as evidence in a court case.
Its very very likely Trump has recordings of his communications with Comey. The guy certainly did this at Trump Tower and this has been confirmed by journalists and former Trump employees.

Trump also used a secret recording of a conversation he had as evidence in a court case.
NY also has a one party law so that makes sense. It would be funny if they got him by finding unconsenting recordings from Florida. Like the mafia with taxes.
NY also has a one party law so that makes sense. It would be funny if they got him by finding unconsenting recordings from Florida. Like the mafia with taxes.

You can bet he's trying his best at trying to figure out how to permanently erase the contents of the recording device/s.
Comey is smart, but was he smart enough to conceal a hidden device when in private meetings with Trump ;)
"Hold on a moment, Mr. President, let me take this call real quick."

[turns on video camera on phone and pretends to talk]

"Yes this is Director Comey. Yeah, I'm at the Oval Office. Of course it's February 14th, 2017! Don't be silly, dear. Okay, gotta go."

[lays phone down with camera still on]

"Sorry, sir, the wife wanted to remind me it was Valentine's Day. So, what were you wanting to discuss?"

'Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth, “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump"' (I Cor. 15:51-53).
This is like "The Twilight zone".

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimesion as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is in the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Trump Presidency.
This is like "The Twilight zone".

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimesion as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is in the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Trump Presidency.
:drool:news porn
"Hold on a moment, Mr. President, let me take this call real quick."

[turns on video camera on phone and pretends to talk]

"Yes this is Director Comey. Yeah, I'm at the Oval Office. Of course it's February 14th, 2017! Don't be silly, dear. Okay, gotta go."

[lays phone down with camera still on]

"Sorry, sir, the wife wanted to remind me it was Valentine's Day. So, what were you wanting to discuss?"

While we're at it, here's some wisdom from Proverbs Ch. 12...
15 Stupid people always think they are right. Wise people listen to advice.
16 When a fool is annoyed, he quickly lets it be known. Smart people will ignore an insult.
17 When you tell the truth, justice is done, but lies lead to injustice.
18 Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.
19 A lie has a short life, but truth lives on forever.
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He can declassify whatever he wants but the rule is you don't feck your ally over by doing it. that's the issue. it's a nightmare for the US intelligence community cos now they have to tell their ally that they won't share new info with Trump. it's that, or face not getting new intel.
Yeah, i got it. A lot of sources risk their life now.
:lol: Trump's admin is trying to use this as a fundraising opportunity.

They sent out a blast email titled "Sabotage" that says...

You already knew the media was out to get us...But sadly it's not just the fake news...There are people within our own unelected bureaucracy that want to sabotage President Trump and our entire America First movement.

It then asks for $1 to "drain the swamp"

:lol: Trump's admin is trying to use this as a fundraising opportunity.

They sent out a blast email titled "Sabotage" that says...

You already knew the media was out to get us...But sadly it's not just the fake news...There are people within our own unelected bureaucracy that want to sabotage President Trump and our entire America First movement.

It then asks for $1 to "drain the swamp"

This kind of thing is incitement, surely. Is there no-one who can rein him in?
Problem is that the GOP got themselves cornered. They are afraid of a democratic landslide in 2018 if Trump stays, but they are also afraid what Trumps base (which they brought upon themselves) will do in the midterm primaries if they get rid of him. Loose-loose situation.

After 8 years of doing nothing and being the party of NO because of the 'uppity negro' in the White House, they deserve any political misfortune coming their way.
The GOP is a disgusting party and we should have zero empathy for them as they aren't about serving the electorate.
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