The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Apparently reasonable standards mean F.A to the GOP.

corvus oculum corvi non eruit
Picture a politician sticking up for a colleague even in the face of widespread criticism—that’s a fine example of the old Latin saying corvus oculum corvi non eruit, meaning "a crow will not pull out the eye of another crow." It’s essentially the same as "honor amongst thieves," and refers to complete solidarity amongst a group of likeminded people regardless of the consequences or condemnation.
Do we know what the classified info was?

Remember the laptop bomb thingy ISIS was planning?. Trump apparently revealed the city from where this source came in...I mean one of the things he told the Russians.

CNN knew about the city from where the source (reg ISIS plans) came, but where briefed by the white house not to relay it on news because it was of extreme national importance and they still havent mentioned it.
Would be ironic if the person who many feel brought down Clinton ends up being the same one who leads to Trump's downfall.
Remember the laptop bomb thingy ISIS was planning?. Trump apparently revealed the city from where this source came in...I mean one of the things he told the Russians.

CNN knew about the city from where the source (reg ISIS plans) came, but where briefed by the white house not to relay it on news because it was of extreme national importance and they still havent mentioned it.
He can't be doing this on purpose surely, he must just be an idiot.
Mike Pence has been quiet recently. Must be preparing for his new job.
In a statement, the White House denied the version of events in the memo.

“While the president has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the president has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn,” the statement said. “The president has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey.”

White House denies it. What time does the twitler usually start??
I hope the dumbasses who voted for Trump aren't surprised by any of this, because they shouldn't be. The rest of us, those who were actually paying attention, knew this was coming all along.
I hope the dumbasses who voted for Trump aren't surprised by any of this, because they shouldn't be. The rest of us, those who were actually paying attention, knew this was coming all along.

His ardent supporters won't be surprised - they'll just whine and say how it's incredibly unfair. People over on /r/the_donald will love the idea that their man is the victim of some major agenda against him.
Never mind the WH denial, it's probably true simply because Trump is an amateur - he just doesn't know what constitutes appropriate behaviour for someone in public office.
Would be ironic if the person who many feel brought down Clinton ends up being the same one who leads to Trump's downfall.

And elevated Pence/Ryan? The ultimate GOP weapon then. Won them the election, got rid of a problem, and melted away.
He mocked everyone, and most people still kissed his feet on coronation day. Cruz, for example. We'll see how he approaches this.

Aye, will be interesting. I'd imagine a lot of the Republicans he mocked really can't stand him on a personal basis and would happily see him gone in favour of Pence, but thus far they've been incredibly spineless in standing up to him, either caving completely or resorting to the occasional platitude. Graham inviting Comey to testify is progress though.
And elevated Pence/Ryan? The ultimate GOP weapon then. Won them the election, got rid of a problem, and melted away.

Out of interest, is Trump allowed to stand again if he gets impeached? Like...could he run on his own, independent platform in 2020? Cause if so, it'd be an absolute bloodbath if he picked up a portion of the GOP vote.

But yeah, Trump going so early does mean we'd essentially see Pence and the Republicans get free rein until 2020. And I'd imagine the relief at Trump going would see them gain a little in popularity.'d hope this has done enough damage and can pick away at the rabid Trump supporters to the point where the Dems win easily in 2020.
I think most Dems would love Pence/Ryan at this point if it means getting rid of this charlatan.

It'd help in avoiding daily embarrassment and nuclear annihilation but he's got a point. We'll see an almost identical agenda to the one Trump's implementing at the moment, which is still incredibly regressive and dangerous, only without the consistent embarrassment of Trump. Which won't be much better for a lot of people.
Can't wait for Cruz to smell the blood in the water and immediately go on the offensive against Trump. We all know it's in the cards for Cruz once he sees the path to something that benefits himself.
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