The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I remember thinking this would be a problem back when he came into power. He just doesn't have the attention span to handle the duties of President.
I'd say he doesn't have the attention span to survive if left alone. Unfit in every sense of the word for any political job.

While I fully expected him to not change one bit or tone down once he had taken office, just the other day when I was glued to CNN's coverage of the questionable information sharing with Russia and the anchor interrupted a guest to say something like 'just a moment, the President just tweeted the following' and read the tweets out loud without blinking an eye, I thought how truly and utterly bizarre this is and will remain to me.
The most powerful leader of a Western country communicates, totally unhinged, on all sorts of delicate matters via Twitter, and media outlets read his tweets seconds after they are released as if that's normal.

It isn't and it shouldn't.
First time i'm looking forward to checking Donald's reaction on social media. Cmon you twit, tweet already goddamnit :mad:
:lol: Trump's admin is trying to use this as a fundraising opportunity.

They sent out a blast email titled "Sabotage" that says...

You already knew the media was out to get us...But sadly it's not just the fake news...There are people within our own unelected bureaucracy that want to sabotage President Trump and our entire America First movement.

It then asks for $1 to "drain the swamp"


The frauds gotta scrape the barrel clean before getting thrown out on their asses. This is the biggest snake oil salesmen scam in modern history.
Chelsea Manning released. What a nice day for a big story like this to come out.

No recordings...transcripts.

Of course there will be as is..and no edits/deletions will have been made :lol::lol::lol:

It'll be dismissed as unreliable evidence from an untrustworthy source. Especially as they have recordings but will only provide transcripts.
You won't have to wait long, he usually tweets around this time.

I hope so mate. Looking forward to him contradicting WH reactions again. And we all thought his campaign was bad :lol:. How many last straws are left?
It'll be dismissed as unreliable evidence from an untrustworthy source. Especially as they have recordings but will only provide transcripts.

To add to this, The IC won't accept it either. As Sally Yates said about Flynn, not only do the Russians have compromising material, they also know that there have been lies to protect the existence of the compromising material.

If Russia were to release an edited version that puts Trump in a good light, and the White House played along with it, the Kremlin would have the leverage over the Trump Admin. Do this or we will release the real recordings and show not only what you really said but also that you colluded with us to lie to the public about what was really said.

In short, it's a trap.
Is Kinzinger the first GOP guy to do so?

Been thinking about how former Presidents usually have libraries to store documents , gifts, historical memorabilia of the Presidents term. Imagine Trump's full of thousands of tweets, ill-fitting neck ties, empty spray tan bottles, and lots of pictures of Putin, probably a few cock shots.
Is Kinzinger the first GOP guy to do so?

From the House I think he is, there's been a couple of Senators not explicitly demanding a special prosecutor but suggesting that it's the logical way forward.


Jesus Christ. Do they have to include lots of pictures of elephants and giraffes too? A reminder on each page of who Trump is, just in case he gets so bored whilst reading he simultaneously forgets his own fecking identity? I genuinely reckon he's going senile because if not, saying he's got the mental capacity of a child insults children; most children can read relatively complex books by the time they're hitting their teens.
I also think the Seth Rich stuff last night totally smacked of a desperation Bannon move, that hilariously r/the donald were only too happy to run with like young Winston Smith with a piece of chocolate. Noone else has batted an eyelid though.

In my opinion, it's another clear sign of absolute guilt for the latest stories too.

who the feck is Seth Rich?
who the feck is Seth Rich?

A rich man named Seth. Trump can't remember who he is, so they just call him Rich to make it easier. It's similar to Steve Fascist, Kellyanne Advisor, and Mike Vice.
Trump might just be the best thing that happened to the world. 1) He is seriously ruining the credibility of the GOP and more importantly, the populist far right movement. Many even in Europe will think twice about using him as a reference for his kind. And 2) He is pure bloody entertainment.
Been thinking about how former Presidents usually have libraries to store documents , gifts, historical memorabilia of the Presidents term. Imagine Trump's full of thousands of tweets, ill-fitting neck ties, empty spray tan bottles, and lots of pictures of Putin, probably a few cock shots.
A repurposed Walmart would do the trick.
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