The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What does this actually mean in the scope of things though? 1 call for impeachment and there's a vote or,.......?

I like it when a Texas congressman leads the charge... TEXAS of all places!

Brilliant. Thanks for making me :lol:

He's a dem though and Texas could potentially turn blue if it weren't for voter suppression laws.
Imagine Puting actually releasing WH transcripts :wenger::lol:
The Russians taking notes in the Oval Office and the Americans don't? Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.

where are all the trump tweets today? has he finally learned to shut his mouth?
No, he's just thinking about the next tweet... or finishing the one from yesterday.

He's a dem though and Texas could potentially turn blue if it weren't for voter suppression laws.
I know that he is a Democrat, but often times Democrats from red states (or Republicans from blue states) tend to be a bit moderate. That's certainly the case on the Senate side.

I know one or two things about Texas. It will take a lot of time before turning blue. There are so many small towns (literally in the middle of nowhere) that decisively outweigh the big cities. Hillary did better than Obama in TX, but still lost be a significant margin.
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What does this actually mean in the scope of things though? 1 call for impeachment and there's a vote or,.......?

He's a dem though and Texas could potentially turn blue if it weren't for voter suppression laws.

Basically. When he calls for it, Ryan needs to decide whether he allows the vote or not. Should he do by some miracle, there will be a vote which requires a 50% majority. If that happens by an even bigger miracle, it will go on to the senate which will sit trial over trump.
"How come my phone sn't working? Is this an EMP attack by Korea?!?"
"Mr President, that's a tv remote."
"Hello? Answer me, dammit - I'm the Precedent!!"

BTW, the guy who broke the story about the Comey memo yesterday (Michael Schmidt) was also the one who broke the story about the email server of Hillary in March 2015!
Was discussed already. Let's just hope this really kills him. Even r/T_D seems to be a bit worried now.

The Donald Sub is full of Seth Rich stories and the idiots are claiming that this story is a planted fake one to distract from the real news of 'Seth Rich', the american hero. Those guys are worse than flat earthers :lol:
Hypothetically speaking, if impeachment happens, i wonder if we will have the same type of situation that happened in Watergate, where some Nixon staff faced jail time because of things they did by direct orders from President Nixon. Steve Bannon, Sessions, Kellyanne, Priebus in jail, Ivanka having some quality time with Big Rhonda :drool:

wakes up from dream
Trump might just be the best thing that happened to the world. 1) He is seriously ruining the credibility of the GOP and more importantly, the populist far right movement. Many even in Europe will think twice about using him as a reference for his kind. And 2) He is pure bloody entertainment.
Good points there, I think those are the only positives out of his presidency.
Hypothetically speaking, if impeachment happens, i wonder if we will have the same type of situation that happened in Watergate, where some Nixon staff faced jail time because of things they did by direct orders from President Nixon. Steve Bannon, Sessions, Kellyanne, Priebus in jail, Ivanka having some quality time with Big Rhonda :drool:

wakes up from dream
I think maybe the shadier names would go down; Manafort, Page, Flynn...not the ones you named.
I think maybe the shadier names would go down; Manafort, Page, Flynn...not the ones you named.

Yeah that's why i made the white text.

Tbf i believe that Trump will have the best impeachment. Better than Nixon's, better than Dilma Rouseff's. The best impeachment in the world, believe me.
Hypothetically speaking, if impeachment happens, i wonder if we will have the same type of situation that happened in Watergate, where some Nixon staff faced jail time because of things they did by direct orders from President Nixon. Steve Bannon, Sessions, Kellyanne, Priebus in jail, Ivanka having some quality time with Big Rhonda :drool:

I was thinking about this earlier. With Watergate there was something like 50 subpoenas I believe.

Once the GOP turn, I'm expecting a bloodbath as they all scramble for safety. Here's hoping the worst of them get what's coming to them.
"I wont talk about how much I saved you on the F35 or how much we are saving on your new aircraft carrier"

Ugh. He's such a cnut.

He also cannot pronounce scourge either :lol: Reminded me of the scene in The Green Hornet where Seth Rogan writes his own headlines and loves the word "scourge" :lol:
"I wont talk about how much I saved you on the F35 or how much we are saving on your new aircraft carrier"

Ugh. He's such a cnut.
It's a terrible speech, even by Twitler standards. The audience is underwhelmed too, based on the applause or lack thereof.
It's a terrible speech, even by Twitler standards. The audience is underwhelmed too, based on the applause or lack thereof.

Yup, it's a shocker, but it's got to be tough when the only thing he is qualified to talk about is himself and you can tell he's itching to talk about other stuff than the Coastguards jobs and responsibilities. He really is struggling to read the autocue and you can tell when he goes off script to add his annoying quips in to the speech. I'm still laughing at how he pronounced scourge. He's such an imbecile. :lol:
I was thinking about this earlier. With Watergate there was something like 50 subpoenas I believe.

Once the GOP turn, I'm expecting a bloodbath as they all scramble for safety. Here's hoping the worst of them get what's coming to them.

Based on whatever we've seen of the GOP recently, I don't think they will turn unless something really dramatic happens - even then impeachment seems a far cry.
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