The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Seriously, why do Republicans hate Hillary that much?

Easy scapegoat. Got a problem? Argue Hilary would've been worse. Trump's corrupt? Hilary was more corrupt. Same with Obama. Trump's a bad President? Obama was worse. Trump's a corrupt President? Clinton was worse. And so on and so on...
Awaits secret tape release in a few months that shows Trump in boxers on a cocaine induced Twitter rage while a naked Conway lays next to him.

Good connection with Kellyanne - her sagging nose/face the past year. She must be his coke buddy -- certainly, didnt get the job for her looks (a key criterion for Trump) or abilities.
I wonder just how far the investigation could go tbh.

Because they could do enough to impeach him and get rid of him but then he'd still have his incredibly dodgy business empire.

It'd be nice if it carries on somehow to start including all the people around the world he's in bed with, like the Russian and Italian mobsters and Kazakh money embezzlers and so on.
Seriously, why do Republicans hate Hillary that much?
After suffering years of protests against W's warmongering, they then had to endure two terms of being governed by a black man as well as a woman SoS who was almost President. It's just too much for them to process.
I wonder just how far the investigation could go tbh.

Because they could do enough to impeach him and get rid of him but then he'd still have his incredibly dodgy business empire.

It'd be nice if it carries on somehow to start including all the people around the world he's in bed with, like the Russian and Italian mobsters and Kazakh money embezzlers and so on.

Those are his bread & butter revenue streams. I think that will survive though the IRA and FBI may want to take a peek into this money laundering scheme.

His legit businesses are the 'Trump' hotel/apartment franchising biz. That will take a massive hit.

New York said good morning to Trump :lol:
Why do out touch old men hate an ambitious woman who was closer to being President than most of them? I wonder.
I'm sure that being a woman is one reason, but to this degree? She has lost half a year ago and won't be president, so why they keep bringing here into all discussions? Maybe "Hillary would be worse" that someone raised has a lot of truth. Just crazy!
Kasich seems moderate and reasonable but the way he's responding on this town hall is clearly to avoid crushing the GOP.
he was who I would have voted for out of all the candidates if I had a vote. He's much more level headed and fair in my opinion.
tbh don't know a lot about Kasich but he does seem articulate and intelligent.
Is he one of the good guys?

He's good in the context of Republicans but I believe he's still a bit of a religious nut who'd implement a fairly regressive social agenda if he were in power.
He has one of the worst records when it comes to abortion and he's pretty conservative socially. He's no different to any of the other Republicans but he's not Donald Trump

This. Trump didn't appear out of nowhere, bad policies are found all through that party.
The thing is, Pence is probably as dangerous as Trump. I mean this is a man that genuinely believes that being sent to a camp will cure you of being gay.

Cure? it's 2017 ffs!
And this is only Day 117!!


It was such an obvious a train wreck that half the world knew would happen. .. to say 'I told you so' would be a small insignificant victory considering how predictable it was.
The thing is, Pence is probably as dangerous as Trump. I mean this is a man that genuinely believes that being sent to a camp will cure you of being gay.

Cure? it's 2017 ffs!

Pence will be pretty weaken by the stain of Trumps defecation. Plus he doesn't have a huge national following like Trump.
The thing is, Pence is probably as dangerous as Trump. I mean this is a man that genuinely believes that being sent to a camp will cure you of being gay.

Cure? it's 2017 ffs!
Slightly less embarrassing & dangerous behavior internationally, but actually more dangerous domestically. Pence paired with Sessions...? Feck that.
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